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Last active January 30, 2020 02:53
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MustConformToOneOf - Strongly Typed Conventions spike
void Main()
typeof(NonConforming).MustConformToOneOf(new PropertyConventionSpecification[] {
new PropertiesMustHavePrivateSettersConventionSpecification(),
new PropertiesMustHavePublicSettersConventionSpecification()
public class NonConforming
public string Name {get;set;}
public string PrivateName {get;private set;}
public string ProtectedName {get;protected set;}
public static class PropertyConventionConformist
public static PropertyConventionResult[] MustConformToOneOf(this Type type, PropertyConventionSpecification[] conventionSpecifications)
var results = conventionSpecifications.Select(x => x.IsSatisfiedBy(type)).ToArray();
if (results.All(r => r.IsSatisfied))
return results;
var groupedFailures = results.SelectMany(r => r.Failures).GroupBy(k => k.Subject);
if (groupedFailures.Any(g => g.Count() == conventionSpecifications.Count()))
"Fail Whale".Dump();
return results;
public class PropertiesMustHavePrivateSettersConventionSpecification : PropertyConventionSpecification
protected override string FailureMessage => "All properties must have private setters";
protected override PropertyInfo[] GetNonConformingProperties(Type type)
return type.GetDeclaredProperties()
.Where(subject => subject.CanWrite == false || subject.GetSetMethod(true).IsPrivate == false)
public class PropertiesMustHavePublicSettersConventionSpecification : PropertyConventionSpecification
protected override string FailureMessage => "All properties must have public setters";
protected override PropertyInfo[] GetNonConformingProperties(Type type)
return type.GetDeclaredProperties()
.Where(subject => subject.CanWrite == false || subject.GetSetMethod(true).IsPublic == false)
public abstract class PropertyConventionSpecification : ConventionSpecification<Type, PropertyConventionResult>
protected abstract PropertyInfo[] GetNonConformingProperties(Type type);
public override PropertyConventionResult IsSatisfiedBy(Type type)
var failures = GetNonConformingProperties(type);
if (failures.Any())
var failureMessage =
(s, info) => s + "\t- " + info.Name + Environment.NewLine));
return PropertyConventionResult.NotSatisfied(type, failures.Select(f => new Failure<PropertyInfo>(f, "failed")).ToArray());
return PropertyConventionResult.Satisfied(type);
public abstract class ConventionSpecification<TSubject, TResult> : IConventionSpecification<TSubject, TResult> where TResult : IHaveSubject<TSubject>
protected abstract string FailureMessage { get; }
protected string BuildFailureMessage(string details)
return FailureMessage +
Environment.NewLine +
public abstract TResult IsSatisfiedBy(TSubject type);
public interface IConventionSpecification<TSubject, TResult> where TResult : IHaveSubject<TSubject>
TResult IsSatisfiedBy(TSubject type);
public class PropertyConventionResult : ConventionResult<Type, PropertyInfo>
public PropertyConventionResult(Type subject) : base(subject)
public static PropertyConventionResult Satisfied(Type subject)
return new PropertyConventionResult(subject) { IsSatisfied = true };
public static PropertyConventionResult NotSatisfied(Type subject, Failure<PropertyInfo>[] failures)
return new PropertyConventionResult(subject) { Failures = failures };
public class GenericConventionResult : ConventionResult<string, string>
public GenericConventionResult(string subject) : base(subject)
// Define other methods and classes here
public class ConventionResult<TSubject, TFailure> : IHaveSubject<TSubject>
public ConventionResult(TSubject subject)
Subject = subject;
Failures = new Failure<TFailure>[0];
public TSubject Subject { get; }
public bool IsSatisfied { get; protected set; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<Failure<TFailure>> Failures { get; protected set; }
public interface IHaveSubject<T>
T Subject { get; }
public class Failure<T>
public Failure(T subject, string message)
Subject = subject;
Message = message;
public T Subject {get;}
public string Message {get;}
public static class TypeExtensions
internal static PropertyInfo[] GetDeclaredProperties(this Type type)
return type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static |
internal static bool IsGenericImplementation(this Type type)
return (type.BaseType != null && type.BaseType.IsGenericType) ||
type.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.IsGenericType);
public static IEnumerable<Type> WhereTypes(this IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies, Func<Type, bool> predicate)
var types = assemblies.SelectMany(x => x.GetExportedTypes()).Where(predicate).ToArray();
return types;
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