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Last active September 28, 2023 18:52
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world point to texture coordinate + no mesh + arbitrary rotation
// void* src:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public class Unity3DPaint : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField][Min(4)] int _textureWidth = 64;
[SerializeField][Min(4)] int _textureHeight = 64;
[SerializeField] Vector2 _regionWorldSize = new Vector2{ x=100 , y=100 };
Texture2D _texture;
[SerializeField] Material _dstMaterial = null;
void OnValidate () { if( _texture!=null && ( _texture.width!=_textureWidth || _texture.height!=_textureHeight ) ) { Dispose(); CreateNewTexture(); } }
void OnDrawGizmos ()
GetAreaWorldCorners( region:_regionWorldSize , forTransform:transform , TR:out var tr , TL:out var tl , BR:out var br , BL:out var bl );
Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(tl,tr);
Gizmos.color = new Color(0,1,1,1); Gizmos.DrawLine(bl,br);
Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(bl,tl);
Gizmos.color = new Color(1,0,1,1); Gizmos.DrawLine(br,tr);
void OnEnable () => CreateNewTexture();
void OnDisable () => Dispose();
void Update ()
var mouse = Mouse.current;
if( mouse!=null && mouse.leftButton.isPressed )
Vector3 origin = transform.position;
Vector3 normal = transform.forward;
var camera = Camera.main;
var plane = new Plane( inNormal:normal , inPoint:origin );
var ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if( plane.Raycast(ray,out float hitDist) )
Vector3 point = ray.origin + ray.direction * hitDist;
bool isPointInsideRegion = PointRegionProjection( out Vector2 coord , point:point , region:_regionWorldSize , center:origin , horizontal:-transform.right , vertical:transform.up );
if( isPointInsideRegion )
Debug.DrawLine( camera.transform.position , point , Color.white , 0.1f );
_texture.SetPixel( (int)( _texture.width * coord.x ) , (int)( _texture.height * coord.y ) , );
else Debug.DrawLine( camera.transform.position , point , , 0.1f );
void CreateNewTexture ()
_texture = new Texture2D( width:_textureWidth , height:_textureHeight , textureFormat:TextureFormat.ARGB32 , mipCount:3 , linear:true );
_texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;// no smooth pixels
_texture.SetPixel( 0 , 0 , );
_texture.SetPixel( x:_texture.width-1 , y:_texture.height-1 , Color.magenta );
if( _dstMaterial!=null ) _dstMaterial.mainTexture = _texture;
void Dispose () => Dispose( _texture );
void Dispose ( Object obj )
if( Application.isPlaying ) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy( obj ); }
else { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate( obj ); }
UnityEngine.Object.Destroy( thisObject );
/// <summary>Projects world point onto a region of a plane with arbitrary rotation.</summary>
/// <returns>True when coordinate is inside given region.</returns>
/// <param name="coordinates">UV-type coordinates.</param>
/// <param name="point">World point you want to project.</param>
/// <param name="region">Region absolute world space size.</param>
/// <param name="center">Region center (world space).</param>
/// <param name="horizontal">Horizontal axis (world space).</param>
/// <param name="vertical">Vertical axis (world space).</param>
public static bool PointRegionProjection ( out Vector2 coordinates , Vector3 point , Vector2 region , Vector3 center , Vector3 horizontal , Vector3 vertical )
GetAreaWorldCorners( region:region , center:center , horizontal:horizontal , vertical:vertical , TR:out var TR , TL:out var TL , BR:out var BR , BL:out var BL );
Vector3 pointRelativeToBLCorner = point - BL;
Vector3 H = Vector3.Project( vector:pointRelativeToBLCorner , onNormal:horizontal );
Vector3 V = Vector3.Project( vector:pointRelativeToBLCorner , onNormal:vertical );
Vector2 regionalCoords = new Vector2{
x = H.magnitude * Mathf.Sign( Vector3.Dot(H,horizontal) ) ,
y = V.magnitude * Mathf.Sign( Vector3.Dot(V,vertical) )
coordinates = regionalCoords / region;
return( coordinates.x>0 && coordinates.y>0 && coordinates.x<1f && coordinates.y<1f );
/// <param name="region">Region absolute world space size.</param>
/// <param name="center">Region center (world space).</param>
/// <param name="horizontal">Horizontal axis (world space).</param>
/// <param name="vertical">Vertical axis (world space).</param>
/// <param name="TR">Top-right corner (world space).</param>
/// <param name="TL">Top-left corner (world space).</param>
/// <param name="BR">Bottom-right corner (world space).</param>
/// <param name="BL">Bottom-left corner (world space).</param>
public static void GetAreaWorldCorners (
Vector2 region ,
Vector3 center , Vector3 horizontal , Vector3 vertical ,
out Vector3 TR , out Vector3 TL , out Vector3 BR , out Vector3 BL
horizontal = horizontal.normalized;
vertical = vertical.normalized;
Vector3 horizontalExtent = horizontal * region.x * 0.5f;
Vector3 verticalExtent = vertical * region.y * 0.5f;
TR = center + horizontalExtent + verticalExtent;
TL = center + -horizontalExtent + verticalExtent;
BR = center + horizontalExtent + -verticalExtent;
BL = center + -horizontalExtent + -verticalExtent;
/// <inheritdoc/>
/// <param name="forTransform">Transform to source <paramref name="center"/>, <paramref name="horizontal"/> and <paramref name="vertical"/> values from.</param>
public static void GetAreaWorldCorners (
Vector2 region ,
Transform forTransform ,
out Vector3 TR , out Vector3 TL , out Vector3 BR , out Vector3 BL
Vector3 center = forTransform.position;
Vector3 left = -forTransform.right;
Vector3 up = forTransform.up;
GetAreaWorldCorners( region:region , center:center , horizontal:left , vertical:up , TR:out TR , TL:out TL , BR:out BR , BL:out BL );
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