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Last active June 15, 2023 12:27
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// src:
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
public interface INativeMinHeapComparer<I,V>
where I : unmanaged
where V : unmanaged
int Compare ( I lhs , I rhs , NativeSlice<V> comparables );
public struct NativeMinHeap <I,C,V> : System.IDisposable
where I : unmanaged, System.IEquatable<I>
where C : unmanaged, INativeMinHeapComparer<I,V>
where V : unmanaged
NativeList<I> _stack;
C _comparer;
[NativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction]// oh boi, here comes trouble!
NativeSlice<V> _comparables;
public int Length => _stack.Length;
public int Count => _stack.Length;
public bool IsCreated => _stack.IsCreated;
public NativeMinHeap ( int capacity , Allocator allocator , NativeSlice<V> comparables )
this._stack = new NativeList<I>( capacity , allocator );
this._comparables = comparables;
this._comparer = default(C);
public void Push ( I item )
_stack.Add( item );
MinHeapifyUp( _stack.Length-1 );
public I Pop ()
I removedItem = _stack[0];
MinHeapifyDown( 0 );
return removedItem;
public I Peek () => _stack[0];
public void Clear () => _stack.Clear();
void MinHeapifyUp ( int childIndex )
if( childIndex==0 ) return;
int parentIndex = (childIndex-1)/2;
I childVal = _stack[childIndex];
I parentVal = _stack[parentIndex];
if( _comparer.Compare(childVal,parentVal,_comparables)<0 )
// swap the parent and the child
_stack[childIndex] = parentVal;
_stack[parentIndex] = childVal;
MinHeapifyUp( parentIndex );
void MinHeapifyDown ( int index )
int leftChildIndex = index * 2 + 1;
int rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2;
int smallestItemIndex = index;// The index of the parent
&& _comparer.Compare(_stack[leftChildIndex],_stack[smallestItemIndex],_comparables)<0 )
smallestItemIndex = leftChildIndex;
&& _comparer.Compare(_stack[rightChildIndex],_stack[smallestItemIndex],_comparables)<0 )
smallestItemIndex = rightChildIndex;
if( smallestItemIndex!=index )
// swap the parent with the smallest of the child items
I temp = _stack[index];
_stack[index] = _stack[smallestItemIndex];
_stack[smallestItemIndex] = temp;
MinHeapifyDown( smallestItemIndex );
public int Parent ( int key ) => (key-1)/2;
public int Left ( int key ) => 2*key + 1;
public int Right ( int key ) => 2*key + 2;
public NativeArray<I> AsArray () => _stack.AsArray();
public void Dispose () => _stack.Dispose();
[System.Obsolete("use `heap.AsArray().Contains(value)` instead",true)]
public bool Contains ( I value )
// foreach( var next in _stack.AsArray() )
// if( next==value )// this wont compile
// return true;
return false;
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