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Created December 30, 2014 03:11
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Save andrewcsmith/99b1446c64b5a0fb29bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Command to send whatever line you're on to the right tmux pane. Great for complicated ipython/pry work.
function! g:SendRight(...) range
if a:0 > 0
let start = a:1
let end = a:1
let start = a:firstline
let end = a:lastline
for line in getline(start, end)
" every quote with a slash in front of it gets double-slashed
let line = substitute(line, '\\"', '\\\\"', 'g')
let line = substitute(line, '"', '\\"', 'g')
execute('silent !tmux send-keys -l -t right "' . line . '"')
execute("silent !tmux send-keys -t right C-m")
vmap <F7> :call g:SendRight()<CR>
nmap <F7> :call g:SendRight(".")<CR>
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