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Created September 2, 2016 04:57
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Sound similarity matching
extern crate soundsym;
extern crate vox_box;
extern crate portaudio;
extern crate hound;
extern crate crossbeam;
extern crate bounded_spsc_queue;
use soundsym::*;
use portaudio::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::thread;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::mem::transmute;
use bounded_spsc_queue::{Producer, Consumer};
const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 64;
fn main() {
enum DictionaryHandlerEvent {
fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
let pa = try!(PortAudio::new());
let mut settings: DuplexStreamSettings<f32, f32> = try!(pa.default_duplex_stream_settings(1, 1, 44100., BLOCK_SIZE as u32));
settings.out_params = StreamParameters::new(DeviceIndex(3), 1, true, 0.);
let (recorded_sound, recorded_sound_recv) = bounded_spsc_queue::make::<[f32; BLOCK_SIZE]>(65536);
let mut frames_elapsed: usize = 0;
let target = Sound::from_path(Path::new("./we_remember_mono.wav")).unwrap();
let nsamples = target.samples().len();
let mut target_samples_iter = target.samples().iter();
let splits = Partitioner::new(Cow::Borrowed(&target)).partition().unwrap();
let sound_vec: Vec<Arc<Sound>> = splits.iter().map(|nsamples| {
Arc::new(Sound::from_samples(target_samples_iter.by_ref().take(*nsamples).cloned().collect(), 44100., None))
let target_sequence = Arc::new(SoundSequence::new(sound_vec));
let (sound_to_play, sound_to_play_recv) = bounded_spsc_queue::make::<f64>(nsamples * 2);
let (should_calculate_dictionary, should_calculate_dictionary_recv) = bounded_spsc_queue::make::<DictionaryHandlerEvent>(256);
println!("nsegments: {}", target_sequence.sounds().len());
dictionary_handler(recorded_sound_recv, target_sequence.clone(), sound_to_play, should_calculate_dictionary_recv);
let callback = move |DuplexStreamCallbackArgs { in_buffer, out_buffer, frames, .. }| {
let in_buffer: &[f32; BLOCK_SIZE] = unsafe { transmute(in_buffer.as_ptr()) };
match recorded_sound.try_push((*in_buffer)) {
Some(_) => { println!("warning: sound buffer is full"); }
None => { }
if frames_elapsed % (441000 / 64) == 0 && frames_elapsed > 1500 {
match should_calculate_dictionary.try_push(DictionaryHandlerEvent::Refresh) {
Some(_) => { println!("warning: dictionary event buffer is full"); },
None => { }
let mut idx = 0;
while let Some(s) = sound_to_play_recv.try_pop() {
out_buffer[idx] = s as f32;
idx += 1;
if idx == frames { break; }
frames_elapsed += 1;
let mut stream = try!(pa.open_non_blocking_stream(settings, callback));
println!("starting stream");
while stream.is_active().unwrap_or(false) { }
fn dictionary_handler(recorded_sound: Consumer<[f32; BLOCK_SIZE]>, target: Arc<SoundSequence>, sound_to_play: Producer<f64>, should_calculate_dictionary: Consumer<DictionaryHandlerEvent>) {
thread::spawn(move || {
let mut buf = Vec::<f64>::with_capacity(65536);
loop {
while let Some(incoming_sound) = recorded_sound.try_pop() {
for s in incoming_sound.iter() {
buf.push(*s as f64);
if let Some(DictionaryHandlerEvent::Refresh) = should_calculate_dictionary.try_pop() {
let sound = Sound::from_samples(buf.clone(), 44100., None);
let partitioner = Partitioner::new(Cow::Borrowed(&sound));
let splits = partitioner.threshold(3).depth(5).partition().unwrap();
let dict = SoundDictionary::from_segments(&sound, &splits[..]);
println!("nsegs: {}", dict.sounds.len());
let new_sound = target.clone_from_dictionary(&dict).unwrap().to_sound();
println!("samps: {}", new_sound.samples().len());
for s in new_sound.samples() {
// Blocks until there's space for new sound
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