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Created June 21, 2013 22:35
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Validating objects during a db save using `Try`
case class Employee(id: Option[Long] = None, name: String, age: Int, salary: Int)
object EmployeeRepo {
private def persist(employee: Employee): Employee = {
// persisting logic
employee.copy(id = Some(10L)) // database returns persisted id, return new object with id set
def save(employees: Seq[Employee])(implicit validator: Employee => Try[Employee]): Seq[Try[Employee]] = {
sealed trait ValidationException extends Throwable { val message: String }
case class BadNameException(message: String) extends ValidationException
implicit val employeeValidator = { employee: Employee =>
// validate your object, returning a Success or Failure
if( == "George") Failure(BadNameException("No George's allowed"))
else Success(employee)
val employeesToPersist: Seq[Employee] = ... // : Seq[Try[Employee]], which you can iterate through and deal with problems.
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