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Last active January 16, 2016 22:15
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(ns ex0001.core
(:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
[ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
[om.dom :as dom]))
;; --- Helpers ---
(defn display [show]
(if show
#js {}
#js {:display "none"}
;; --- Components ---
(defui Inbox
(render [this]
(dom/div nil "hello world")
(declare category-node)
(defui CategoryNode
static om/Ident
(ident [this category]
[:category/by-id (:db/id category)]
static om/IQuery
(query [_]
'[:db/id :category/name {:category/_parent ...}]
(render [this]
(let [props (om/props this)]
(dom/li nil
(when-let [icon (:category/icon props)]
(dom/button #js {:className "btn btn-xs btn-link"
:style #js {:marginRight "3px"}
#js {:className icon
(dom/span nil (:category/name props))
(dom/button #js {:style #js {:marginLeft "10px"}
:className "btn btn-xs"
:onClick (fn [_]
(om/transact! this `[(~'reverse-name {:id ~(:db/id props)})])
#js {:className "glyphicon glyphicon-edit"}
(when (:category/_parent props)
(apply dom/ul nil
(map (fn [category]
(:category/_parent props)
(def category-node (om/factory CategoryNode))
(defui Categories
static om/IQuery
(query [_]
[{:categories/list (om/get-query CategoryNode)}]
(render [this]
(dom/div #js {:className "container-fluid"}
(dom/div #js {:className "row"}
(dom/div #js {:className "col-md-4"}
(dom/span nil "Categories")
(apply dom/ul nil
(map (fn [category] ((om/factory CategoryNode)
(:categories/list (om/props this))
(dom/div #js {:className "col-md-8"}
(dom/span nil "foo")
(defui Calendar
(render [this]
(dom/div nil "hello world")
(defui AnimalsList
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
'[:app/title (:animals/list) :selected/animal])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [app/title animals/list selected/animal]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h2 nil title)
(apply dom/ul nil
(fn [[i name]]
(dom/li nil
(dom/span #js {:style
(if (= animal i)
#js {:backgroundColor "lime"}
#js {}
} (str i ". " name))
(dom/button #js {:onClick (fn [_]
(om/transact! this `[(select/animal {:id ~i})])
)} "Select")
(def perspectives
{:inbox Inbox
:categories Categories
:calendar Calendar
:animals AnimalsList
(defui PerspectiveSwitch
static om/IQuery
(query [_]
[:perspectives/list :perspectives/active]
(render [this]
(println "perspective switch props"
(om/props this)
(let [{:keys [perspectives/active
]} (om/props this)]
(println active list)
(apply dom/ul nil
(fn [perspective]
(dom/li #js {:style
(if (= (:key perspective) active)
#js {:backgroundColor "lime"}
#js {}
(dom/a #js {:href "javascript:void(0)"
:onClick (fn [_] (om/transact! this `[(~'switch-perspective {:key ~(:key perspective)})]))
(:name perspective)
(defui App
static om/IQuery
(query [_]
(println (vec (concat
(mapcat om/get-query
(vals perspectives)
(vec (concat
(mapcat om/get-query
(vals perspectives)
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [perspectives/active]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div #js {:className "container-fluid"}
(dom/div #js {:className "col-md-2"}
(dom/h1 nil "Tabs")
((om/factory PerspectiveSwitch)
(:perspective-switch (om/props this))
(apply dom/div #js {:className "col-md-10"}
(dom/h1 nil (str
"Hello world! "
(name active)
(fn [[k component]]
(dom/div #js {:style (display (= active k))}
((om/factory component) (om/props this))
;; --- State ---
(def app-state
{:selected/animal nil
:app/title "Animals"
[[1 "Ant"] [2 "Antelope"] [3 "Bird"] [4 "Cat"] [5 "Dog"]
[6 "Lion"] [7 "Mouse"] [8 "Monkey"] [9 "Snake"] [10 "Zebra"]]
{:key :inbox
:name "Inbox"
{:key :categories
:name "Categories"
{:key :calendar
:name "Calendar"
{:key :animals
:name "Animals"
:perspectives/active :categories
:categories/list [
{:db/id 1
:category/name "Компьютерные дела"
:category/icon "icon-computer"
:category/_parent [
:db/id 10
:category/name "Работа"
:db/id 11
:category/name "Языковые"
:db/id 12
:category/name "Другие свои"
:db/id 13
:category/name "Прочие"
{:db/id 2
:category/name "Домашние дела"
:category/icon "icon-home"
:category/_parent [
:db/id 20
:category/icon "glyphicons-cleaning"
:category/name "Приборка"
:db/id 12
:category/name "Другие свои"
:foo :bar
{:db/id 3
:category/icon "glyphicons-briefcase"
:category/name "ИП"
{:db/id 4
:category/icon "glyphicons-medicine"
:category/name "Медицина"
;; --- Parser, reconciler and root ---
(defn readf
[{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
(let [st @state]
(if-let [[_ v] (find st key)]
{:value v}
(println "miss!" key)
{:value :not-found}
(defmulti mutatef om/dispatch)
(defmethod mutatef 'select/animal
[{:keys [state] :as env} _ {:keys [id]}]
{:value {:keys [
(fn []
(swap! state update-in [:selected/animal] (fn [_] id))
(defmethod mutatef 'reverse-name
[{:keys [state] :as env} _ {:keys [id]}]
{:value {:keys [
(fn []
(swap! state update-in [:category/by-id id :name] (fn [x]
(println "there's pesky value" x)
(str x "!")
(println @state)
(defmethod mutatef 'switch-perspective
[{:keys [state] :as env} _ {:keys [key]}]
(println key)
{:value {:keys [
(fn []
(swap! state update-in [:perspectives/active] (fn [_] key))
(def my-parser (om/parser {:read readf
:mutate mutatef
(def reconciler
{:state app-state
:parser my-parser
:pathopt true}))
(om/add-root! reconciler
App (gdom/getElement "app"))
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