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OBJ file format vertex color importer for Unity

(Unity) vertex color importer for MeshLab's OBJ files

/// src*
/// Copyright (C) 2023 Andrzej Rafał Łukasik (also known as: Andrew Raphael Lukasik)
/// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
/// the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
/// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// See the GNU General Public License for details
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using IO = System.IO;
using NumberStyles = System.Globalization.NumberStyles;
using CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo;
public class ObjFileFormatVertexColorImporter : AssetPostprocessor
Dictionary<string,Color[]> _colorData = new Dictionary<string,Color[]>();
void OnPreprocessModel ()
if( !assetPath.EndsWith(".obj") ) return;
var stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
// read obj data
var current_sourceColor = new List<Color>();
var current_geometryIndices = new List<int>();
var current_sourceNormalHash = new Dictionary<int,int>();
var current_sourceUvHash = new Dictionary<int,int>();
var current_geometrySharedVerticesDetector = new HashSet<Vector3Int>();
var geometryIndices = new Dictionary<string,List<int>>() { { "default" , current_geometryIndices } };
var sourceColor = new Dictionary<string,List<Color>>() { { "default" , current_sourceColor } };
var sourceNormalHash = new Dictionary<string,Dictionary<int,int>>() { { "default" , current_sourceNormalHash } };
var sourceUvHash = new Dictionary<string,Dictionary<int,int>>() { { "default" , current_sourceUvHash } };
var geometrySharedVerticesDetector = new Dictionary<string,HashSet<Vector3Int>>() { { "default" , current_geometrySharedVerticesDetector } };
string line, g = null, o = null, meshName = "default";
int numVertexColorVertices = 0;
int v_index = 1, vn_index = 1, vt_index = 1;
var reader = IO.File.OpenText( Application.dataPath + assetPath.Replace("Assets","") );
while( (line = reader.ReadLine())!=null )
string[] words = line.Split(' ');
byte wordsLength = (byte)words.Length;
byte is_o = words[0]=="o" ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte is_g = words[0]=="g" ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte is_v = words[0]=="v" && wordsLength==7 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte is_vt = words[0]=="vt" && wordsLength==3 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte is_vn = words[0]=="vn" && wordsLength==4 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
byte is_f = words[0]=="f" && wordsLength>1 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
// parse o
if( is_o==1 )
o = line.Substring(1).Trim(' ').Replace(' ','_');
// parse g
if( is_g==1 )
g = line.Substring(1).Trim(' ').Replace(' ','_');
meshName = g;
current_sourceColor = new List<Color>();
current_geometryIndices = new List<int>();
current_sourceNormalHash = new Dictionary<int,int>();
current_sourceUvHash = new Dictionary<int,int>();
current_geometrySharedVerticesDetector = new HashSet<Vector3Int>();
sourceColor.Add( meshName , current_sourceColor );
geometryIndices.Add( meshName , current_geometryIndices );
sourceNormalHash.Add( meshName , current_sourceNormalHash );
sourceUvHash.Add( meshName , current_sourceUvHash );
geometrySharedVerticesDetector.Add( meshName , current_geometrySharedVerticesDetector );
v_index = 1;
vn_index = 1;
vt_index = 1;
// parse face data
if( is_f==1 )
for( int i=1 ; i<wordsLength ; i++ )
string[] v_vt_vn = words[i].Split('/');
if( v_vt_vn.Length==3 )
string v = v_vt_vn[0];
string vt = v_vt_vn[1];
string vn = v_vt_vn[2];
int vertexIndex = int.Parse( v , NumberStyles.Number , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
int normalHash;
if( vn.Length!=0 )
int normalIndex = int.Parse( vn , NumberStyles.Number , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
normalHash = current_sourceNormalHash[normalIndex];
else normalHash = -1;// vertex with no normal data
int uvHash;
if( vt.Length!=0 )
int uvIndex = int.Parse( vt , NumberStyles.Number , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
uvHash = current_sourceUvHash[uvIndex];
else uvHash = -1;// vertex with no uv data
if( current_geometrySharedVerticesDetector.Add(new Vector3Int(vertexIndex,uvHash,normalHash)) )
//Debug.Log($"new vertex index added: ( {vertexIndex} #{uvHash} , #{normalVectorHash} )");
//else Debug.Log($"ignoring vertex as shared: ( {vertexIndex} , #{normalVectorHash} )");
// parse vertex data (vertex color only)
if( is_v==1 )
float red = float.Parse( words[4] , NumberStyles.Number , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
float green = float.Parse( words[5] , NumberStyles.Number , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
float blue = float.Parse( words[6] , NumberStyles.Number , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
current_sourceColor.Add( new Color(red,green,blue) );
// parse vertex normal data
if( is_vn==1 )
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 23 + words[1].GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + words[2].GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + words[3].GetHashCode();
//Debug.Log($"vn #{vn_index} ( {words[1]} , {words[2]} , {words[3]} ) added as #{hash}");
current_sourceNormalHash.Add( vn_index++ , hash );
// parse texture UV data
if( is_vt==1 )
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 23 + words[1].GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + words[2].GetHashCode();
//Debug.Log($"vt #{vn_index} ( {words[1]} , {words[2]} ) added as #{hash}");
current_sourceUvHash.Add( vt_index++ , hash );
if( numVertexColorVertices!=0 )// was any vertex color data found ?
// change importer settings
var importer = (ModelImporter)assetImporter;
importer.optimizeMeshVertices = false;
importer.optimizeMeshPolygons = false;
importer.weldVertices = false;
importer.importNormals = ModelImporterNormals.Import;
importer.importTangents = ModelImporterTangents.CalculateMikk;
importer.importAnimation = false;
importer.animationType = ModelImporterAnimationType.None;
importer.materialImportMode = ModelImporterMaterialImportMode.None;
// prepare final color array
foreach( string nextMeshName in sourceColor.Keys )
List<int> nextMeshIndices = geometryIndices[nextMeshName];
int numIndices = nextMeshIndices.Count;
List<Color> unpreparedColorArray = sourceColor[nextMeshName];
Color[] finalColorArray = new Color[numIndices];
for( int i=0 ; i<numIndices ; i++ )
finalColorArray[i] = unpreparedColorArray[nextMeshIndices[i]-1];
_colorData.Add( nextMeshName , finalColorArray );
double totalSeconds = new System.TimeSpan(stopwatch.ElapsedTicks).TotalSeconds;
if( totalSeconds>0.1 ) Debug.LogWarning($"{GetType().Name}::{nameof(OnPreprocessModel)}() took {totalSeconds:0.00} seconds, `{assetPath}` asset");
void OnPostprocessModel ( GameObject gameObject )
if( !assetPath.EndsWith(".obj") ) return;
var stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
if( _colorData.Count!=0 )
MeshFilter[] meshFilters = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>();
//Debug.Log($"meshFilters:{meshFilters.Length}, _colorData.Count:{_colorData.Count}",gameObject);
foreach( var mf in meshFilters )
Mesh mesh = mf.sharedMesh;
var vertexColor = _colorData[ ];
if( vertexColor.Length!=mesh.vertexCount ) Debug.LogError($"Invalid color data length!'{}', vertexColor.Length:{vertexColor.Length}, mesh.vertexCount:{mesh.vertexCount}",gameObject);
mesh.SetColors( vertexColor );
double totalSeconds = new System.TimeSpan(stopwatch.ElapsedTicks).TotalSeconds;
if( totalSeconds>0.1 ) Debug.LogWarning($"{GetType().Name}::{nameof(OnPostprocessModel)}() took {totalSeconds:0.00} seconds, `{assetPath}` asset",gameObject);
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andrew-raphael-lukasik commented Aug 29, 2023

Hi @wangjinhoon ! Thanks for letting me know. I looked into it, fixed it and should be working fine now.

Here is an OBJ mesh from MeshLab and few other test case OBJ meshes to make sure it works with different data inputs as well:

Screenshot 2023-08-29 214426

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yong753 commented Sep 25, 2023


Hello, I would like to modify and use this script to import obj files generated by 'Trimesh'.

What will be the license for this script?

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Hi @yong753
Cool. That would be GNU General Public License. Feel free to use it as you see fit.

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yong753 commented Sep 25, 2023

Thank you @andrew-raphael-lukasik . I got a lot of help thanks to your code.

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