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Created August 10, 2016 17:09
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Gulp Task for Building Project & Application TypeScript Code
import * as gulp from 'gulp';
import * as yargs from 'yargs';
import * as merge from 'merge2';
import { BaseGulpTask } from '../BaseGulpTask';
import { BuildConfig, ProjectArtifact, ProjectPaths, Utils } from '../buildBarrel';
import { gulpIf, gulpPlumber, gulpPrint, gulpSourcemaps, gulpTypeScript } from '../gulpPlugins';
* Builds the project, then the application.
* @class
export class GulpTask extends BaseGulpTask {
* @property {string} description - Help description for the task.
public description: string = 'Builds the project and/or application.';
* @property {string[]} aliases - Different options to run the task.
public aliases: string[] = ['b'];
* @property {string[]} dependencies - Array of all tasks that should be run before this one.
public dependencies: string[] = [];
* @property {Object} options - Any command line flags that can be passed to the task.
public options: any = {
'app': 'Build application code',
'project': 'Build project build code (gulp)'
* Gulp task logic.
* @param {gulp.TaskCallback} done - callback when task completes
* @returns void
public ExecuteTask(done: gulp.TaskCallback): void {
// get command line args
let args: ICommandLineArgs = <ICommandLineArgs>yargs.argv;
// if no parameters supplied, default to all
if (! && !args.project) { = args.project = true;
let build: (description: string, tsProject: gulpTypeScript.Project, outputPath: string)
=> void = (description: string, tsProject: gulpTypeScript.Project, outputPath: string) => {
// set the sourcemap write options if building app
let writeOptions: gulpSourcemaps.WriteOptions = null;
if ( {
writeOptions = <gulpSourcemaps.WriteOptions>{
// inline the source typescript into the sourcemap
includeContent: true,
// point to the root of the project
sourceRoot: function (file: any): string {
return BuildConfig.GetAbsolutePath(ProjectArtifact.Source);
// compile all TypeScript files, including sourcemaps inline in the generated JavaScript
let tsResult: any = tsProject.src()
.pipe(gulpIf(args.verbose, gulpPrint()))
// merge dts & js output streams...
return merge([
// type definitions
// javascript
// build project
if (args.project) {
let tsProjectProject: gulpTypeScript.Project = gulpTypeScript.createProject('');
build('Building the project', tsProjectProject, '');
// build app
if ( {
// setup parameters for gulp-typescript
let tsProjectParams: gulpTypeScript.Params = {
declaration: true,
noExternalResolve: true
// load typescript project
let tsProjectApp: gulpTypeScript.Project = gulpTypeScript.createProject('tsconfig.json', tsProjectParams);
// change default excludes
// > default excludes are for build TS files... excludes /src
// > need the inverse so exlude the TS build files & include /src, /typings /etc
tsProjectApp.config.exclude = [
build('Building the application', tsProjectApp, ProjectPaths.Output);
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Thanks! But how run gulp-tasks written in typescript?

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