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Last active April 22, 2024 10:36
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Tool to voxelize a Mesh Collider into multiple Box Colliders

GIF 21 01 2024 01-20-34

note: This is toy implementation, output is sub-optimal.

// src*
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class VoxelCollisionGenerator : EditorWindow
const string k_key_resolution_x = nameof(VoxelCollisionGenerator)+"."+nameof(_resolution)+".x";
const string k_key_resolution_y = nameof(VoxelCollisionGenerator)+"."+nameof(_resolution)+".y";
const string k_key_resolution_z = nameof(VoxelCollisionGenerator)+"."+nameof(_resolution)+".z";
Vector3Int _resolution;
const string k_key_boundsscale_x = nameof(VoxelCollisionGenerator)+"."+nameof(_boundsScale)+".x";
const string k_key_boundsscale_y = nameof(VoxelCollisionGenerator)+"."+nameof(_boundsScale)+".y";
const string k_key_boundsscale_z = nameof(VoxelCollisionGenerator)+"."+nameof(_boundsScale)+".z";
Vector3 _boundsScale;
void OnEnable ()
ReadResolution( out _resolution );
ReadBoundsScale( out _boundsScale );
void OnDisable ()
EditorPrefs.SetInt( k_key_resolution_x , _resolution.x );
EditorPrefs.SetInt( k_key_resolution_y , _resolution.y );
EditorPrefs.SetInt( k_key_resolution_z , _resolution.z );
EditorPrefs.SetFloat( k_key_boundsscale_x , _boundsScale.x );
EditorPrefs.SetFloat( k_key_boundsscale_y , _boundsScale.y );
EditorPrefs.SetFloat( k_key_boundsscale_z , _boundsScale.z );
void CreateGUI ()
Vector3IntField RESOLUTION = new ("Resolution");
RESOLUTION.value = _resolution;
RESOLUTION.RegisterValueChangedCallback( (evt) => {
Vector3Int newValue = evt.newValue;
// limits resolution so it wont crash the editor
if( newValue.magnitude>1000 )
newValue = _resolution;
RESOLUTION.SetValueWithoutNotify( newValue );
Debug.LogWarning("Resolution limits reached. Limit is in place so number of potential Box Colliders wont crash the editor.");
_resolution = newValue;
} );
Vector3Field BOUNDSSCALE = new ("Scale");
BOUNDSSCALE.value = _boundsScale;
BOUNDSSCALE.RegisterValueChangedCallback( (etv) => {
_boundsScale = etv.newValue;
} );
Button BUTTON = new ( ReplaceWithBoxColliders );
BUTTON.text = "Replace selected Mesh Colliders with Box Colliders"; = 1;
rootVisualElement.Add( RESOLUTION );
rootVisualElement.Add( BOUNDSSCALE );
rootVisualElement.Add( BUTTON );
static void ReadResolution ( out Vector3Int result )
result = new Vector3Int{
x = EditorPrefs.GetInt( k_key_resolution_x , 6 ) ,
y = EditorPrefs.GetInt( k_key_resolution_y , 6 ) ,
z = EditorPrefs.GetInt( k_key_resolution_z , 6 ) ,
static void ReadBoundsScale ( out Vector3 result )
result = new Vector3{
x = EditorPrefs.GetFloat( k_key_boundsscale_x , 1.001f ) ,
y = EditorPrefs.GetFloat( k_key_boundsscale_y , 1.001f ) ,
z = EditorPrefs.GetFloat( k_key_boundsscale_z , 1.001f ) ,
void ReplaceWithBoxColliders ()
foreach( GameObject next in Selection.gameObjects )
foreach( MeshCollider mc in next.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshCollider>() )
ReplaceWithBoxColliders( mc , _resolution , _boundsScale );
static void ReplaceWithBoxColliders
MeshCollider meshCollider ,
Vector3Int resolution ,
Vector3 boundsScale
if( meshCollider==null )
Debug.LogError("Target is null");
Mesh mesh = meshCollider.sharedMesh;
if( mesh==null )
Debug.LogError("meshCollider.sharedMesh is null");
int rx = resolution.x;
int ry = resolution.y;
int rz = resolution.z;
Bounds totalBounds = mesh.bounds;
totalBounds.size = Vector3.Scale( totalBounds.size , boundsScale );
float3 cellSize = (float3)totalBounds.size / new float3(rx,ry,rz);
float3 totalMin = totalBounds.min;
float3 cellSizeHalf = cellSize * 0.5f;
int numCells = rx * ry * rz;
NativeArray<float3> aabbCenters = new ( numCells , Allocator.TempJob );
NativeArray<byte> hits = new ( numCells , Allocator.TempJob );
NativeArray<int> indices = new ( mesh.triangles , Allocator.TempJob );
NativeArray<float3> vertices = new NativeArray<Vector3>( mesh.vertices , Allocator.TempJob ).Reinterpret<float3>();
int i = 0;
for( int x=0 ; x<rx ; x++ )
for( int y=0 ; y<ry ; y++ )
for( int z=0 ; z<rz ; z++ )
aabbCenters[i++] = totalMin + cellSizeHalf + new float3(x,y,z) * cellSize;
NativeList<AABB> bounds = new ( initialCapacity:numCells , Allocator.TempJob );
int indicesPerJobCount = math.max( numCells/(SystemInfo.processorCount*3) , 16 );
//Debug.Log($"numCells:{numCells}, indicesPerJobCount:{indicesPerJobCount}");
JobHandle dependency = new AabbMeshIntersectionTestJob{
CellExtents = cellSizeHalf ,
Indices = indices ,
Vertices = vertices ,
AabbCenters = aabbCenters ,
Hits = hits ,
.Schedule( numCells , indicesPerJobCount );
indices.Dispose( dependency );
vertices.Dispose( dependency );
dependency = new CreateBoundsJob{
CellExtents = cellSizeHalf ,
AabbCenters = aabbCenters ,
Hits = hits ,
Bounds = bounds.AsParallelWriter() ,
}.Schedule( arrayLength:numCells , innerloopBatchCount:indicesPerJobCount , dependency );
aabbCenters.Dispose( dependency );
hits.Dispose( dependency );
dependency = new OptimizeAabbJob{
Resolution = resolution ,
Bounds = bounds ,
}.Schedule( dependency );
var stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
Debug.Log($"jobs took {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
//Debug.Log($"numCells:{numCells}, bounds.len:{bounds.Length}");
foreach( AABB aabb in bounds.AsArray().ToArray() )
foreach( AABB aabb in bounds.AsArray() )
var boxCollider = Undo.AddComponent<BoxCollider>( meshCollider.gameObject ); = aabb.Center;
boxCollider.size = aabb.Size;
Debug.Log($"AddComponent took {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( meshCollider.gameObject , k_window_label );
DestroyImmediate( meshCollider );
partial struct AabbMeshIntersectionTestJob : IJobParallelForBatch
public float3 CellExtents;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<int> Indices;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float3> Vertices;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float3> AabbCenters;
[WriteOnly] public NativeArray<byte> Hits;
void IJobParallelForBatch.Execute ( int startIndex , int count )
NativeArray<float3> tempBufferAllocation = new ( 3+3+8 , Allocator.Temp , NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory );
int numTriangles = Indices.Length / 3;
int endIndex = startIndex + count;
for( int index=startIndex ; index<endIndex ; index++ )
bool hit = false;
AABB b = new AABB{
Center = AabbCenters[index] ,
Extents = CellExtents ,
for( int t=0 ; t<numTriangles ; t++ )
int t0 = t * 3;
int i0 = Indices[t0+0];
int i1 = Indices[t0+1];
int i2 = Indices[t0+2];
float3x3 triangle = new float3x3( Vertices[i0] , Vertices[i1] , Vertices[i2] );
if( IsIntersecting(b,triangle,tempBufferAllocation) )
hit = true;
Hits[index] = (byte)( hit ? 1 : 0 );
partial struct CreateBoundsJob : IJobParallelFor
public float3 CellExtents;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float3> AabbCenters;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<byte> Hits;
[WriteOnly] public NativeList<AABB>.ParallelWriter Bounds;
void IJobParallelFor.Execute ( int index )
if( Hits[index]==1 )
var aabb = new AABB{
Center = AabbCenters[index] ,
Extents = CellExtents ,
Bounds.AddNoResize( aabb );
partial struct OptimizeAabbJob : IJob
public Vector3Int Resolution;
public NativeList<AABB> Bounds;
void IJob.Execute ()
if( Bounds.Length<2 ) return;
bool repeat = false;
for( int ia=0 ; ia<Bounds.Length ; ia++ )
AABB a = Bounds[ia];
for( int ib=0 ; ib<Bounds.Length ; ib++ )
AABB b = Bounds[ib];
AABB c = Combine( a , b );
float av = a.Size.x * a.Size.y * a.Size.z;
float bv = b.Size.x * b.Size.y * b.Size.z;
float cv = c.Size.x * c.Size.y * c.Size.z;
if( AreApproxEqual(cv,(av+bv)) )
if( ia!=ib )// not comparing with itself
Bounds.RemoveAt( ib );
if( ia>ib )
Bounds[ia] = c;
if( ia==Bounds.Length )
ia = 0;
a = Bounds[ia];
ib = 0;
repeat = true;
if( repeat ) goto pass_start;
bool AreApproxEqual ( float a , float b , float tolerance=0.01f )
float max = math.max( math.abs(a) , math.abs(b) );
if( max!=0 )// check to prevent division by zero
float diff = math.abs(a-b);
return (diff/max) <= tolerance;
else return true;// both are 0
AABB Combine ( AABB a , AABB b )
Encapsulate( ref a , b.Center - b.Extents );
Encapsulate( ref a , b.Center + b.Extents );
return a;
void Encapsulate ( ref AABB aabb , float3 point ) => SetMinMax( ref aabb , math.min(aabb.Min,point) , math.max(aabb.Max,point) );
void SetMinMax ( ref AABB aabb , float3 min , float3 max )
aabb.Extents = (max - min) * 0.5f;
aabb.Center = min + aabb.Extents;
// signed distance between bounds
float SignedDistance ( AABB a , AABB b )
var amin = a.Min; var amax = a.Max;
var bmin = b.Min; var bmax = b.Max;
return math.min(
sd( amin.x , amax.x , bmin.x , bmax.x ) ,
sd( amin.y , amax.y , bmin.y , bmax.y )
// signed distance between segments
float sd ( float a0 , float a1 , float b0 , float b1 )
float lengthA = a1 - a0;
float lengthB = b1 - b0;
float lengthAB = math.max(a1,b1) - math.min(a0,b0);
float lengthOverlap = lengthA + lengthB - lengthAB;
float sign = math.sign(a0-b0);
return sign * math.min(math.abs(a0-b0), lengthOverlap);
// based on
static bool IsIntersecting ( AABB bounds , float3x3 triangle , NativeSlice<float3> tempBuffer )
float triangleMin, triangleMax, boxMin, boxMax;
// Test the box normals (x-, y- and z-axes)
NativeSlice<float3> boxNormals = tempBuffer.Slice( 0 , 3 );
boxNormals[0] = new float3(1,0,0);
boxNormals[1] = new float3(0,1,0);
boxNormals[2] = new float3(0,0,1);
for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
Project( triangle , boxNormals[i] , out triangleMin , out triangleMax );
if( triangleMax<bounds.Min[i] || triangleMin>bounds.Max[i] )
return false;// No intersection possible.
NativeSlice<float3> boundsVertices = tempBuffer.Slice( 3+3 , 8 );
float3 min = bounds.Min;
float3 size = bounds.Size;
boundsVertices[0] = min;
boundsVertices[1] = min + new float3( size.x , 0 , 0 );
boundsVertices[2] = min + new float3( 0 , 0 , size.z );
boundsVertices[3] = min + new float3( size.x , 0 , size.z );
boundsVertices[4] = min + new float3( 0 , size.y , 0 );
boundsVertices[5] = min + new float3( size.x , size.y , 0 );
boundsVertices[6] = min + new float3( 0 , size.y , size.z );
boundsVertices[7] = min + size;
float3 triangleNormal = math.cross( triangle.c1-triangle.c0 , triangle.c2-triangle.c0 );
// Test the triangle normal
float triangleOffset = triangleNormal , triangle[0] );
Project( boundsVertices , triangleNormal , out boxMin , out boxMax );
if( boxMax<triangleOffset || boxMin>triangleOffset )
return false;// No intersection possible.
// Test the nine edge cross-products
NativeSlice<float3> triangleEdges = tempBuffer.Slice( 3 , 3 );
triangleEdges[0] = triangle.c0 - triangle.c1;
triangleEdges[1] = triangle.c1 - triangle.c2;
triangleEdges[2] = triangle.c2 - triangle.c0;
for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
// The box normals are the same as it's edge tangents
float3 axis = math.cross( triangleEdges[i] , boxNormals[j] );
Project( boundsVertices , axis , out boxMin , out boxMax );
Project( triangle , axis , out triangleMin , out triangleMax );
if( boxMax<triangleMin || boxMin>triangleMax )
return false;// no intersection possible
// no separating axis found.
return true;
// based on
static void Project ( NativeSlice<float3> points , float3 axis , out float min , out float max )
min = float.PositiveInfinity;
max = float.NegativeInfinity;
foreach( float3 p in points )
float val = axis , p );
if( val<min ) min = val;
if( val>max ) max = val;
static void Project ( float3x3 triangle , float3 axis , out float min , out float max )
float a = axis , triangle.c0 );
float b = axis , triangle.c1 );
float c = axis , triangle.c2 );
min = math.cmin( new float4(a,b,c,float.PositiveInfinity) );
max = math.cmax( new float4(a,b,c,float.NegativeInfinity) );
const string k_window_label = "Voxel Collision Generator";
[MenuItem( "Window/"+k_window_label )]
static void ShowWindow ()
var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow<VoxelCollisionGenerator>();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent( k_window_label );
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