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Created February 2, 2024 15:23
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As part of a Atlassian merge+migration where we needed to have all _old_ useraccounts manually migrate their content to _new_ user accounts, to then have the whole instance merged, I didn't want to go through 300 pages of updates. So I wrote this.
from import tqdm
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from getpass import getpass
import os
from atlassian import Confluence
def get(label):
if label not in os.environ:
os.environ[label]=getpass(f'Enter {label}')
return os.environ[label]
confluence = Confluence(
url=get('url'), #'
username=get('user_name'), #
password=get('api_key'), # from
user = confluence.get('/rest/api/user/current')
ids = [result['user']['accountId'] for result in confluence.get('/rest/api/search/user', params={'cql':f"type=user and user = '{user['displayName']}'"})['results']]
assert len(ids) == 2, 'Surprising number of IDs, braking'
lookup = {ids[0]:ids[1], ids[1]:ids[0]} # this is a lazy double-mapping; presuming that the 'order' is 'whomever I am, make the owner the other one'
new_owner_id = lookup[user['accountId']]
def update_page_owner(page, new_owner_id):
page_detail = confluence.get(f"api/v2/pages/{page['id']}", params={'body-format':'storage'})
'ownerId': new_owner_id,
'body': {k:v for k,v in page_detail['body']['storage'].items() if k in ['value','representation','storage','atlas_doc_format','wiki']},
'version':{'number': confluence.get(f"rest/api/content/{page['id']}")['version']['number']+1,
'message': 'Automatic Owner Transformation',
'minorEdit': True}
return confluence.put(f"api/v2/pages/{page['id']}", data=data, advanced_mode=True)
while (owned_pages:= confluence.get('/rest/api/search', params={'cql':'type=page AND owner=currentUser()'})['results']):
for page in (pbar:= tqdm(owned_pages)):
update_page_owner(page['content'], id_lookup[page['authorId']])
except HTTPError as e:
print(f"Failed with {e} on {page['title']}; {confluence.url}{page['content']['_links']['webui']}")
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