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Created January 6, 2022 17:04
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[{"code":"T_7b52009b","aliases":["L_d0af1901"],"labels":{"de":"komplement\u00e4re Medizin","en":"Complementary Medicine","es":"Medicina complementaria"},"children":[{"code":"T_f1abd670","aliases":["C_e631c117"],"labels":{"de":"Chiropraktik","en":"Chiropractic","es":"Quiropr\u00e1ctico"},"children":[{"code":"T_0716d970","aliases":["G_86fd43b4"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":133,"code":"A_8888e129","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"chstress","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Stress","es":"Estr\u00e9s"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":104,"keywords":"Stress; mental stress; focus; diet; exercise; pain;","published_at":"2016-10-11T19:52:30.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-10-17T21:07:56.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"As you handle the demands of your work and daily life, it's normal to feel stress. Stress can help you focus. It can help you reach your goals. But constant stress is bad for your health.","es":"Al atender las demandas del trabajo y la vida diaria es normal sentir estr\u00e9s. El estr\u00e9s puede ayudarle a focalizarse. Puede ayudarle a alcanzar sus objetivos. Pero el estr\u00e9s constante es malo para su salud."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_9e6a55b6","aliases":["C_edaf5de5"],"labels":{"de":"","en":"Mind and Body","es":"Mente y cuerpo"},"children":[{"code":"T_b3f0c7f6","aliases":["G_feaa9540"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":4429,"code":"A_0b161d65","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"pilates","copyright":2020,"labels":{"de":"Pilates","en":"Pilates","es":"El m\u00e9todo Pilates"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":81.7600000000000051159076974727213382720947265625,"keywords":"Pilates; exercise; builds; strength; endurance; proper; alignment; spine; shoulders; hips; balance; flexibility","published_at":"2020-04-01T19:59:10.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-03-31T21:14:55.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This form of exercise builds strength and endurance. It focuses on proper alignment of your spine, shoulders and hips. It also develops your balance and flexibility. You can do Pilates with only a floor mat. You can also use equipment to create resistance.","es":"Esta forma de ejercicio desarrolla la fuerza y la resistencia. Se centra en la correcta alineaci\u00f3n de la columna vertebral, los hombros y las caderas. Tambi\u00e9n desarrolla el equilibrio y la flexibilidad. Se puede hacer Pilates con solo una colchoneta en el piso. Tambi\u00e9n se pueden utilizar m\u00e1quinas para crear resistencia."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4426,"code":"A_99b0795c","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"taichi","copyright":2020,"labels":{"de":"Tai Chi","en":"Tai Chi","es":"El taich\u00ed "},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":82.06999999999999317878973670303821563720703125,"keywords":"Chinese; martial; arts; meditation; type; constant; movements; lower; stress; improve; health; stamina; low; impact","published_at":"2020-04-02T14:09:57.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-04-01T20:46:03.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This form of exercise is based on a Chinese martial art. It's slow and graceful. Some people think of it as a type of meditation. Tai chi is used to lower stress and improve overall health. And, you don't need any special equipment to practice it.","es":"El taich\u00ed, tambi\u00e9n conocido como tai chi chuan, es una forma de ejercicio que se basa en un arte marcial chino. Es lento y elegante. Algunas personas consideran que es una forma de meditaci\u00f3n. El taich\u00ed se utiliza para reducir el estr\u00e9s y mejorar la salud en general. Adem\u00e1s, no se necesita ning\u00fan equipo especial para practicarlo."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4425,"code":"A_d4014fda","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"yoga","copyright":2020,"labels":{"de":"Yoga","en":"Yoga","es":"Yoga"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":72.1299999999999954525264911353588104248046875,"keywords":"Yoga; meditation; relaxation; stress; physical; fitness; strength; flexibility; controlled; breathing; chronic; pain; depression","published_at":"2020-03-13T14:03:39.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-03-12T21:47:49.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This practice involves the mind and the body. It can improve your health. It also helps you feel more relaxed and focused. Some people do yoga to cope with things like chronic pain and depression.","es":"Esta pr\u00e1ctica involucra la mente y el cuerpo. Puede mejorar su salud. Tambi\u00e9n le ayuda a sentirse m\u00e1s relajado y centrado. Algunas personas practican yoga para lidiar con cosas como el dolor cr\u00f3nico y la depresi\u00f3n."},"deprecated":false}]}]}]},{"code":"T_972a67c4","aliases":["L_c6086ce6"],"labels":{"de":"Allgemeinmedizin","en":"General Healthcare","es":"Asistencia m\u00e9dica general"},"children":[{"code":"T_761f22b2","aliases":["C_4113fbcd"],"labels":{"de":"Gehirn und psychische Gesundheit","en":"Brain and Mental Health","es":"Salud mental y del cerebro"},"children":[{"code":"T_0286dd55","aliases":["G_ddb761ac"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":1690,"code":"A_f12aaf1a","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"nicotinedependence","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Nicotine Dependence","es":"Dependencia de la nicotina"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":104.9599999999999937472239253111183643341064453125,"keywords":"nicotine; dependence; tobacco; craving; anxiety; withdrawal; counseling; addiction; cigarette; cigar; smokeless; chew; e-cig; vaping; vape; crave","published_at":"2019-12-31T15:05:24.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-05T21:18:03.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Some people become addicted to the drug nicotine. Of course, nicotine is found in tobacco products and in products made for vaping. Since it affects your brain and body, breaking this addiction is difficult.","es":"Algunas personas se vuelven adictas a la droga nicotina. Por supuesto, la nicotina se encuentra en productos de tabaco y en productos hechos para vapear. Dado que afecta a su cerebro y a su cuerpo, romper esta adicci\u00f3n es dif\u00edcil."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_a9334987","aliases":["C_a2e8d977"],"labels":{"de":"Herz, Blut und Blutgef\u00e4\u00dfe","en":"Heart, Blood and Blood Vessels","es":"Coraz\u00f3n, sangre y vasos sangu\u00edneos"},"children":[{"code":"T_80e28a51","aliases":["G_3c13abc2"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":400,"code":"A_05756801","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"obesity","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Overweight and Obesity","es":"Sobrepeso y obesidad"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":126.2999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875,"keywords":"Overweight and Obesity; Overweight; Obesity; Measuring Obesity; BMI; Body Mass Index; Weight Gain Causes; Obesity and Health; Treating Obesity; Weight Loss Surgery; Lifestyle Changes","published_at":"2018-11-20T20:33:26.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-11-27T21:22:38.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Staying fit is a challenge for many people. Carrying too much body fat is bad for your health. Being \"overweight\" means you weigh more than what we consider normal for your body type. If you keep gaining weight, you may become \"obese.\" Let's take a few minutes to learn about weight and your health.","es":"Mantenerse en forma es un reto para muchas personas. Llevar mucha grasa corporal es malo para su salud. Tener \"sobrepeso\" significa que usted pesa m\u00e1s de lo que consideramos normal para su tipo de cuerpo. Si usted contin\u00faa aumentando de peso, podr\u00e1 volverse \"obeso\". Tom\u00e9monos algunos minutos para aprender algo sobre el peso y su salud."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_8effee40","aliases":["C_1dce8fbd"],"labels":{"de":"Infektionskrankheiten und Parasiten","en":"Infectious Diseases and Parasites","es":"Enfermedades infecciosas"},"children":[{"code":"T_9109c85a","aliases":["G_f3bd9e23"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":420,"code":"A_510cba39","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"shingles","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Shingles (Herpes Zoster)","es":"Culebrilla (herpes z\u00f3ster)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":130.919999999999987494447850622236728668212890625,"keywords":"Shingles; shingles herpes zoster; herpes zoster; causes of shingles; prevention of shingles; treatment for shingles; shingles vaccine","published_at":"2017-02-03T21:32:49.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-01-23T21:20:48.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is a viral infection that usually affects older people. It makes your skin break out in a rash that can be very painful.","es":"Esta es una infecci\u00f3n viral que afecta por lo general a personas mayores. Hace que aparezca en la piel una erupci\u00f3n que puede ser muy dolorosa."},"deprecated":false}]}]}]},{"code":"T_ca3799b8","aliases":["L_be9e9141","C_8967b47c"],"labels":{"de":"Geriatrie","en":"Geriatrics","es":"Geriatr\u00eda"},"children":[{"code":"T_ba30fd97","aliases":["G_c7bbb573"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":3888,"code":"A_9485c0b2","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"preventfalls","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Preventing Falls as You Get Older","es":"Prevenir ca\u00eddas a medida que se envejece"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":114.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Preventing; Falls; Osteoporosis; testing; vision; checks; safety; rails; grab; bars; slip; mats; well; lit; areas; clear; clutter; non-slip; shoes; exercise","published_at":"2018-11-23T19:55:47.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-11-27T21:26:58.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"As you get older, your body loses strength and durability. Your muscles begin to weaken. You may not be as steady on your feet. And you may develop vision problems or other medical conditions. These raise your risk of falling. Falls sometimes lead to serious injuries. But fortunately, there are some easy ways to prevent falls.","es":"A medida que envejece, su cuerpo pierde fuerza y durabilidad. Sus m\u00fasculos comienzan a debilitarse. Es posible que no se sienta tan seguro al andar. Y es posible que desarrolle problemas de la vista u otros problemas de salud. Esto aumenta su riesgo de ca\u00eddas. Las ca\u00eddas a veces conducen a lesiones serias. Pero afortunadamente, existen algunas formas f\u00e1ciles de prevenir las ca\u00eddas."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3889,"code":"A_b75ac17f","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"stayactiveolder","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Staying Active as You Get Older","es":"Mantenerse activo a medida que envejece"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":108.8900000000000005684341886080801486968994140625,"keywords":"Staying; active; older; physical; activity;prevent; disease; injury; age; think; clearly; health; advice; plan; exercise","published_at":"2018-10-26T21:33:55.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-10-25T18:53:36.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Physical activity is good for everyone, but it's especially important as we age. It can prevent disease and injury. And, it can keep you feeling good and thinking clearly. Here are some tips for staying active as you age.","es":"La actividad f\u00edsica es buena para todos, pero es especialmente importante a medida que envejecemos. Puede prevenir enfermedades y lesiones. Y puede hacer que se sienta bien y piense con claridad. Los siguientes son algunos consejos para mantenerse activo a medida que envejece."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_e2154fea","aliases":["L_f8ea0688"],"labels":{"de":"","en":"Mental Health","es":"Salud mental"},"children":[{"code":"T_4c8205da","aliases":["C_7656fb71"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"code":"T_2815f6b9","aliases":["G_7a6a724e"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":3357,"code":"A_30533e59","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"quitsmoke","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Quitting Smoking (Smoking Cessation)","es":"Dejar de fumar (cesaci\u00f3n del consumo de tabaco)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":113.9599999999999937472239253111183643341064453125,"keywords":"quitting; smoking; cessation; tobacco; use; abuse; disorder; nicotine; readiness; behavior; support; assistance; support; education; plan; trial; error; redirect; products; medications; relapse; help","published_at":"2017-11-15T16:57:43.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-05-19T12:48:04.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Quitting smoking can be hard and frustrating. But there are many ways to stop, and with trial and error you can find a method that works for you. No matter which method you choose, here are some strategies that can help you along the way.","es":"Dejar de fumar puede ser dif\u00edcil y frustrante. Pero existen muchas t\u00e9cnicas para hacerlo, y experimentando con ellas usted puede encontrar el m\u00e9todo que le sirva. Sin importar qu\u00e9 m\u00e9todo elija, las siguientes son algunas estrategias que le pueden ayudar a lo largo del camino.","au":"Quitting smoking can be hard and frustrating. But there are many ways to stop, and with trial and error, you can find a method that works for you. No matter which method you choose, here are some strategies that can help you along the way.","ie":"Quitting smoking can be difficult and frustrating. But there are many ways to stop, and with trial and error you can find a method that works for you. No matter which method you choose, here are some strategies that can help you along the way.","ar":"\u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0644\u0644\u0625\u0642\u0644\u0627\u0639 \u0639\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u062f\u062e\u064a\u0646 \u0623\u0646 \u064a\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0635\u0639\u0628\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u0645\u062d\u0628\u0637\u064b\u0627. \u0644\u0643\u0646 \u0647\u0646\u0627\u0643 \u0637\u0631\u0642 \u0643\u062b\u064a\u0631\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u062a\u0648\u0642\u0651\u064f\u0641\u060c \u0648\u0628\u0627\u0644\u062a\u062c\u0631\u0628\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u062e\u0637\u0623\u060c \u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646\u0643 \u0623\u0646 \u062a\u062c\u062f \u0637\u0631\u064a\u0642\u0629 \u0645\u0641\u064a\u062f\u0629 \u0644\u0643. \u0623\u064a\u064b\u0627 \u0643\u0627\u0646\u062a \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0631\u064a\u0642\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a \u062e\u062a\u0631\u062a\u0647\u0627\u060c \u0625\u0644\u064a\u0643 \u0628\u0639\u0636 \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0633\u062a\u0631\u0627\u062a\u064a\u062c\u064a\u0627\u062a \u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a \u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0623\u0646 \u062a\u0633\u0627\u0639\u062f\u0643."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3338,"code":"A_2b6c44e4","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"stressmanagement","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Stress Management","es":"Manejo del estr\u00e9s"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":115.2999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875,"keywords":"stress; management; education; guidance; counseling; nutrition; healthy; diet; exercise; sleep; rest; relaxation; hobbies; enjoyment; meditation; yoga; friends; family; positive; focus; avoid; negative; ask; help","published_at":"2017-11-27T21:07:21.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-11-14T20:34:20.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"We all have stress in our lives. But too much stress is bad for your health. It can hurt your mind and your body. Let's look at proven ways to cope with stress.","es":"Todos tenemos estr\u00e9s en nuestras vidas. Pero demasiado estr\u00e9s es malo para su salud. Puede da\u00f1ar su mente y su cuerpo. Veamos algunas formas comprobadas para enfrentar el estr\u00e9s."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3557,"code":"A_450f77fe","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"livingsubstance","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"When Someone You Love Has a Substance Use Disorder","es":"Cuando un ser querido tiene un trastorno por abuso de sustancias"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":134.030000000000001136868377216160297393798828125,"keywords":"Living; With; Substance; Use; Disorder; abuse; recovery; addiction; educate; yourself; treatments; available; helpline; support; groups; therapy; centers; organizations; communicate; honesty; openly; encourage; progress; get; help","published_at":"2018-08-03T15:18:19.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-08-16T19:49:02.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"It's painful to watch a family member or friend struggle with substance abuse. It can be frustrating and scary. But don't lose hope - it can get better. Here are things you can do to make the journey to recovery easier for you and your loved one.","es":"Es doloroso observar a un familiar o amigo luchar contra el abuso de sustancias. Puede ser frustrante y atemorizante. Pero no pierda las esperanzas, se puede mejorar. Aqu\u00ed le mostramos lo que puede hacer para que el camino a la recuperaci\u00f3n sea m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil para usted y para su ser querido."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_19187dc9","aliases":["C_59290131"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"code":"T_9a15f42d","aliases":["G_bb049d8e"],"labels":{"de":"","en":"Addiction and Substance Use Disorders","es":"Trastornos por adicci\u00f3n y uso de sustancias"},"children":[{"id":3266,"code":"A_31e990aa","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"alcoholdependence","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Alcohol Use Disorder (Alcoholism)","es":"Trastorno por consumo de alcohol (Alcoholismo)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":161.960000000000007958078640513122081756591796875,"keywords":"alcohol; dependence; abuse; disorder; intoxication; mental; physical; need; crave; cravings; withdrawal; symptoms; complications; serious; problems; self; family; risk; risks; fetal; alcohol; syndrome; treatment ","published_at":"2017-08-15T14:22:43.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-07-05T19:00:47.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is a mental and physical need to drink alcohol. We also call it \"alcohol dependence.\" It makes you want to drink alcohol even when it hurts you and others. This can cause chaos in your life. It can cause health problems.","es":"Este trastorno es una necesidad mental y f\u00edsica de beber alcohol. Tambi\u00e9n lo llamamos \"dependencia del alcohol\". Hace que usted desee beber alcohol, incluso cuando le hace da\u00f1o a usted y a otros. Esto puede provocar un caos en su vida. Puede producirle problemas de salud."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3264,"code":"A_9bff2200","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"substanceabuse","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Substance Abuse","es":"Abuso de sustancias"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":129,"keywords":"substance; abuse; abusing; alcohol; drugs; intoxication; substances; illegal; prescription; dependent; genetics; screening; tobacco; marijuana; causes; warning; signs; medications; treatment; relapse; preventive; counseling; withdrawal ","published_at":"2017-07-28T16:02:05.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-11-14T20:42:48.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is when you use alcohol or drugs in a way that harms you or puts you in danger. Abusing a substance can cause you to become dependent on it over time. You may feel powerless to stop using it. This can cause problems for you and your family. It can severely impact your life. It can be life threatening.","es":"Esto ocurre cuando usted utiliza alcohol o drogas de una manera que le resulta perjudicial o lo pone en peligro. Abusar de una sustancia puede hacer que, con el tiempo, usted se vuelva dependiente de ella. Es posible que sienta que no tiene fuerzas para dejar de usarla. Esto puede traer problemas para usted y para su familia. Puede afectar gravemente su vida. Puede poner en riesgo la vida."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3340,"code":"A_cc3f6849","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"substanceusementalhealth","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health","es":"Trastornos de uso de sustancias y salud mental"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":87.2999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875,"keywords":"Substance; Use; Mental; Health; behavior; behavioral; disorders; abuse; drug; psychoactive; self; medicate; medicating; dependence; trigger; symptoms; genetic; trauma; seek; help; treatment","published_at":"2017-12-01T19:30:13.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-11T20:56:01.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Many people who have a mental health disorder also have a substance use disorder. A person with depression may also abuse alcohol. A person who has schizophrenia may also be a drug user.","es":"Muchas personas que padecen un trastorno de salud mental, tambi\u00e9n tienen un trastorno de uso de sustancias. Una persona con depresi\u00f3n tambi\u00e9n puede abusar del alcohol. Una persona que tiene esquizofrenia tambi\u00e9n puede ser consumidor de drogas."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4329,"code":"A_f1e19c21","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"addictiondisease","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Why Is Addiction a Disease?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 se dice que la adicci\u00f3n es una enfermedad?"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":108.7600000000000051159076974727213382720947265625,"keywords":"tobacco; addiction; brain; alcohol; drugs; cocaine; marijuana; therapy; poor; choices; abuse; misuse; overuse; disease","published_at":"2019-10-23T12:50:52.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-10-03T18:20:18.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Addiction is a complex issue that involves the brain and the body. It also leads to a lot of poor choices, secrets and lies. For some, it's hard to understand why we call addiction a \"disease.\" So let's take a few minutes to learn about it.","es":"La adicci\u00f3n es un problema complejo que involucra el cerebro y el cuerpo. Tambi\u00e9n conduce a muchas malas decisiones, secretos y mentiras. Para algunos, es dif\u00edcil entender por qu\u00e9 decimos que la adicci\u00f3n es una \"enfermedad\". Por eso, tom\u00e9monos unos minutos para aprender m\u00e1s sobre ella."},"deprecated":false}]}]}]},{"code":"T_b37f6ddc","aliases":["L_df8516c9"],"labels":{"de":"Medizinische Notf\u00e4lle","en":"Neurological","es":"Neurolog\u00eda"},"children":[{"code":"T_812ed456","aliases":["C_a437f7a2"],"labels":{"de":"Wirbels\u00e4ule","en":"Spine","es":"Columna Vertebral"},"children":[{"code":"T_9a79be61","aliases":["G_142d7b9a"],"labels":{"de":"Nicht-chirurgische Pflege und Management","en":"Non-Surgical Care and Management","es":"T\u00e9cnicas no quir\u00fargicas de cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":747,"code":"A_d0d771ff","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"transepisteroid","copyright":2013,"labels":{"en":"Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection","es":"Inyecci\u00f3n epidural lumbar de esteroide por v\u00eda transforaminal"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":112,"keywords":"Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection; Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection Overview; Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection Preparation; Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection Procedure; Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection After Care; Epidural Steroid Injection; Sciatica Pain Relief","published_at":"2013-08-01T04:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-05-30T19:40:41.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This outpatient procedure is an injection of a steroid-anesthetic medication. The medication can reduce swelling and inflammation of irritated spinal nerves. This procedure is performed to relieve pain in the lower back and pain that radiates from the back to the legs. The injection takes only a few minutes to complete.","es":"Este procedimiento ambulatorio consiste en la inyecci\u00f3n de un medicamento esteroide anest\u00e9sico. Este medicamento puede reducir la hinchaz\u00f3n e inflamaci\u00f3n en nervios espinales irritados. El procedimiento se realiza para aliviar el dolor en la zona lumbar (espalda baja) y el dolor que se irradia desde la parte posterior de las piernas. La inyecci\u00f3n toma s\u00f3lo unos minutos en completarse."},"deprecated":false}]}]}]},{"code":"T_95e815d1","aliases":["L_6a0823d7"],"labels":{"de":"Schmerzmanagement","en":"Pain Management","es":"Control del dolor"},"children":[{"code":"T_7320828c","aliases":["C_1656f72f"],"labels":{"de":"Arm-und Ellenbogen","en":"Arm and Elbow","es":"Brazo y codo"},"children":[{"code":"T_50336bc6","aliases":["G_6d406d4f"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":2744,"code":"A_26987084","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"cervrad","copyright":2013,"labels":{"en":"Cervical Radiculopathy","es":"Radiculopat\u00eda cervical"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":146,"keywords":"Cervical Radiculopathy; Understanding Cervical Radiculopathy; Cervical Radiculopathy causes; Cervical Radiculopathy symptoms; Cervical Radiculopathy Overview","published_at":"2013-08-01T04:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2019-11-08T19:32:07.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is an irritation or compression of one or more nerve roots in the cervical spine. Because these nerves travel to the shoulders, arms and hands, an injury in the cervical spine can cause symptoms in these areas. Cervical radiculopathy may result from a variety of problems with the bones and tissues of the cervical spinal column.","es":"Esta condici\u00f3n consiste en una irritaci\u00f3n o compresi\u00f3n de una o m\u00e1s ra\u00edces nerviosas de la columna cervical. Como estos nervios viajan hasta los hombros, brazos y manos, una lesi\u00f3n en la columna cervical puede producir s\u00edntomas en cualquiera de estas \u00e1reas. La radiculopat\u00eda cervical puede ser el resultado de una variedad de problemas de los huesos y tejidos de la zona cervical de la columna."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4494,"code":"A_73151410","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"jointpain","copyright":2020,"labels":{"de":"Joint Pain","en":"Joint Pain","es":"Dolor articular"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":101.7600000000000051159076974727213382720947265625,"keywords":"joint; pain; osteoarthritis; bone; spurs; infection; lupus; rheumatoid; arthritis; autoimmune; gout; injury; strain; overuse; sprain; fracture","published_at":"2020-04-08T12:51:28.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-04-07T20:42:34.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Joint pain is a common problem for many people. It can keep you from doing the things you want to do. It can make it hard for you to be as active as you like. Let's take a moment to learn about the causes of joint pain, and what you can do about it.","es":"El dolor articular es un problema com\u00fan para muchas personas. Puede impedir que usted haga las cosas que desea hacer. Puede hacer que le resulte dif\u00edcil ser todo lo activo que desear\u00eda. Tom\u00e9monos un momento para aprender acerca de las causas del dolor articular y de lo que usted puede hacer al respecto."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2746,"code":"A_402270d9","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"peripheralneuralgia","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Peripheral Neuropathy","es":"Neuropat\u00eda perif\u00e9rica"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":109,"keywords":"peripheral neuropathy; numbness; tingling; pain; limbs; arm; leg; hand; foot; feet; nerve pain; non-spinal nerve pain","published_at":"2016-03-03T17:23:26.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-02-23T19:25:53.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is a problem with the peripheral nervous system. These are the nerves that branch out from your brain and spinal cord and travel to all of the other parts of your body.","es":"Esta afecci\u00f3n es un problema del sistema nervioso perif\u00e9rico. Este sistema est\u00e1 constituido por los nervios que se ramifican desde su cerebro y m\u00e9dula espinal y que se extienden a todas las dem\u00e1s partes de su cuerpo."},"deprecated":false}]},{"code":"T_3fcfb99e","aliases":["G_facf8314"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":2749,"code":"A_40dbe51b","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"cervicalrfneurotomy","copyright":2020,"labels":{"en":"Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy","es":"Neurotom\u00eda facetaria cervical por radiofrecuencia"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":92.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"medial branch neurotomy; back pain treatment; neck pain treatment; Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy; About Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy","published_at":"2020-08-06T20:39:48.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-11-10T02:16:26.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This procedure uses heat from radio waves to treat painful facet joints in your neck. It eases pain that isn't helped by medications or physical therapy.","es":"Este procedimiento utiliza el calor de las ondas de radio para tratar las articulaciones facetarias del cuello que est\u00e1n causado dolor. Alivia el dolor que no responde a los medicamentos o la fisioterapia."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2747,"code":"A_1f2e41b7","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"cervepisteroid","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI) in the Cervical Spine","es":"Inyecci\u00f3n epidural de esteroides en la columna cervical"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":87.099999999999994315658113919198513031005859375,"keywords":"Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection; Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection Overview; Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection preparation; Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection procedure; Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection after care","published_at":"2019-11-21T18:37:37.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-11-10T02:16:09.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This injection treats the pain of an inflamed nerve in your cervical spine. It relieves nerve swelling. If you have a herniated disc, spinal stenosis or some other problem that's pressing on a nerve, it may help you.","es":"La inyecci\u00f3n epidural de esteroides (ESI, por sus siglas en ingl\u00e9s) trata el dolor de un nervio inflamado de su columna cervical. Alivia la hinchaz\u00f3n del nervio. Si usted tiene un disco herniado, estenosis espinal o alg\u00fan otro problema que est\u00e9 ejerciendo presi\u00f3n sobre un nervio, esta inyecci\u00f3n podr\u00e1 ser de ayuda."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3753,"code":"A_7a8d934d","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"livingperipheralneuro","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Living With Peripheral Neuropathy","es":"Vivir con neuropat\u00eda perif\u00e9rica"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":126.400000000000005684341886080801486968994140625,"keywords":"Living; Peripheral; Neuropathy; nerve; pain; underlying; medical; issues; medications; follow; doctor; advice; focus; health; nutrition; exercise; management; sleep; avoid; alcohol; smoking; caffeine","published_at":"2018-10-23T19:23:46.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-10-25T19:27:06.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you have peripheral neuropathy, you know how frustrating it can be. It keeps you from doing many of the things you enjoy. It can affect your emotional well-being. But don't lose hope. There are things you can do to get some relief.","es":"Si tiene neuropat\u00eda perif\u00e9rica, usted sabe cu\u00e1n frustrante puede ser. Le impide hacer muchas de las cosas que disfruta. Puede afectar su bienestar emocional. Pero no pierda la esperanza. Hay cosas que puede hacer para obtener algo de alivio."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_40f7c01f","aliases":["C_c675262f"],"labels":{"de":"Insgesamt K\u00f6rper","en":"General Body","es":"Cuerpo general"},"children":[{"code":"T_9e071a3a","aliases":["G_162a30a8"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":4027,"code":"A_1e2087ba","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"exercisingacutepain","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Exercising With Acute Pain","es":"Dolor agudo al ejercitarse"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":92.8599999999999994315658113919198513031005859375,"keywords":"exercising; acute; pain; stretch; strength; training; safety; doctor; advice; follow","published_at":"2019-05-03T14:57:53.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-05-23T18:31:34.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"We all know exercise is important for good health. But some people feel pain when they exercise. If you have pain that starts suddenly, lasts only a short time and then goes away with rest, we say you have \"acute\" pain. Don't ignore it.","es":"Todos sabemos que hacer ejercicio es importante para la buena salud. Pero algunas personas sienten dolor cuando se ejercitan. Si tiene un dolor que comienza repentinamente, dura solo un corto tiempo y luego se va con el descanso, decimos que usted tiene un dolor \"agudo\". No lo ignore."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4024,"code":"A_5f56230c","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"exercisingchronicpain","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Exercising With Chronic Pain","es":"Ejercitarse con dolor cr\u00f3nico"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":97.8900000000000005684341886080801486968994140625,"keywords":"Exercising; Chronic; pain; level; overweight; diet; safe; safety; follow; doctors; advice","published_at":"2019-05-03T15:04:20.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-05-23T18:37:56.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"We all know exercise is important for good health. But if you live with chronic pain, exercising can be hard. Pain often robs you of motivation. Some exercises may be too painful. But even with chronic pain, most people can exercise safely.","es":"Todos sabemos que hacer ejercicio es importante para la buena salud. Pero si usted vive con dolor cr\u00f3nico, el ejercicio le puede resultar dificultoso. A menudo, el dolor le quita la motivaci\u00f3n. Algunos ejercicios pueden ser demasiado dolorosos. Pero incluso con dolor cr\u00f3nico, la mayor\u00eda de las personas puede ejercitarse de manera segura."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1319,"code":"A_24b96706","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"mri","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)","es":"Imagen por resonancia magn\u00e9tica (IRM)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":144,"keywords":"MRI; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Diagnostic Test; Radiology; Body Imaging","published_at":"2016-11-04T18:47:10.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-10-11T21:41:29.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This scan lets doctors see inside your body without using radiation. Instead, MRIs use magnets and radio waves. An MRI shows clear views of your soft tissues. It can show cancer and other problems.","es":"Esta t\u00e9cnica de exploraci\u00f3n les permite a los m\u00e9dicos ver el interior de su cuerpo, sin tener que utilizar radiaci\u00f3n. Por el contrario, las resonancias magn\u00e9ticas utilizan imanes y ondas de radio. Una IRM muestra im\u00e1genes claras de sus tejidos blandos. Puede detectar c\u00e1ncer y otros problemas."},"deprecated":false}]},{"code":"T_e1a864f0","aliases":["G_bdacbb2f"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":1329,"code":"A_9b20ad1c","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"fibromyalgia","copyright":2015,"labels":{"en":"Fibromyalgia","es":"Fibromialgia"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":88,"keywords":"Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia Overview; Fibromyalgia Causes; Fibromyalgia Symptoms; Fibromyalgia Treatment","published_at":"2015-12-11T20:25:51.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-11-26T19:28:05.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This chronic condition is believed to be a type of interference with the way your brain processes pain signals. It leaves you highly sensitive to pain. If you have this condition, you may feel long-lasting pain throughout your body.","es":"Se cree que esta afecci\u00f3n cr\u00f3nica es un tipo de interferencia con la forma en que el cerebro procesa las se\u00f1ales de dolor. Lo deja muy sensible al dolor. Si usted tiene esta afecci\u00f3n es probable que sienta un dolor duradero en todo su cuerpo."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_b3c0730c","aliases":["C_2a4c2a38"],"labels":{"de":"Hand und Handgelenk","en":"Hand and Wrist","es":"Manos y mu\u00f1eca"},"children":[{"code":"T_39dfc9ff","aliases":["G_2011fe22"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":1483,"code":"A_9093be2b","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"carpaltunnel","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome","es":"S\u00edndrome del t\u00fanel carpiano"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":119.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Overview; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Risk Factors; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment","published_at":"2016-06-14T15:34:26.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-05-12T20:18:36.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Pain, numbness and tingling in your hand may be from carpal tunnel syndrome. It happens when the area around the main nerve to your hand is too tight. The nerve is called the median nerve. And the small space in your wrist where it passes is called the carpal tunnel.","es":"El dolor, el entumecimiento y el hormigueo en su mano pueden provenir del s\u00edndrome del t\u00fanel carpiano. Este ocurre cuando el \u00e1rea que est\u00e1 alrededor del nervio principal de su mano es demasiado estrecha. Este nervio recibe el nombre de nervio mediano. Y el espacio peque\u00f1o de su mu\u00f1eca por donde pasa, se llama t\u00fanel carpiano.","au":"Pain, numbness, and tingling in your hand may be from carpal tunnel syndrome. It happens when the area around the main nerve to your hand is too tight. The nerve is called the \"median nerve.\" And the small space in your wrist where it passes is called the \"carpal tunnel.\"","ie":"Pain, numbness and tingling in your hand may be from carpal tunnel syndrome. It happens when the area around the main nerve to your hand is too tight. The nerve is called the \"median nerve\". And the small space in your wrist where it passes through is called the \"carpal tunnel\".","ar":"\u0642\u062f \u064a\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0644\u0645 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0651\u064f\u0631 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0648\u062e\u0632 \u0627\u0644\u0630\u064a \u062a\u0634\u0639\u0631 \u0628\u0647 \u0641\u064a \u064a\u062f\u0643 \u0646\u062a\u064a\u062c\u0629\u064b \u0644\u0645\u062a\u0644\u0627\u0632\u0645\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0646\u0641\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0633\u063a\u064a. \u064a\u062d\u062f\u062b \u0630\u0644\u0643 \u0639\u0646\u062f\u0645\u0627 \u062a\u0635\u0628\u062d \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0637\u0642\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062d\u064a\u0637\u0629 \u0628\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0635\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a \u0644\u064a\u062f\u0643 \u0636\u064a\u0642\u0629 \u062c\u062f\u064b\u0627. \u064a\u064f\u0633\u0645\u0651\u064e\u0649 \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0635\u0628 \"\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0635\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062a\u0648\u0633\u0637\". \u0648\u064a\u064f\u0633\u0645\u0651\u064e\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0636\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u063a\u064a\u0631 \u0641\u064a \u0631\u0633\u063a\u0643 \u062d\u064a\u062b \u064a\u0645\u0631 \"\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0641\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0633\u063a\u064a\"."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_56ad4d4d","aliases":["C_2c49ba65"],"labels":{"de":"Kopf, Hals und Wirbels\u00e4ule","en":"Head, Neck and Spine","es":"Cabeza, cuello y columna"},"children":[{"code":"T_fa755791","aliases":["G_7a6425d2"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":1359,"code":"A_ecbe21e8","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"discography","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Discography (Lumbar)","es":"Discograf\u00eda (lumbar)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":112,"keywords":"Discography; Discography Overview; Discography Preparation; Discography Procedure; Discography After care","published_at":"2017-06-23T20:01:04.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2017-06-23T19:49:40.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This procedure, also called a \"discogram,\" helps your doctor find painful spinal discs. It can show the source of pain in your back. To see how it works, let's watch a discography done in the lumbar spine.","es":"Este procedimiento, tambi\u00e9n llamado \"discograma\", ayuda a su m\u00e9dico a encontrar discos vertebrales doloridos. Puede ayudar a identificar la fuente del dolor en su espalda. Para ver c\u00f3mo funciona, veamos una discograf\u00eda realizada en la columna lumbar."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1369,"code":"A_66effcf5","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"kyphoplasty","copyright":2015,"labels":{"en":"Kyphoplasty (Balloon Vertebroplasty)","es":"Cifoplastia (Vertebroplastia con bal\u00f3n)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":92,"keywords":"Kyphoplasty; Balloon Vertebroplasty; back pain; vertrbral fracture; vertebral augmentation; balloon","published_at":"2015-11-23T18:17:30.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-11-22T20:43:04.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This minimally-invasive procedure repairs a vertebral compression fracture. It helps restore the spine's natural shape. Some patients experience rapid pain relief after the procedure.","es":"Este procedimiento m\u00ednimamente invasivo repara una fractura vertebral por compresi\u00f3n. Ayuda a restaurar la forma natural de la columna vertebral. Algunos pacientes experimentan un r\u00e1pido alivio del dolor despu\u00e9s del procedimiento."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1382,"code":"A_918ee823","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"medialblock","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Medial Branch Block","es":"Bloqueo de la rama medial "},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":98,"keywords":"Medial Branch Block; Medial Branch Block Overview; Medial Branch Block Preparation; Medial Branch Block Procedure; Medial Branch Block After Care; Painful Facet Joint Diagnostic Procedure; Back Pain; Spine Health;","published_at":"2018-09-11T19:24:38.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-09-20T18:29:58.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is an injection of numbing medicine. It bathes the medial branch nerves, which attach to the facet joints of your spine. These nerves hurt when facet joints are injured or diseased. The injection helps find the source of your pain. And it may relieve your pain for a brief time.","es":"Esta es una inyecci\u00f3n de medicamento anest\u00e9sico. Este ba\u00f1a los nervios de la rama medial, los cuales est\u00e1n unidos a las articulaciones facetarias de la columna vertebral. Estos nervios duelen cuando las articulaciones facetarias est\u00e1n lesionadas o enfermas. La inyecci\u00f3n ayuda a encontrar el origen de su dolor. Y puede proporcionar alivio temporal a su dolor."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3050,"code":"A_87c88b91","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"medialbranchblockcerv","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Medial Branch Block (Cervical)","es":"Bloqueo de la rama medial (cervical)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":125,"keywords":"Medial Branch Block (Cervical); Medial Branch Block (Cervical) Overview; Medial Branch Block (Cervical) Preparation; Medial Branch Block (Cervical) Procedure; Medial Branch Block (Cervical) After Care; Medial Branch Block (Cervical) Diagnosing","published_at":"2016-01-18T18:29:24.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-04-09T15:43:17.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is an injection of numbing medicine that bathes the medial branch nerves. These nerves are attached to the facet joints of the spine. Disease or injury of these joints can cause pain in the medial branch nerves. This pain may travel through the neck, shoulders, upper back and head. A medial branch block can help your physician find the source of your pain. It may also provide temporary pain relief.","es":"Esta es una inyecci\u00f3n de un medicamento anest\u00e9sico que ba\u00f1a los nervios de la rama medial. Dichos nervios est\u00e1n conectados a las articulaciones facetarias de la columna vertebral. La enfermedad o la lesi\u00f3n de estas articulaciones pueden producir dolor en los nervios de la rama medial. Este dolor puede viajar a trav\u00e9s del cuello, hombros, parte superior de la espalda y cabeza. Un bloqueo de la rama medial puede ayudar a su m\u00e9dico a encontrar el origen de su dolor. Tambi\u00e9n puede proporcionar alivio temporal a su dolor."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3827,"code":"A_ce003f8d","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"preventbackpain","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Preventing Back Pain","es":"Prevenir el dolor de espalda"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":88.7600000000000051159076974727213382720947265625,"keywords":"Preventing; back; pain; good; posture; strengthening; stretching; straight; exercise; healthy; diet; safe; lifting; weight","published_at":"2018-12-11T14:46:36.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-12-20T18:53:08.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Most of us know the frustration of back pain. It's something almost everyone has to deal with at some point in life. Back pain can last for a few days or weeks. For some, it becomes a chronic problem. The good news is, there are some things you can do to keep back pain away. These tips can help.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de nosotros conocemos la frustraci\u00f3n del dolor de espalda. Es algo con lo que casi todos nosotros tenemos que lidiar en alg\u00fan momento de nuestra vida. El dolor de espalda puede durar unos cuantos d\u00edas o semanas. Para algunas personas puede convertirse en un problema cr\u00f3nico. La buena noticia es que hay algunas cosas que usted puede hacer para evitar el dolor de espalda. Estos consejos pueden ayudar."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1395,"code":"A_388f55c7","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"sacrojointsteroid","copyright":2013,"labels":{"en":"Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection","es":"Inyecci\u00f3n esteroide para articulaci\u00f3n sacroil\u00edaca"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":69,"keywords":"Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection; Sacroiliac Steroid Injection; Sacroiliac Joint Injection; Injection of Sacroiliac Joint; Steroid Injection of Sacroiliac Joint;\nback pain; low back pain; hip pain","published_at":"2013-11-07T19:10:42.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-05-20T15:41:58.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This injection procedure is performed to relieve pain caused by arthritis in the sacroiliac joint where the spine and hip bone meet. The steroid medication can reduce swelling and inflammation in the joint.","es":"Este procedimiento se realiza para aliviar el dolor causado por artritis en la articulaci\u00f3n sacroil\u00edaca, donde se unen la espina y el hueso de la cadera. El medicamento esteroide puede reducir la hinchaz\u00f3n y la inflamaci\u00f3n."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1402,"code":"A_2aaf4d4d","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"stimimplanttrial","copyright":2014,"labels":{"en":"Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant (Trial Procedure)","es":"Implante estimulador de m\u00e9dula espinal (procedimiento de prueba)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":89,"keywords":"Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant (Trial Procedure); Spinal Cord Stimulator; SCS; Chronic Pain Relief; Electrical Impulses; Neuropathic Pain Relief; Implantable Pulse Generator (IPG) Battery; IPG; Epidural Space Implantation","published_at":"2014-04-21T14:39:07.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-07T01:50:16.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Spinal cord stimulation (also called SCS) uses electrical impulses to relieve chronic pain of the back, arms and legs. It is believed that electrical pulses prevent pain signals from being received by the brain. SCS candidates include people who suffer from neuropathic pain and for whom conservative treatments have failed.","es":"La estimulaci\u00f3n de la m\u00e9dula espinal, tambi\u00e9n llamada neuroestimulaci\u00f3n, emplea impulsos el\u00e9ctricos para aliviar el dolor cr\u00f3nico de espalda y piernas. Se cree que los impulsos el\u00e9ctricos evitan que las se\u00f1ales dolorosas sean recibidas por el cerebro. Los candidatos ideales para la neuroestimulaci\u00f3n incluyen personas que sufren de dolor neurop\u00e1tico y para quienes los tratamientos conservadores no han dado resultado."},"deprecated":false}]},{"code":"T_c28aca23","aliases":["G_a54606b2"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":1420,"code":"A_b6a30083","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"ddd","copyright":2013,"labels":{"de":"Bandscheibenschaden","en":"Degenerative Disc Disease","es":"Enfermedad degenerativa de disco"},"available":{"de":1,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":125,"keywords":"Degenerative Disc Disease; Degenerative Disc Disease Overview; Degenerative Disc Disease the process; Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms; Degenerative Disc Disease (how it happens)","published_at":"2013-08-01T04:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2015-08-03T03:31:52.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is a weakening of one or more vertebral discs, which normally act as a cushion between the vertebrae. This condition can develop as a natural part of the aging process, but it may also result from injury to the back.","es":"Esta condici\u00f3n refleja un debilitamiento de uno o m\u00e1s discos vertebrales, los cuales normalmente act\u00faan como un amortiguador entre las v\u00e9rtebras. Aun cuando la degeneraci\u00f3n de disco es una parte natural del proceso de envejecimiento, tambi\u00e9n puede resultar de una lesi\u00f3n a la espalda.","de":"Obwohl Verschlei\u00dferscheinungen der Bandscheiben Teil der altersbedingten Ver\u00e4nderungen sind, k\u00f6nnen Bandscheibensch\u00e4den auch durch wiederholte Mikrotraumata des R\u00fcckens entstehen. Diese kleinen Verletzungen entstehen \u00fcber einen l\u00e4ngeren Zeitraum durch Aktivit\u00e4ten, die den Bandscheibenraum komprimieren."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4333,"code":"A_5ce1d6d8","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"discogenicpain","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Discogenic Pain","es":"Dolor discog\u00e9nico"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":82.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Discogenic; pain; spinal; discs; chronic; lower; back; irritation; tiny; nerves; outer; wall; radiates","published_at":"2019-12-06T21:52:30.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-01T19:49:36.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This pain comes from one of your spinal discs. Those are the soft cushions that allow the bones of your spine to flex and twist. Discogenic pain is a common reason for chronic lower back pain.","es":"Este dolor proviene de uno de los discos de su columna vertebral. Los discos son almohadillas blandas que permiten que los huesos de su columna vertebral se flexionen y giren. El dolor discog\u00e9nico es un motivo com\u00fan para el dolor lumbar cr\u00f3nico."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1421,"code":"A_ae6e8a10","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"facetsyndrome","copyright":2012,"labels":{"de":"Arthrose der Facettengelenke","en":"Facet Joint Syndrome","es":"S\u00edndrome de Articulaci\u00f3n Facetaria "},"available":{"de":1,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":131,"keywords":"Facet Joint Syndrome; Facet Joint Syndrome Overview; Facet Joint Syndrome Joint Damage; Facet Joint Syndrome Cartilage loss; Facet Joint Syndrome Symptoms; Facet Joint Syndrome Treatment","published_at":"2013-08-01T04:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-05-30T19:27:33.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is a deterioration of the facet joints, which help stabilize the spine and limit excessive motion. The facet joints are lined with cartilage and are surrounded by a lubricating capsule that enables the vertebrae to bend and twist.","es":"Las articulaciones facetarias son estructuras \u00f3seas que conectan las v\u00e9rtebras con la espina. Cada articulaci\u00f3n facetaria es alineada con un cart\u00edlago y est\u00e1 rodeada por una c\u00e1psula lubricante que permite que las v\u00e9rtebras se muevan libremente.","de":"Die Facettengelenke sind die Strukturen, die die Wirbelk\u00f6rper untereinander verbinden. Jedes Facettengelenk besitzt Gelenkknorpel und ist von einer Kapsel mit Gelenkschmiere umgeben, so da\u00df sich die Wirbelk\u00f6rper gut gegeneinander verschieben k\u00f6nnen."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1423,"code":"A_a64b4f20","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"herniateddisc","copyright":2020,"labels":{"en":"Herniated Disc","es":"Hernia de disco"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":92.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Herniated Discs; cervical spine; lumbar spine; trauma; intervertrebral disc; back pain; herniated disc; neck pain","published_at":"2020-05-12T20:49:59.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-07-21T13:19:00.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Between the vertebrae of your spine are soft discs. They let your spine twist and bend. They absorb shocks. But if damaged, the disc's soft center can push through the disc wall. That's a herniated disc. This bulge presses against nerves in your spine.","es":"Entre las v\u00e9rtebras de su columna vertebral se encuentran discos blandos. Estos permiten que su columna gire y se doble. Tambi\u00e9n absorben los impactos. Pero si se lesiona, el centro blando de un disco puede empujar a trav\u00e9s de la pared del mismo. Eso es una hernia de disco. Esto ejerce presi\u00f3n en los nervios de su columna vertebral.","au":"Between the vertebrae of your spine are soft discs. They let your spine twist and bend. They absorb shocks. But if damaged, the disc's soft center can push through the disc wall. That's a herniated disc. This bulge presses against nerves in your spine.","ie":"Between the vertebrae of your spine are soft discs. They let your spine twist and bend. They absorb shocks. But if damaged, the disc's soft centre can push through the disc wall. That's a herniated disc. This bulge presses against nerves in your spine causing pain and discomfort.","ar":"\u062a\u0648\u062c\u062f \u0623\u0642\u0631\u0627\u0635 \u0644\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0646\u0629 \u0628\u064a\u0646 \u0641\u0642\u0631\u0627\u062a \u0639\u0645\u0648\u062f\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0642\u0631\u064a. \u062a\u062a\u064a\u062d \u0647\u0630\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0642\u0631\u0627\u062a \u0644\u0639\u0645\u0648\u062f\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0642\u0631\u064a \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u0631\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0645\u064a\u0644. \u0648\u062a\u0645\u062a\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u062f\u0645\u0627\u062a. \u0644\u0643\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0625\u0630\u0627 \u062a\u0636\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0631\u062a\u060c \u0641\u0625\u0646\u0647 \u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0644\u0645\u0631\u0643\u0632 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0631\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0646 \u0627\u062e\u062a\u0631\u0627\u0642 \u062c\u062f\u0627\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0631\u0635. \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0647\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0631\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0641\u062a\u0642. \u064a\u0636\u063a\u0637 \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0646\u062a\u0648\u0621 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0639\u0635\u0627\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0641\u064a \u0639\u0645\u0648\u062f\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0642\u0631\u064a."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1426,"code":"A_4694d3b0","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"migraines","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Migraine Headaches","es":"Migra\u00f1as"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":109,"keywords":"Migraine Headaches; Migraine Headaches Overview; Migraine Headaches Causes; Migraine Headaches Symptoms; Migraine Headaches Treatment; Vascular Headache; Migraine; Classic Migraines; Hemiplegic Migraine; Ophthalmoplegic Migraine","published_at":"2016-03-25T18:01:11.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-03-15T21:12:25.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"A migraine is an intense, throbbing headache that may be accompanied by nausea or dizziness. A migraine can last from hours to days.","es":"Una migra\u00f1a es un dolor de cabeza intenso, puls\u00e1til que puede estar acompa\u00f1ado de n\u00e1useas o mareos. Una migra\u00f1a puede durar desde horas hasta d\u00edas."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3126,"code":"A_a22cc17d","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"sijointpain","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Sacroiliac Joint Pain","es":"Dolor de la articulaci\u00f3n sacroil\u00edaca "},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":152.099999999999994315658113919198513031005859375,"keywords":"Sacroiliac; Joint; Pain; SI; Joints; lower; back; nerve; ligaments; hip; groin; thigh; numbness; tingling; weakness; leg; physical; therapy; radiofrequency; ablation; irritated; arthritis; buttock; bilateral; stress; surgery; steroid; injection","published_at":"2017-05-11T18:08:56.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-02T18:19:44.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Your sacroiliac joints (we call them the \"SI\" joints) are the places where your hips meet your spine. These joints don't have a lot of flexibility, but they do move slightly as you move your body. And if SI joints become damaged or diseased, it can be painful.","es":"Sus articulaciones sacroil\u00edacas (tambi\u00e9n llamadas articulaciones \u201cSI\u201d o \u201cASI\u201d) son los puntos donde sus caderas se encuentran con la columna vertebral. Estas articulaciones no tienen mucha flexibilidad, pero s\u00ed se mueven ligeramente cuando usted mueve su cuerpo. Y si las articulaciones SI se da\u00f1an o se enferman, esto puede causar dolor."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1430,"code":"A_f28e188b","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"stenosis","copyright":2020,"labels":{"en":"Spinal Stenosis","es":"Estenosis espinal"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":103.2999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875,"keywords":"Spinal Stenosis; Spinal Stenosis cervical; spinal canal narrowing; degeneration; spinal canal; spinal compression; pinched nerve","published_at":"2020-06-05T12:28:52.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-07-15T20:13:28.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Your spinal nerves travel through your spinal canal and exit through openings we call \"foramen.\" If any of these spaces are too narrow, your nerves become compressed. We say you have \"spinal stenosis.\" It's a problem that most often happens in the neck and lower back.","es":"Sus nervios espinales viajan por su canal espinal y salen a trav\u00e9s de unas aberturas llamadas \"foramen\". Si cualquiera de estos espacios es demasiado estrecho, sus nervios se comprimen. Decimos que usted tiene \"estenosis espinal\". Este es un problema que ocurre con mayor frecuencia en el cuello y en la espalda baja.","au":"Your spinal nerves travel through your spinal canal and exit through openings we call \"foramen.\" If any of these spaces are too narrow, your nerves become compressed. We say you have \"spinal stenosis.\" It's a problem that most often happens in the neck and lower back.","ie":"Your spinal nerves travel through your spinal canal and exit through openings we call \"foramen\". If any of these spaces are too narrow, your nerves become compressed. We say you have \"spinal stenosis\". It's a problem that most often happens in the neck and lower back.","ar":"\u062a\u0645\u0631 \u0623\u0639\u0635\u0627\u0628\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0648\u0643\u064a\u0629 \u0641\u064a \u0642\u0646\u0627\u062a\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0648\u0643\u064a\u0629 \u0648\u062a\u062e\u0631\u062c \u0639\u0628\u0631 \u0641\u062a\u062d\u0627\u062a \u0646\u0633\u0645\u064a\u0647\u0627 \"\u062b\u0642\u0628\u0629\". \u0641\u064a \u062d\u0627\u0644 \u0643\u0627\u0646\u062a \u0623\u064a \u0645\u0646 \u0647\u0630\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0631\u0627\u063a\u0627\u062a \u0636\u064a\u0642\u0629 \u062c\u062f\u064b\u0627\u060c \u0641\u0625\u0646 \u0623\u0639\u0635\u0627\u0628\u0643 \u062a\u062a\u0639\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0636 \u0644\u0644\u0636\u063a\u0637. \u0641\u0646\u0642\u0648\u0644 \u0625\u0646\u0643 \u0645\u0635\u0627\u0628 \"\u0628\u062a\u0636\u064a\u0651\u064f\u0642 \u0634\u0648\u0643\u064a\". \u0625\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0645\u0634\u0643\u0644\u0629 \u062a\u062d\u062f\u062b \u0641\u064a \u0623\u063a\u0644\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062d\u064a\u0627\u0646 \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0642\u0628\u0629 \u0648\u0623\u0633\u0641\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0638\u0647\u0631."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1431,"code":"A_58824de0","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"spinalstenosiscervical","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Spinal Stenosis (Cervical)","es":"Estenosis espinal (cervical)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":90.43000000000000682121026329696178436279296875,"keywords":"Spinal Stenosis; Spinal Stenosis cervical; spinal canal narrowing; degeneration; spinal canal; spinal compression; pinched nerve","published_at":"2019-09-09T16:02:01.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-09-26T19:20:31.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This problem affects the spinal nerves in your neck. It's a narrowing of the spinal canal. That's the space your spinal nerves travel through. In a healthy spine, the spinal canal protects these nerves. It keeps them free from injury. But with spinal stenosis, the spinal canal is too narrow, and your nerves get compressed.","es":"Este problema afecta los nervios raqu\u00eddeos de su cuello. Es un estrechamiento del canal espinal. Este es el espacio por el que pasan los nervios raqu\u00eddeos. En una columna vertebral sana, el canal espinal protege a dichos nervios. Evita que se lesionen. Pero con la estenosis espinal, el canal espinal es demasiado angosto y los nervios se comprimen."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1433,"code":"A_4a4c675a","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"spondy","copyright":2015,"labels":{"en":"Spondylolisthesis","es":"Espondilolistesis"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":115,"keywords":"Spondylolisthesis; lumbar vertebra; slipped vertebra; nerve compression; back pain; birth defect; spondylolysis","published_at":"2015-10-07T18:55:38.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-02T18:28:17.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition occurs when a lumbar vertebra slips out of place. It slides forward, distorting the shape of your spine. This may compress the nerves in the spinal canal. The nerves that exit the foramen (open spaces on the sides of your vertebrae) may also be compressed. These compressed nerves can cause pain and other problems.","es":"Esta afecci\u00f3n se produce cuando una v\u00e9rtebra lumbar se sale de lugar. Se desliza hacia adelante, distorsionando la forma de su columna vertebral. Esto puede comprimir los nervios en el canal espinal. Los nervios que salen del foramen (espacios abiertos a los costados de sus v\u00e9rtebras) tambi\u00e9n pueden verse comprimidos. Estos nervios comprimidos pueden causar dolor y otros problemas."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4431,"code":"A_5779793e","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"spondylolysis","copyright":2020,"labels":{"de":"Spondylolysis","en":"Spondylolysis","es":"Espondilolisis"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":92.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"spondylosis; vertebra; fracture; crack; lumbar; cervical; thoracic; sports; injury; back; pain","published_at":"2020-03-17T19:26:42.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-03-17T19:23:58.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is a crack that forms in a narrow bridge of bone at the back of a vertebra. A vertebra is one of the bones that forms your spine. Often, this injury happens in the lumbar spine. It can happen to people of all ages. But, we most often see it in children and teens. That's because their bones are still growing.","es":"La espondilolisis es una fisura que se forma en un puente \u00f3seo angosto ubicado en la parte posterior de una v\u00e9rtebra. Una v\u00e9rtebra es uno de los huesos que conforman su columna vertebral. A menudo, esta lesi\u00f3n tiene lugar en la columna lumbar. Personas de cualquier edad pueden sufrirla. Pero con mayor frecuencia se la ve en ni\u00f1os y adolescentes. Esto ocurre porque sus huesos todav\u00eda est\u00e1n en crecimiento."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1434,"code":"A_af67b219","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"spondylosis","copyright":2010,"labels":{"en":"Spondylosis","es":"Espondilosis (artritis espinal)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":137.159999999999996589394868351519107818603515625,"keywords":"spondylolysis; lumbar vertebra; slipped vertebra; nerve compression; back pain; birth defect; stress fracture; age related; degeneration","published_at":"2014-02-25T20:32:34.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-02T18:28:29.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is a degeneration of the spine that can affect the spine at any level, resulting in pain and discomfort that can grow worse over time.","es":"Esta afecci\u00f3n consiste en una degeneraci\u00f3n de la columna que puede afectarla a cualquier nivel, trayendo como resultado dolor e incomodidad que empeora con el tiempo."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1438,"code":"A_1949a5c4","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"backpain","copyright":2015,"labels":{"en":"Where Lower Back Pain Begins","es":"Donde empieza la lumbalgia"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":140,"keywords":"Where Lower Back Pain Begins; Lower back pain; Lumbar spine; spinal nerves; lower back pain causes; Back Pain treatment","published_at":"2015-10-09T19:12:09.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-09-06T21:06:19.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Lower back pain is a common problem that severely impacts the quality of your life. It can limit your ability to be active. It can cause you to miss work. Many different causes may lead to pain in your lower back.","es":"El dolor de la parte baja de la espalda, llamado lumbalgia o lumbago, es un problema com\u00fan que afecta en gran medida la calidad de su vida. Puede limitar su capacidad para mantenerse en actividad. Puede hacer que deba faltar al trabajo. Muchas causas diferentes pueden llevar al dolor en la parte baja de su espalda."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1439,"code":"A_d6553ab5","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"neckpain","copyright":2015,"labels":{"en":"Where Neck Pain Begins","es":"Donde comienza el dolor de cuello"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":150,"keywords":"Where Neck Pain Begins; Neck Pain; Cervical spine pain; spinal nerves; neck pain causes; neck pain treatment","published_at":"2015-12-14T16:17:41.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-11-27T20:33:56.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Neck pain is a common problem that severely impacts the quality of your life. It can limit your ability to be active. It can cause you to miss work. Many different causes may lead to pain in your neck.","es":"El dolor de cuello es un problema com\u00fan que afecta en gran medida su calidad de vida. Este puede limitar su capacidad para mantenerse en actividad. Puede hacer que deba faltar al trabajo. Son muchas y diferentes las causas que pueden llevar al dolor en el cuello."},"deprecated":false},{"id":1440,"code":"A_7b1e4647","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"whiplash","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Whiplash","es":"Traumatismo cervical (latigazo cervical)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":91.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Whiplash; Whiplash Injuries; Neck Injury; cervical spine injury; whiplash causes; whiplash symptoms; whiplash treatment","published_at":"2016-01-19T19:06:49.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-01-05T19:25:46.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is a common neck injury. It happens when your neck jerks back and forth quickly and violently. Your spine bends past its normal range of motion. This can injure the vertebrae of your cervical spine. It can damage the supporting ligaments and muscles in your neck.","es":"Esta es una lesi\u00f3n com\u00fan del cuello. Sucede cuando su cuello se sacude r\u00e1pida y violentamente hacia atr\u00e1s y hacia adelante. Su columna vertebral se dobla m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de su rango normal de movimiento. Esto puede lesionar las v\u00e9rtebras de su columna cervical. Puede da\u00f1ar los ligamentos de soporte y los m\u00fasculos de su cuello."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_13682ac4","aliases":["C_85c610fd"],"labels":{"de":"H\u00fcfte, Bein und Knie","en":"Hip, Leg and Knee","es":"Cadera, pierna y rodilla"},"children":[{"code":"T_ac264602","aliases":["G_718ca13f"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":1527,"code":"A_4934bff5","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"kneearthritis","copyright":2020,"labels":{"de":"Gonarthrose","en":"Osteoarthritis of the Knee","es":"Osteoartritis de la rodilla"},"available":{"de":1,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":98.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"osteoarthritis of the knee; arthritis; knee; knee pain; knee degeneration; degeneration","published_at":"2020-03-31T13:07:57.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-03-30T22:15:11.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Knee pain may keep you from being as active as you like. And it may come from a gradual breakdown of your knee's cartilage. That's a protective tissue on the ends of your bones. In a healthy knee, the bones glide smoothly against each other. But in a knee with osteoarthritis, cartilage begins to wear away. Bone rubs against bone. Bony bumps we call \"bone spurs\" may form.","es":"El dolor de rodilla puede impedir que usted se mantenga tan activo como desea. Y puede provenir de un deterioro gradual del cart\u00edlago de la rodilla. Ese es un tejido protector en los extremos de los huesos. En una rodilla sana, los huesos se deslizan suavemente entre s\u00ed. Pero en una rodilla con osteoartritis, el cart\u00edlago comienza a desgastarse. Los huesos se frotan uno contra el otro. Se pueden formar unas protuberancias \u00f3seas que llamamos \"espolones \u00f3seos\".","de":"Die Gonarthrose (der degenerative Verschlei\u00df des Kniegelenkes) f\u00fchrt zur Kapselverdickung und Gelenksch\u00e4digung mit Schmerzen, Steifheit oder eingeschr\u00e4nkter Beweglichkeit. Da ein Gro\u00dfteil des K\u00f6rpergewichtes auf den Kniegelenken lastet, besteht ein erh\u00f6htes Risiko f\u00fcr einen degenerativen Verschlei\u00df."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_6052521b","aliases":["C_fdfd2be5"],"labels":{"de":"Medikamente","en":"Medications","es":"Medicamentos"},"children":[{"code":"T_097ccd4f","aliases":["G_78e5e6d9"],"labels":{"de":"Medikamente","en":"Medications","es":"Medicamentos"},"children":[{"id":4016,"code":"A_17573ce7","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"howopioidsbrain","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"How Opioids Affect the Brain","es":"C\u00f3mo afectan los opioides al cerebro"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":114.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"opioid; painkiller; pain; addiction; endorphins; receptors; brain; dopamine; opiate","published_at":"2019-05-01T19:00:25.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-05-23T19:04:59.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you've had an injury or a surgery, your doctor may prescribe an \"opioid.\" This is a type of powerful painkiller. Opioids can mask severe pain. They may help when other pain control methods aren't working. But they can also affect your brain in a way that's harmful. You can become addicted. Let's learn about how they interact with your brain.","es":"Si ha sufrido una lesi\u00f3n, o se ha sometido a una cirug\u00eda, es posible que su m\u00e9dico le recete un \"opioide\". Este es un tipo poderoso de analg\u00e9sico. Los opioides pueden enmascarar dolores severos. Pueden ser de ayuda cuando otros m\u00e9todos para el control del dolor no dan resultado. Pero tambi\u00e9n pueden afectar a su cerebro en forma perjudicial. Usted puede volverse adicto a ellos. Veamos c\u00f3mo interact\u00faan con su cerebro."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4163,"code":"A_6bbe30e5","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"signsopioidabuse","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Signs of Opioid Abuse","es":"Se\u00f1ales de abuso de opioides"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":119.2999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875,"keywords":"signs; opioid; abuse; dependence; constipation; drowsy; slow; shallow; breathing; change; sleep; patterns","published_at":"2019-06-12T12:27:38.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-06-13T20:12:24.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Lately, something just doesn't seem right. You think your loved one could be abusing opioids. But how can you tell? Keep an eye out for these subtle signs of opioid abuse.","es":"\u00daltimamente, hay algo que simplemente no parece estar bien. Usted sospecha que su ser querido podr\u00eda estar abusando de los opioides. Pero, \u00bfc\u00f3mo poder estar seguro? Pr\u00e9stele atenci\u00f3n a estas se\u00f1ales sutiles del abuso de opioides."},"deprecated":false}]}]}]},{"code":"T_acf1fffc","aliases":["L_4edc888b"],"labels":{"de":"Psychiatrie","en":"Physiatry","es":"Fisiatr\u00eda"},"children":[{"code":"T_752ae7bd","aliases":["C_085bc7b6"],"labels":{"de":"Ellenbogen","en":"Elbow","es":"Codo"},"children":[{"code":"T_61188f24","aliases":["G_11c18b4d"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":2656,"code":"A_c4d5ed71","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"electromyography","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Electromyography (EMG)","es":"Electromiograf\u00eda (EMG)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":108.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Electromyography (EMG); Electromyography (EMG) Overview; Electromyography (EMG) Nerve Conduction Study; Electromyography (EMG) Needle Electromyogram; Electromyography (EMG) Conclusion; EMG","published_at":"2017-02-03T19:37:08.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-01-16T20:54:35.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is a test of your muscles and nerves. It usually has two parts. One is a nerve conduction study. This measures how well electricity moves through your nerves. The second part is a needle electromyogram. It records the electrical signals your muscles make when you move them. The results can help your doctor find problems linked to certain disorders or conditions.","es":"Este es un examen que se hace a sus m\u00fasculos y nervios. Por lo general consta de dos partes. Una es el estudio de conducci\u00f3n nerviosa. La misma mide cu\u00e1n bien se mueve la electricidad a trav\u00e9s de sus nervios. La segunda parte es un electromiograma con aguja. Este registra las se\u00f1ales el\u00e9ctricas que hacen sus m\u00fasculos cuando los mueve. Los resultados pueden ayudar a su m\u00e9dico a encontrar problemas relacionados con ciertos trastornos o afecciones."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3492,"code":"A_fe3ace87","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"livingchronicpain","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Living With Chronic Pain","es":"Viviendo con dolor cr\u00f3nico"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":145.229999999999989768184605054557323455810546875,"keywords":"chronic; pain; complex; regional; syndrome; fibromyalgia; injury; pain medication; stress; exercise; therapy; rehabilitation; rehab","published_at":"2018-06-12T17:14:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-06-14T19:20:58.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you have pain that lasts for more than six months, you have \"chronic\" pain. It's different from the temporary pain you feel when you hurt yourself. With chronic pain, you may not know why you are hurting. Your pain may affect your whole body and your mind, causing problems that ripple through every part of your life. But there is hope. Here are some tips to help you manage chronic pain.","es":"Si usted tiene un dolor que dura por m\u00e1s de seis meses, se dice que tiene un dolor \"cr\u00f3nico\". Es diferente del dolor temporal que siente cuando se lastima. Con el dolor cr\u00f3nico, es posible que no sepa qu\u00e9 causa su dolor. Su dolor puede afectar todo su cuerpo y su mente, caus\u00e1ndole problemas que impactan cada parte de su vida. Pero hay esperanza. Aqu\u00ed hay algunos consejos para ayudarle a manejar su dolor cr\u00f3nico."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_e54183e2","aliases":["C_ec345104"],"labels":{"de":"Kopf, Hals und Wirbels\u00e4ule","en":"Head, Neck and Spine","es":"Cabeza, cuello y columna"},"children":[{"code":"T_3a2dc677","aliases":["G_8596f13a"],"labels":{"de":"Pflege und Management","en":"Care and Management","es":"Cuidado y manejo"},"children":[{"id":3651,"code":"A_00f3d8d3","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"livinglowerbackpain","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Managing Low Back Pain","es":"Manejo del lumbago"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":98,"keywords":"Living; Lower; Back; Pain; Medications; physical; therapy; complimentary; treatments; surgery; exercise; nutritious; diet; proper; posture; lifting; techniques\r\n","published_at":"2018-08-21T19:06:20.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-08-16T19:27:02.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Low back pain can cause problems that ripple through every part of your life. You don't do a lot of the things you enjoy because it just hurts too much. But there is hope. Here are some tips to help you manage your pain.","es":"El dolor en la regi\u00f3n lumbar, es decir la parte inferior de la espalda, puede causar problemas que afectan a cada parte de su vida. Usted deja de realizar muchas de las cosas que disfruta, porque siente demasiado dolor. Pero existe una esperanza. Aqu\u00ed hay algunos consejos que le ayudar\u00e1n a manejar su dolor."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3586,"code":"A_3757d98a","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"livingneck","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Managing Neck Pain","es":"Manejo del dolor de cuello"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":98.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Living; neck; pain; relief; physical; therapy; strengthen; muscles","published_at":"2018-08-31T20:14:14.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-08-16T19:36:49.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you're dealing with neck pain, you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, you can try these simple strategies for managing neck pain.","es":"Si est\u00e1 lidiando con el dolor de cuello, usted sabe lo frustrante que esto puede ser. Afortunadamente, puede probar estas simples estrategias, para manejar el dolor de cuello."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2609,"code":"A_95185417","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"myofascialrelease","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Myofascial Release","es":"Liberaci\u00f3n miofascial"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":77.7300000000000039790393202565610408782958984375,"keywords":"Myofascial release; fascia; trigger points; massage; muscle pain; chronic muscle pain; stretching","published_at":"2017-02-08T15:57:42.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-01-17T21:23:17.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you have long lasting muscle pain, myofascial release may help. This therapy targets the layer of tissue that covers your muscles. It's called the \"fascia.\" It can become tight. It can lead to sensitive places called \"trigger points.\" Myofascial release can help relax your fascia to reduce your pain.","es":"Si tiene un dolor muscular que dura mucho, la liberaci\u00f3n miofascial puede ser de ayuda. Esta terapia se enfoca en la capa de tejido que recubre sus m\u00fasculos. A esta se la llama \"fascia\". La misma puede tensarse. Puede hacer que aparezcan lugares sensibles llamados \"puntos gatillo\". La liberaci\u00f3n miofascial puede ayudar a relajar su fascia para reducir el dolor."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2781,"code":"A_fd4b6e81","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"triggerpointinject","copyright":2013,"labels":{"en":"Trigger Point Injections","es":"Inyecciones en los puntos gatillo"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":93,"keywords":"Trigger Point Injections; Trigger Point Pain Relief; Injections at Trigger Points; Pain Relief; Trigger Point Anesthetic Injections; Trigger Point Pain Relief; aponeurosis","published_at":"2013-08-01T04:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-02-07T22:17:06.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This outpatient procedure is designed to reduce or relieve the pain of trigger points. These small, tender knots can form in muscles or in the fascia (the soft, stretchy connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs). The trigger point injection procedure takes only a few minutes to complete.","es":"Este procedimiento ambulatorio est\u00e1 dise\u00f1ado para reducir o aliviar el dolor de los puntos gatillo. Estos son peque\u00f1os y sensibles n\u00f3dulos que se pueden formar en los m\u00fasculos o en la fascia (el tejido conectivo suave y el\u00e1stico que rodea a los m\u00fasculos y los \u00f3rganos). El procedimiento de inyecci\u00f3n en el punto gatillo tarda s\u00f3lo unos minutos en completarse."},"deprecated":false}]},{"code":"T_2fcc820f","aliases":["G_f7c0e3fe"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":2616,"code":"A_879e5eb6","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"spineanat","copyright":2013,"labels":{"en":"Anatomy of the Spine","es":"Anatom\u00eda de la Espina"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":265,"keywords":"Anatomy of the Spine; cervical vertebrae; thoracic vertebrae; lumbar vertebrae; sacrum; coccyx; spinal cord; spinal fluid; disc; pedicle; spinous process; lamina","published_at":"2013-10-14T18:16:44.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-02T18:24:33.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"The spinal column is the body's main support structure. Its thirty-three bones, called vertebrae, are divided into five regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal.","es":"La columna vertebral es la principal estructura de apoyo del cuerpo. Sus treinta y tres huesos, llamados v\u00e9rtebras, est\u00e1n divididos en cinco regiones: la cervical, la tor\u00e1cica, la lumbar, la sacra y la cocc\u00edgea."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2620,"code":"A_13b82e48","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"cervrad","copyright":2013,"labels":{"en":"Cervical Radiculopathy","es":"Radiculopat\u00eda cervical"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":146,"keywords":"Cervical Radiculopathy; Understanding Cervical Radiculopathy; Cervical Radiculopathy causes; Cervical Radiculopathy symptoms; Cervical Radiculopathy Overview","published_at":"2013-08-01T04:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2019-11-08T19:32:07.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is an irritation or compression of one or more nerve roots in the cervical spine. Because these nerves travel to the shoulders, arms and hands, an injury in the cervical spine can cause symptoms in these areas. Cervical radiculopathy may result from a variety of problems with the bones and tissues of the cervical spinal column.","es":"Esta condici\u00f3n consiste en una irritaci\u00f3n o compresi\u00f3n de una o m\u00e1s ra\u00edces nerviosas de la columna cervical. Como estos nervios viajan hasta los hombros, brazos y manos, una lesi\u00f3n en la columna cervical puede producir s\u00edntomas en cualquiera de estas \u00e1reas. La radiculopat\u00eda cervical puede ser el resultado de una variedad de problemas de los huesos y tejidos de la zona cervical de la columna."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2618,"code":"A_b6e45f86","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"ddd","copyright":2013,"labels":{"de":"Bandscheibenschaden","en":"Degenerative Disc Disease","es":"Enfermedad degenerativa de disco"},"available":{"de":1,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":125,"keywords":"Degenerative Disc Disease; Degenerative Disc Disease Overview; Degenerative Disc Disease the process; Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms; Degenerative Disc Disease (how it happens)","published_at":"2013-08-01T04:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2015-08-03T03:31:52.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is a weakening of one or more vertebral discs, which normally act as a cushion between the vertebrae. This condition can develop as a natural part of the aging process, but it may also result from injury to the back.","es":"Esta condici\u00f3n refleja un debilitamiento de uno o m\u00e1s discos vertebrales, los cuales normalmente act\u00faan como un amortiguador entre las v\u00e9rtebras. Aun cuando la degeneraci\u00f3n de disco es una parte natural del proceso de envejecimiento, tambi\u00e9n puede resultar de una lesi\u00f3n a la espalda.","de":"Obwohl Verschlei\u00dferscheinungen der Bandscheiben Teil der altersbedingten Ver\u00e4nderungen sind, k\u00f6nnen Bandscheibensch\u00e4den auch durch wiederholte Mikrotraumata des R\u00fcckens entstehen. Diese kleinen Verletzungen entstehen \u00fcber einen l\u00e4ngeren Zeitraum durch Aktivit\u00e4ten, die den Bandscheibenraum komprimieren."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2622,"code":"A_a0c3b313","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"facetsyndrome","copyright":2012,"labels":{"de":"Arthrose der Facettengelenke","en":"Facet Joint Syndrome","es":"S\u00edndrome de Articulaci\u00f3n Facetaria "},"available":{"de":1,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":131,"keywords":"Facet Joint Syndrome; Facet Joint Syndrome Overview; Facet Joint Syndrome Joint Damage; Facet Joint Syndrome Cartilage loss; Facet Joint Syndrome Symptoms; Facet Joint Syndrome Treatment","published_at":"2013-08-01T04:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-05-30T19:27:33.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is a deterioration of the facet joints, which help stabilize the spine and limit excessive motion. The facet joints are lined with cartilage and are surrounded by a lubricating capsule that enables the vertebrae to bend and twist.","es":"Las articulaciones facetarias son estructuras \u00f3seas que conectan las v\u00e9rtebras con la espina. Cada articulaci\u00f3n facetaria es alineada con un cart\u00edlago y est\u00e1 rodeada por una c\u00e1psula lubricante que permite que las v\u00e9rtebras se muevan libremente.","de":"Die Facettengelenke sind die Strukturen, die die Wirbelk\u00f6rper untereinander verbinden. Jedes Facettengelenk besitzt Gelenkknorpel und ist von einer Kapsel mit Gelenkschmiere umgeben, so da\u00df sich die Wirbelk\u00f6rper gut gegeneinander verschieben k\u00f6nnen."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2623,"code":"A_b8b2145f","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"herniateddisc","copyright":2020,"labels":{"en":"Herniated Disc","es":"Hernia de disco"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":92.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Herniated Discs; cervical spine; lumbar spine; trauma; intervertrebral disc; back pain; herniated disc; neck pain","published_at":"2020-05-12T20:49:59.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-07-21T13:19:00.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Between the vertebrae of your spine are soft discs. They let your spine twist and bend. They absorb shocks. But if damaged, the disc's soft center can push through the disc wall. That's a herniated disc. This bulge presses against nerves in your spine.","es":"Entre las v\u00e9rtebras de su columna vertebral se encuentran discos blandos. Estos permiten que su columna gire y se doble. Tambi\u00e9n absorben los impactos. Pero si se lesiona, el centro blando de un disco puede empujar a trav\u00e9s de la pared del mismo. Eso es una hernia de disco. Esto ejerce presi\u00f3n en los nervios de su columna vertebral.","au":"Between the vertebrae of your spine are soft discs. They let your spine twist and bend. They absorb shocks. But if damaged, the disc's soft center can push through the disc wall. That's a herniated disc. This bulge presses against nerves in your spine.","ie":"Between the vertebrae of your spine are soft discs. They let your spine twist and bend. They absorb shocks. But if damaged, the disc's soft centre can push through the disc wall. That's a herniated disc. This bulge presses against nerves in your spine causing pain and discomfort.","ar":"\u062a\u0648\u062c\u062f \u0623\u0642\u0631\u0627\u0635 \u0644\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0646\u0629 \u0628\u064a\u0646 \u0641\u0642\u0631\u0627\u062a \u0639\u0645\u0648\u062f\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0642\u0631\u064a. \u062a\u062a\u064a\u062d \u0647\u0630\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0642\u0631\u0627\u062a \u0644\u0639\u0645\u0648\u062f\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0642\u0631\u064a \u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u0631\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0645\u064a\u0644. \u0648\u062a\u0645\u062a\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u062f\u0645\u0627\u062a. \u0644\u0643\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0625\u0630\u0627 \u062a\u0636\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0631\u062a\u060c \u0641\u0625\u0646\u0647 \u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0644\u0645\u0631\u0643\u0632 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0631\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u064a\u0651\u0650\u0646 \u0627\u062e\u062a\u0631\u0627\u0642 \u062c\u062f\u0627\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0631\u0635. \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0647\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0631\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0641\u062a\u0642. \u064a\u0636\u063a\u0637 \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0646\u062a\u0648\u0621 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0639\u0635\u0627\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0641\u064a \u0639\u0645\u0648\u062f\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0642\u0631\u064a."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2619,"code":"A_0ae2b8a8","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"cervherniadisc","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Herniated Disc (Cervical)","es":"Hernia de disco (Cervical)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":120,"keywords":"Herniated Discs; cervical spine; trauma; intervertrebral disc; neck pain; herniated disc","published_at":"2016-01-08T20:26:59.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-03-17T01:48:27.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is a rupture of one of the vertebral discs in your neck. A herniated disc can allow disc material to press harmfully against the spinal nerves.","es":"Esta afecci\u00f3n es la ruptura de uno de los discos vertebrales de su cuello. Una hernia de disco puede hacer que el material del disco presione nocivamente contra los nervios espinales."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2625,"code":"A_63fbbf76","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"lumradsciatica","copyright":2013,"labels":{"de":"lumbale Nervenwurzelreizung (Ischialgie)","en":"Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica)","es":"Radiculopat\u00eda lumbar (ci\u00e1tica)"},"available":{"de":1,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":148.5,"keywords":"Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica); Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica) Overview; Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica) Causes; Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica); Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica) Symptoms; Lumbar Radiculopathy; Sciatica; Sciatica Nerve Pain","published_at":"2013-09-23T18:00:00.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-09-06T21:13:56.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is an irritation or compression of one or more nerve roots in the lumbar spine. Because these nerves travel to the hips, buttocks, legs and feet, an injury in the lumbar spine can cause symptoms in these areas. Sciatica may result from a variety of problems with the bones and tissues of the lumbar spinal column.","es":"Esta condici\u00f3n consiste en una irritaci\u00f3n o compresi\u00f3n de una o m\u00e1s ra\u00edces nerviosas de la columna lumbar. Como estos nervios viajan hasta las caderas, gl\u00fateos, piernas y pies, una lesi\u00f3n en la columna lumbar puede producir s\u00edntomas en cualquiera de estas \u00e1reas. La ci\u00e1tica puede ser el resultado de una variedad de problemas de los huesos y tejidos de la zona lumbar de la columna.","de":"Vom R\u00fcckenmark f\u00fchren Nervenfasern zu allen Teilen des K\u00f6rpers. Die Nervenwurzel ist der Teil des Nerven, der direkt mit dem R\u00fcckenmark verbunden ist. Wenn eine dieser Wurzeln gedr\u00fcckt oder eingeklemmt wird, kann dies zu Schmerzen, Schw\u00e4che, Taubheit oder Kribbelgef\u00fchlen in dem K\u00f6rperabschnitt f\u00fchren, der von dieser Wurzel versorgt ist. H\u00e4ufige Ursachen der Nerven-wurzelsch\u00e4digung geh\u00f6ren Bandscheibenvorfall, Spinalstenose oder Bandscheibensch\u00e4den."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2805,"code":"A_d1a3ef96","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"trapeziusstrain","copyright":2014,"labels":{"en":"Muscle Strain of the Upper Back (Trapezius Strain)","es":"Distensi\u00f3n muscular de la espalda alta (distensi\u00f3n del m\u00fasculo trapecio)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":122,"keywords":"Trapezius Strain; Muscle Strain; Shoulder Muscle Strain; Upper Back Strain; Back Pain; Shoulder Pain; Muscle Pain;","published_at":"2014-09-09T14:33:48.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2019-02-02T20:29:53.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This common injury is a stretching or tearing of the trapezius. This large muscle group spans the upper back, shoulders and neck. These muscles are commonly called the \"trap\" muscles.","es":"Esta lesi\u00f3n com\u00fan es un estiramiento o desgarro del trapecio. Este grupo de m\u00fasculos grandes se extiende por la parte alta de la espalda, los hombros y el cuello. En ingl\u00e9s, al trapecio tambi\u00e9n se le conoce como \u201ctrap\u201d."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2626,"code":"A_e6123376","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"myelopathy","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Myelopathy","es":"Mielopat\u00eda"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":120.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"myelopathy; spinal cord; back pain; chronic pain; chronic back pain; pinched nerve; nerve compression","published_at":"2017-02-21T18:06:05.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-01-16T21:15:07.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is a problem that affects your spinal cord. It happens when something presses harmfully against it. Your spinal cord is the main nerve pathway between your brain and your body. Pressure on it can cause problems throughout your body.","es":"Este es un problema que afecta su m\u00e9dula espinal. Ocurre cuando algo presiona perjudicialmente contra ella. Su m\u00e9dula espinal es la principal ruta nerviosa entre su cerebro y su cuerpo. La presi\u00f3n sobre ella puede causar problemas en todo el cuerpo."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3516,"code":"A_6912a890","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"osteospine","copyright":2018,"labels":{"en":"Osteoarthritis of the Spine","es":"Osteoartritis de la columna vertebral"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":103.1700000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Osteoarthritis; Spine; arthritis; back; neck; pain; risk; older; family; history; overweight; bone; spurs; nerves; stiffness; medication; physical; therapy; doctor; plan","published_at":"2018-08-17T15:44:47.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-08-11T14:26:17.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you have back or neck pain that doesn't go away, you may have osteoarthritis of the spine. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. For many of us, it develops slowly as we age. And it can keep you from being as active as you like.","es":"Si tiene un dolor de espalda o de cuello que no cede, es posible que tenga osteoartritis de la columna vertebral. La osteoartritis es la forma m\u00e1s com\u00fan de la artritis. Para muchos de nosotros, se desarrolla lentamente, a medida que envejecemos. Y puede impedir que usted realice las actividades que desea."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2631,"code":"A_faa4b295","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"stenosis","copyright":2020,"labels":{"en":"Spinal Stenosis","es":"Estenosis espinal"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":103.2999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875,"keywords":"Spinal Stenosis; Spinal Stenosis cervical; spinal canal narrowing; degeneration; spinal canal; spinal compression; pinched nerve","published_at":"2020-06-05T12:28:52.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-07-15T20:13:28.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Your spinal nerves travel through your spinal canal and exit through openings we call \"foramen.\" If any of these spaces are too narrow, your nerves become compressed. We say you have \"spinal stenosis.\" It's a problem that most often happens in the neck and lower back.","es":"Sus nervios espinales viajan por su canal espinal y salen a trav\u00e9s de unas aberturas llamadas \"foramen\". Si cualquiera de estos espacios es demasiado estrecho, sus nervios se comprimen. Decimos que usted tiene \"estenosis espinal\". Este es un problema que ocurre con mayor frecuencia en el cuello y en la espalda baja.","au":"Your spinal nerves travel through your spinal canal and exit through openings we call \"foramen.\" If any of these spaces are too narrow, your nerves become compressed. We say you have \"spinal stenosis.\" It's a problem that most often happens in the neck and lower back.","ie":"Your spinal nerves travel through your spinal canal and exit through openings we call \"foramen\". If any of these spaces are too narrow, your nerves become compressed. We say you have \"spinal stenosis\". It's a problem that most often happens in the neck and lower back.","ar":"\u062a\u0645\u0631 \u0623\u0639\u0635\u0627\u0628\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0648\u0643\u064a\u0629 \u0641\u064a \u0642\u0646\u0627\u062a\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0648\u0643\u064a\u0629 \u0648\u062a\u062e\u0631\u062c \u0639\u0628\u0631 \u0641\u062a\u062d\u0627\u062a \u0646\u0633\u0645\u064a\u0647\u0627 \"\u062b\u0642\u0628\u0629\". \u0641\u064a \u062d\u0627\u0644 \u0643\u0627\u0646\u062a \u0623\u064a \u0645\u0646 \u0647\u0630\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0631\u0627\u063a\u0627\u062a \u0636\u064a\u0642\u0629 \u062c\u062f\u064b\u0627\u060c \u0641\u0625\u0646 \u0623\u0639\u0635\u0627\u0628\u0643 \u062a\u062a\u0639\u0631\u0651\u064e\u0636 \u0644\u0644\u0636\u063a\u0637. \u0641\u0646\u0642\u0648\u0644 \u0625\u0646\u0643 \u0645\u0635\u0627\u0628 \"\u0628\u062a\u0636\u064a\u0651\u064f\u0642 \u0634\u0648\u0643\u064a\". \u0625\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0645\u0634\u0643\u0644\u0629 \u062a\u062d\u062f\u062b \u0641\u064a \u0623\u063a\u0644\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062d\u064a\u0627\u0646 \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0642\u0628\u0629 \u0648\u0623\u0633\u0641\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0638\u0647\u0631."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2632,"code":"A_c75c3e91","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"spinalstenosiscervical","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Spinal Stenosis (Cervical)","es":"Estenosis espinal (cervical)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":90.43000000000000682121026329696178436279296875,"keywords":"Spinal Stenosis; Spinal Stenosis cervical; spinal canal narrowing; degeneration; spinal canal; spinal compression; pinched nerve","published_at":"2019-09-09T16:02:01.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-09-26T19:20:31.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This problem affects the spinal nerves in your neck. It's a narrowing of the spinal canal. That's the space your spinal nerves travel through. In a healthy spine, the spinal canal protects these nerves. It keeps them free from injury. But with spinal stenosis, the spinal canal is too narrow, and your nerves get compressed.","es":"Este problema afecta los nervios raqu\u00eddeos de su cuello. Es un estrechamiento del canal espinal. Este es el espacio por el que pasan los nervios raqu\u00eddeos. En una columna vertebral sana, el canal espinal protege a dichos nervios. Evita que se lesionen. Pero con la estenosis espinal, el canal espinal es demasiado angosto y los nervios se comprimen."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2634,"code":"A_8511f196","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"spondy","copyright":2015,"labels":{"en":"Spondylolisthesis","es":"Espondilolistesis"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":115,"keywords":"Spondylolisthesis; lumbar vertebra; slipped vertebra; nerve compression; back pain; birth defect; spondylolysis","published_at":"2015-10-07T18:55:38.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-02T18:28:17.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition occurs when a lumbar vertebra slips out of place. It slides forward, distorting the shape of your spine. This may compress the nerves in the spinal canal. The nerves that exit the foramen (open spaces on the sides of your vertebrae) may also be compressed. These compressed nerves can cause pain and other problems.","es":"Esta afecci\u00f3n se produce cuando una v\u00e9rtebra lumbar se sale de lugar. Se desliza hacia adelante, distorsionando la forma de su columna vertebral. Esto puede comprimir los nervios en el canal espinal. Los nervios que salen del foramen (espacios abiertos a los costados de sus v\u00e9rtebras) tambi\u00e9n pueden verse comprimidos. Estos nervios comprimidos pueden causar dolor y otros problemas."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2635,"code":"A_d1d6e741","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"spondylosis","copyright":2010,"labels":{"en":"Spondylosis","es":"Espondilosis (artritis espinal)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":137.159999999999996589394868351519107818603515625,"keywords":"spondylolysis; lumbar vertebra; slipped vertebra; nerve compression; back pain; birth defect; stress fracture; age related; degeneration","published_at":"2014-02-25T20:32:34.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-12-02T18:28:29.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This condition is a degeneration of the spine that can affect the spine at any level, resulting in pain and discomfort that can grow worse over time.","es":"Esta afecci\u00f3n consiste en una degeneraci\u00f3n de la columna que puede afectarla a cualquier nivel, trayendo como resultado dolor e incomodidad que empeora con el tiempo."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_c837307a","aliases":["C_c5525b84"],"labels":{"de":"H\u00fcfte, Bein und Knie","en":"Hip, Leg and Knee","es":"Cadera, pierna y rodilla"},"children":[{"code":"T_2952aeca","aliases":["G_c18e363e"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":2673,"code":"A_10e52e7f","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"hipbursitis","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Bursitis of the Hip (Trochanteric Bursitis)","es":"Bursitis de la cadera (Bursitis trocant\u00e9rea)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":87,"keywords":"Bursitis of the Hip Trochanteric Bursitis; Trochanteric Bursitis; Bursitis of the Hip; swelling of trochanteric bursa; Trochanteric Bursitis causes; Trochanteric Bursitis symptoms; Trochanteric Bursitis treatment","published_at":"2016-03-04T21:08:52.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-02-23T18:33:04.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is an irritation or swelling of the trochanteric bursa. This small, fluid-filled sac is found on the outer side of the femur. It acts as a cushion for the iliotibial band, a thick tendon in your leg.","es":"Esta es una irritaci\u00f3n o hinchaz\u00f3n de la bursa trocant\u00e9rea. Este peque\u00f1o saco, lleno de fluido, se encuentra en la parte externa del f\u00e9mur. Act\u00faa como amortiguador para la banda iliotibial, un tend\u00f3n grueso de su pierna."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2685,"code":"A_2e9bda7f","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"complexpainsyndrome","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)","es":"S\u00edndrome de dolor regional complejo (SDRC)"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":137.729999999999989768184605054557323455810546875,"keywords":"Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS); Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Overview; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Causes; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Symptoms; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Treatment; (CRPS)","published_at":"2017-02-27T21:20:40.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-01-16T20:49:25.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"This is a type of chronic, long-lasting, pain. In most cases, it develops in an arm or a leg that you have previously injured. With CRPS, you may have unexplained pain that won't go away. It may be severe, and it may spread.","es":"Este es un tipo de dolor cr\u00f3nico y duradero. En la mayor\u00eda de los casos, se desarrolla en un brazo o en una pierna que se ha lesionado previamente. Con el SDRC es posible que se tenga un dolor inexplicable, que no desaparece. Puede ser severo y puede esparcirse."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_135debd4","aliases":["C_d81a4352"],"labels":{"de":"Medikamente","en":"Medications","es":"Medicamentos"},"children":[{"code":"T_1b4a364f","aliases":["G_20eaf3cd"],"labels":{"de":"Medikamente","en":"Medications","es":"Medicamentos"},"children":[{"id":4155,"code":"A_4f5e6395","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"gettinghelpopioid","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Getting Help for Opioid Addiction","es":"Obtener ayuda para la adicci\u00f3n a los opioides"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":119.7900000000000062527760746888816356658935546875,"keywords":"Help; Opioid; Addiction; dependence; abuse; counseling; recovery; treatable; treatment","published_at":"2019-06-11T15:31:45.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-06-06T18:32:48.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Opioid addiction is overwhelming. It robs you of happiness and health. It can steal away your family and friends. But it is treatable. With the right support, you can beat opioid addiction. Let's learn about treatment options.","es":"La adicci\u00f3n a los opioides es abrumadora. Puede privarlo de su felicidad y salud. Puede despojarlo de su familia y amigos. Pero es tratable. Con el apoyo adecuado, usted puede vencer la adicci\u00f3n a los opioides. Aprendamos m\u00e1s sobre las opciones de tratamiento."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4147,"code":"A_72db387b","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"opioidspersonality","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"How Opioid Abuse Affects Personality","es":"C\u00f3mo afecta el abuso de opioides a la personalidad"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":86.030000000000001136868377216160297393798828125,"keywords":"Opioids; affect; personality; dependence; addiction; abuse; anxiety; depression; pain","published_at":"2019-06-06T15:48:51.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-06-13T19:59:49.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Opioids are powerful for controlling pain. But too often, they are abused. This leads to dependence and addiction. And as this happens, your personality can change.","es":"Los opioides son eficaces para controlar el dolor. Pero con demasiada frecuencia, se abusa de ellos. Esto conduce a la dependencia y la adicci\u00f3n. Y, a medida que esto ocurre, su personalidad puede cambiar."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4018,"code":"A_f7f049e3","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"howopioidsbrain","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"How Opioids Affect the Brain","es":"C\u00f3mo afectan los opioides al cerebro"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":114.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"opioid; painkiller; pain; addiction; endorphins; receptors; brain; dopamine; opiate","published_at":"2019-05-01T19:00:25.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-05-23T19:04:59.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you've had an injury or a surgery, your doctor may prescribe an \"opioid.\" This is a type of powerful painkiller. Opioids can mask severe pain. They may help when other pain control methods aren't working. But they can also affect your brain in a way that's harmful. You can become addicted. Let's learn about how they interact with your brain.","es":"Si ha sufrido una lesi\u00f3n, o se ha sometido a una cirug\u00eda, es posible que su m\u00e9dico le recete un \"opioide\". Este es un tipo poderoso de analg\u00e9sico. Los opioides pueden enmascarar dolores severos. Pueden ser de ayuda cuando otros m\u00e9todos para el control del dolor no dan resultado. Pero tambi\u00e9n pueden afectar a su cerebro en forma perjudicial. Usted puede volverse adicto a ellos. Veamos c\u00f3mo interact\u00faan con su cerebro."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4121,"code":"A_6e7a1be2","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"opioidmisuse","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Opioid Misuse","es":"Uso indebido de los opioides"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":98.030000000000001136868377216160297393798828125,"keywords":"Opioid; misuse; dependence; addiction; abuse; never; share; only as prescribed; properly; dispose; unused; pills","published_at":"2019-06-04T13:05:23.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-06-06T18:58:40.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you control pain with an opioid prescription, you may have been warned about the dangers of misuse. But what is misuse, exactly? Let's take a few minutes to learn about opioid misuse and how to avoid it.","es":"Si usted controla el dolor con un opioide recetado, es posible que le hayan advertido acerca de los peligros del uso indebido de estos medicamentos. Pero, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es exactamente el uso indebido? Tomemos unos minutos para aprender acerca del uso indebido de los opioides y c\u00f3mo evitarlo."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3178,"code":"A_ec72b279","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"opioiddependence","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Opioids (Physical Dependence and Addiction)","es":"Opioides (dependencia f\u00edsica y adicci\u00f3n) "},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":162.56000000000000227373675443232059478759765625,"keywords":"opioid; opioids; dependence; habit; physical; addiction; withdrawal; dependent","published_at":"2017-06-07T15:24:33.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-06-06T18:53:05.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Opioids are a class of powerful drugs. They can block pain signals, and they can help control severe pain. But they can be dangerous. Over time, you may find it hard to stop taking opioids. And some people become addicted to the drugs.","es":"Los opioides son una clase poderosa de drogas. Ellos pueden bloquear las se\u00f1ales de dolor y pueden ayudar a controlar el dolor intenso. Sin embargo, pueden ser peligrosos. Con el correr del tiempo, es posible que le resulte dif\u00edcil dejar de tomar opioides. Y algunas personas se vuelven adictas a las drogas."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3179,"code":"A_0fc9decd","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"opioidschronicpain","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Opioids and Chronic Pain Management","es":"Opioides y manejo del dolor cr\u00f3nico "},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":120.8900000000000005684341886080801486968994140625,"keywords":"opioid; opiate; chronic pain; addiction; withdrawal; pain; relief; dependence; management; careful use","published_at":"2017-06-07T16:09:01.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-06-29T19:23:22.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Opioids are a powerful class of drugs. They can control severe pain. But they often aren't recommended for many types of chronic pain. That's because their long-term use can cause your body to begin to depend on them.","es":"Los opioides son una clase poderosa de drogas. Ellos pueden controlar el dolor severo. Pero a menudo no se les recomienda para muchos tipos de dolor cr\u00f3nico. Eso se debe a que su uso a largo plazo puede hacer que su cuerpo comience a depender de ellos.","au":"Opioids are a powerful class of drugs. They can control severe pain. But they often aren't recommended for many types of chronic pain. That's because their long-term use can cause your body to begin to depend on them.","ie":"Opioids are a powerful class of drugs. They can control severe pain. But they often aren't recommended for many types of chronic pain. That's because their long-term use can cause your body to begin to depend on them.","ar":"\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0642\u0627\u0642\u064a\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0641\u064a\u0648\u0646\u064a\u0629 \u0647\u064a \u0641\u0626\u0629 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0642\u0627\u0642\u064a\u0631 \u0642\u0648\u064a\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0641\u0639\u0648\u0644. \u0648\u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u062e\u0641\u064a\u0641 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0644\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u062f\u064a\u062f. \u0644\u0643\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0644\u0627 \u064a\u064f\u0648\u0635\u0649 \u0628\u0647\u0627 \u0641\u064a \u0623\u063a\u0644\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062d\u064a\u0627\u0646 \u0644\u0644\u0639\u062f\u064a\u062f \u0645\u0646 \u0623\u0646\u0648\u0627\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0644\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0632\u0645\u0646. \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0644\u0623\u0646 \u0627\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0627\u0645\u0647\u0627 \u0644\u0641\u062a\u0631\u062a \u0637\u0648\u064a\u0644\u0629 \u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0623\u0646 \u064a\u0624\u062f\u064a \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0628\u062f\u0621 \u0627\u0639\u062a\u0645\u0627\u062f \u0627\u0644\u062c\u0633\u0645 \u0639\u0644\u064a\u0647\u0627."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4165,"code":"A_ddd155f1","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"signsopioidabuse","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Signs of Opioid Abuse","es":"Se\u00f1ales de abuso de opioides"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":119.2999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875,"keywords":"signs; opioid; abuse; dependence; constipation; drowsy; slow; shallow; breathing; change; sleep; patterns","published_at":"2019-06-12T12:27:38.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-06-13T20:12:24.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Lately, something just doesn't seem right. You think your loved one could be abusing opioids. But how can you tell? Keep an eye out for these subtle signs of opioid abuse.","es":"\u00daltimamente, hay algo que simplemente no parece estar bien. Usted sospecha que su ser querido podr\u00eda estar abusando de los opioides. Pero, \u00bfc\u00f3mo poder estar seguro? Pr\u00e9stele atenci\u00f3n a estas se\u00f1ales sutiles del abuso de opioides."},"deprecated":false},{"id":4131,"code":"A_90001d77","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"opioidcrisis","copyright":2019,"labels":{"en":"Understanding the Opioid Crisis","es":"La crisis de los opioides"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":103.9200000000000017053025658242404460906982421875,"keywords":"Understanding; Opioid; Crisis; Misuse; addiction; dependence; illegal; drugs; heroin; spread; diseases; HIV; Hepatitis C","published_at":"2019-06-06T13:17:22.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2021-06-06T18:42:42.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"If you're taking an opioid to control pain, your doctor may have warned you about misuse. That's because opioid misuse leads to addiction. And opioid addiction has become a widespread problem. Let's learn about this public health crisis.","es":"Si usted est\u00e1 tomando un opioide para controlar el dolor, es posible que su m\u00e9dico le haya advertido acerca del uso indebido de este medicamento. Esto se debe a que el uso incorrecto de los opioides conduce a la adicci\u00f3n. Y la adicci\u00f3n a los opioides se ha convertido en un problema generalizado. Aprendamos m\u00e1s acerca de esta crisis de salud p\u00fablica."},"deprecated":false},{"id":3180,"code":"A_649bc774","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"opioidssafe","copyright":2017,"labels":{"en":"Using Opioids Safely","es":"Uso seguro de los opioides"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":178,"keywords":"using; opioids; safely; opiate; opiates; opioid; use; safety; narcotic; narcotics; patient; education; medication; powerful; drugs; dangerous; prescription; prescribed; side; effects; pain; dosage; never; mix; share","published_at":"2017-07-20T20:38:10.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-06-18T21:03:56.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Opioids are powerful drugs. They control severe pain. But they can be dangerous or even life threatening if used incorrectly. Follow these guidelines for safe use.","es":"Los opioides son una clase poderosa de drogas. Ellos controlan el dolor severo. Pero pueden ser peligrosos, o incluso potencialmente mortales si se utilizan incorrectamente. Siga estas pautas para un uso seguro.","au":"Opioids are powerful drugs. They control severe pain. But they can be dangerous or even life-threatening if used incorrectly. Follow these guidelines for safe use.","ie":"Opioids are powerful drugs. They control severe pain. But they can be dangerous or even life threatening if used incorrectly. Follow these guidelines for safe use.","ar":"\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0642\u0627\u0642\u064a\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0641\u064a\u0648\u0646\u064a\u0629 \u0647\u064a \u0641\u0626\u0629 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0642\u0627\u0642\u064a\u0631 \u0642\u0648\u064a\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0641\u0639\u0648\u0644. \u0648\u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u062e\u0641\u064a\u0641 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0644\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u062f\u064a\u062f. \u0644\u0643\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0642\u062f \u062a\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u062e\u0637\u064a\u0631\u0629 \u0623\u0648 \u0645\u0647\u062f\u0651\u0650\u062f\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u062d\u064a\u0627\u0629 \u062d\u062a\u0649 \u0625\u0630\u0627 \u062a\u0645 \u0627\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0627\u0645\u0647\u0627 \u0628\u0634\u0643\u0644 \u062e\u0627\u0637\u0626. \u0627\u062a\u0628\u0639 \u0647\u0630\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u062a\u0639\u0644\u064a\u0645\u0627\u062a \u0645\u0646 \u0623\u062c\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0622\u0645\u0646."},"deprecated":false}]}]},{"code":"T_7f03f3f2","aliases":["C_9dce23b1"],"labels":{"de":"Schulter","en":"Shoulder","es":"Hombro"},"children":[{"code":"T_1e7b95c5","aliases":["G_b1d93b12"],"labels":{"de":"Bedingungen","en":"Conditions","es":"Condiciones"},"children":[{"id":2716,"code":"A_c3ab8e9d","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"shoarth","copyright":2014,"labels":{"de":"Schultergelenksarthrose","en":"Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder","es":"Osteoartritis del hombro"},"available":{"de":1,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":160,"keywords":"osteoarthritis of the shoulder; arthritis; shoulder; shoulder pain; shoulder degeneration; degeneration; range of motion","published_at":"2014-06-11T17:22:06.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-09-30T02:31:49.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative arthritis, is a gradual breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Cartilage is a tough, flexible connective tissue that protects the ends of bones in the joints. Osteoarthritis of the shoulder can severely impact a person's lifestyle.","es":"La osteoartritis, tambi\u00e9n llamada artritis degenerativa, es un desgaste gradual del cart\u00edlago en las articulaciones. El cart\u00edlago es un tejido conectivo resistente y flexible que cubre los extremos de los huesos en las articulaciones. La osteoartritis del hombro puede afectar severamente el estilo de vida de una persona.","de":"Osteoarthritis, auch als degenerative Arthritis, ist ein allm\u00e4hlicher Abbau von Knorpel in den Gelenken. Knorpel ist ein harter, flexible Bindegewebe, das die Enden der Knochen sch\u00fctzt in den Gelenken. Arthrose der Schulter k\u00f6nnen sich stark auf eine Person Lebensstil."},"deprecated":false},{"id":2714,"code":"A_301b4230","aliases":null,"provider_id":1,"file":"rotatorcuff","copyright":2016,"labels":{"en":"Rotator Cuff Injuries","es":"Lesiones del manguito rotador"},"available":{"de":0,"en":1,"es":1},"runtime":154,"keywords":"rotator cuff injuries; rotator cuff; ruptured tendon; shoulder injury; tear of rotator cuff; sprain of rotator cuff","published_at":"2016-06-15T17:31:08.000000Z","reviewed_at":"2020-06-10T20:26:10.000000Z","descriptions":{"en":"The rotator cuff muscles and tendons hold your upper arm bone in your shoulder socket. A hard fall, repetitive arm motions or problems with the structure of your shoulder can injure the rotator cuff.","es":"Los m\u00fasculos y tendones del manguito rotador sostienen el hueso de la parte superior de su brazo, en la cavidad del hombro. Una ca\u00edda fuerte, movimientos repetitivos del brazo o problemas con la estructura de su hombro pueden lesionar el manguito rotador.","au":"The rotator cuff muscles and tendons hold your upper arm bone in your shoulder socket. A hard fall, repetitive arm motions, or problems with the structure of your shoulder can injure the rotator cuff.","ie":"The rotator cuff muscles and tendons hold your upper arm bone in your shoulder socket. A hard fall, repetitive arm motions or problems with the structure of your shoulder can injure the rotator cuff.","ar":"\u062a\u062b\u0628\u0651\u0650\u062a \u0639\u0636\u0644\u0627\u062a \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0641\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062f\u0648\u0651\u064e\u0631\u0629 \u0648\u0623\u0648\u062a\u0627\u0631\u0647\u0627 \u0639\u0638\u0645 \u0630\u0631\u0627\u0639\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0644\u0648\u064a \u0641\u064a \u062d\u064f\u0642 \u0643\u062a\u0641\u0643. \u0648\u064a\u0645\u0643\u0646 \u0644\u0633\u0642\u0637\u0629 \u0642\u0648\u064a\u0629 \u0623\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0631\u0643\u0627\u062a \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062a\u062d\u0631\u0651\u0650\u0631\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0630\u0631\u0627\u0639 \u0623\u0648 \u0645\u0634\u0627\u0643\u0644 \u0647\u064a\u0643\u0644\u064a\u0629 \u0641\u064a \u0627\u0644\u0630\u0631\u0627\u0639 \u0625\u0644\u062d\u0627\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0630\u0649 \u0628\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0641\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062f\u0648\u0651\u064e\u0631\u0629."},"deprecated":false}]}]}]}]
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