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Last active October 9, 2016 22:57
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Solves the Concurrent Flow variant of the Multi-Commodity Flow Problem with GLPK via LEMON interface.
* LEMON provides a simple interface to known solvers! In
* this example the Concurrent Flow variant of the
* Multi-Commodity Flow Problem is solved with the glpk
* solver.
* The following libraries are needed to run this application:
* lemon
* glpk
* Also note that the -std=c++11 flag is needed, as well.
* Please see the following links for more information on
* how the problem is formulated:
* Created on: Oct 9, 2016
* Author: andrewandrepowell2
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <lemon/list_graph.h>
#include <lemon/lp.h>
#include <lemon/lp_base.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
/* Just so this application looks cleaner
all the declarations are stored in the following
header file. */
#include "mcfp_cf_lp_lemon_glpk.h"
int main()
/* It's important lp is declared locally.
An error occurs when declared globally. */
LinProb lp;
lpp = &lp;
/* Define the graph. */
Node A = addNode("A");
Node B = addNode("B");
Node C = addNode("C");
/* Define the Commodities. */
/* Define the objective. */
/* Define the constraints. */
/* Solve the LP problem. Not sure what solver is applied,
but I'm assuming it's Simplex. */
/* Display the results. */
return 0;
catch ( std::exception& e )
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (...)
std::cerr << "A serious error occurred" << std::endl;
template <typename T_> using Set = std::vector<T_>;
typedef lemon::Lp LinProb;
typedef LinProb::Col Variable;
typedef double Weight;
typedef Weight Demand;
typedef Weight Capacity;
typedef Variable Flow;
typedef lemon::ListDigraph Graph;
typedef Graph::Node Node;
typedef Graph::Arc Arc;
typedef Graph::ArcMap<Capacity> Capacities;
typedef int Commodity;
typedef Set<Commodity> Commodities;
typedef std::map<Commodity,Node> Sources;
typedef std::map<Commodity,Node> Sinks;
typedef std::map<Commodity,Demand> Demands;
typedef std::map<std::pair<Commodity,Arc>,Flow> Flows;
typedef std::string Label;
typedef Graph::NodeMap<Label> NodeLabels;
typedef Graph::ArcMap<Label> ArcLabels;
typedef std::map<Commodity,Label> ComLabels;
LinProb* lpp;
Graph g;
Capacities cs(g);
Commodities ks;
Sources kss;
Sinks kts;
Demands kds;
Flows kfs;
NodeLabels nls(g);
ArcLabels als(g);
ComLabels kls;
/* Adds Node with corresponding label. */
Node addNode( Label l )
Node n = g.addNode();
nls[n] = l;
return n;
/* Adds Arc with corresponding capacity and label. */
Arc addArc( Node s, Node t, Capacity c, Label l )
Arc a = g.addArc(s,t);
cs[a] = c;
als[a] = l;
return a;
/* Adds commodity with corresponding source node,
sink node, demand, and label. This function also
ensures the non-negative constraint is added to the
LP problem. */
Commodity addCommodity( Node s, Node t, Demand d, Label l )
Commodity k = ( ks.size() ) ? ks.back()+1 : 0;
kss[k] = s;
kts[k] = t;
kds[k] = d;
kls[k] = l;
for ( Graph::ArcIt a(g); a!=lemon::INVALID; ++a )
Variable flow = lpp->addCol();
kfs[std::make_pair(k,a)] = flow;
lpp->addRow( flow >= 0 );
return k;
/* Adds the objective to the LP problem. */
void addObjective()
Variable z = lpp->addCol();
for ( Commodities::iterator k=ks.begin(); k!=ks.end(); ++k )
LinProb::Expr expr;
Demand d = kds[*k];
Node s = kss[*k];
for ( Graph::NodeIt v(g); v!=lemon::INVALID; ++v )
Arc a = lemon::findArc(g,s,v);
if ( a!=lemon::INVALID )
expr += kfs[std::make_pair(*k,a)]/d;
lpp->addRow( expr >= z );
lpp->obj( z );
/* Adds the Capacity Constraint to the LP problem. */
void addCapacityConstraint()
for ( Graph::ArcIt a(g); a!=lemon::INVALID; ++a )
LinProb::Expr expr;
for ( Commodities::iterator k=ks.begin(); k!=ks.end(); ++k )
expr += kfs[std::make_pair(*k,a)];
lpp->addRow( expr <= cs[a] );
/* Adds the Conservation Constraint to the LP problem. */
void addConserveConstraint()
for ( Commodities::iterator k=ks.begin(); k!=ks.end(); ++k )
Demand d = kds[*k];
Node s = kss[*k];
Node t = kts[*k];
for ( Graph::NodeIt v(g); v!=lemon::INVALID; ++v )
LinProb::Expr expr;
for ( Graph::NodeIt w(g); w!=lemon::INVALID; ++w )
Arc pos = lemon::findArc(g,v,w);
Arc neg = lemon::findArc(g,w,v);
if ( pos!=lemon::INVALID )
expr += kfs[std::make_pair(*k,pos)];
if ( neg!=lemon::INVALID )
expr -= kfs[std::make_pair(*k,neg)];
if ( v!=s && v!=t )
lpp->addRow( expr==0 );
else if ( v==s )
lpp->addRow( expr==d );
else if ( v==t )
lpp->addRow( expr== -d );
/* Displays the results after applying the solver. */
void displayResults()
if ( lpp->primalType() == LinProb::OPTIMAL )
std::cout << "Displaying the flows..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Objective Value: " << lpp->primal() << std::endl;
for ( Commodities::iterator k=ks.begin(); k!=ks.end(); ++k )
std::cout << "For Commodity " << kls[*k] << "..." << std::endl;
for ( Graph::ArcIt a(g); a!=lemon::INVALID; ++a )
std::cout << "Arc " << als[a] << ": " <<
lpp->primal(kfs[std::make_pair(*k,a)]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Optimal value could not be found in feasible region!" << std::endl;
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