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Last active June 22, 2017 02:56
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State of the STDs v3
license: mit
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
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<script src="//"></script>
#chart {
margin-left: -40px;
height: 506px;
text {
font: 10px sans-serif;
.dot {
stroke: #000;
.axis path, .axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.label {
fill: #777;
.year.label {
font: 500 196px "Helvetica Neue";
fill: #ddd;
} {
fill: #aaa;
.overlay {
fill: none;
pointer-events: all;
cursor: ew-resize;
body { margin:0;
<p id="chart"></p>
// Various accessors that specify the four dimensions of data to visualize.
function x(d) { return d.gonorrhea; }
function y(d) { return d.chlamydia; }
function color(d) { return "blue"; }
function key(d) { return; }
// Chart dimensions.
var margin = {top: 19.5, right: 19.5, bottom: 19.5, left: 39.5},
width = 960 - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
// Various scales. These domains make assumptions of data, naturally.
var xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, 800])
.range([0, width])
var yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, 850])
.range([height, 0])
var colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);
// The x & y axes.
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom()
.ticks(12, d3.format(",d"))
var yAxis = d3.axisLeft()
var path = d3.geoPath();
// Create the SVG container and set the origin.
var svg ="#chart").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
// Add the x-axis.
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
// Add the y-axis.
.attr("class", "y axis")
// Add an x-axis label.
.attr("class", "x label")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("x", width)
.attr("y", height - 6)
.text("Gonnorhea Rate (per 100,000)");
// Add a y-axis label.
.attr("class", "y label")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("y", 6)
.attr("dy", ".75em")
.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
.text("Chlamydia Rate (per 100,000)");
// Add the year label; the value is set on transition.
var label = svg.append("text")
.attr("class", "year label")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("y", height - 24)
.attr("x", width)
function main(error,states,names,us) {
var name_map =, function(d) { return;});
var id_map =, function(d) { return;});
var states_shapes = topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states);
var data =;
states_shapes.features.forEach(function(d, i) {
if ( === 72) return;
var centroid = d3.geoPath().centroid(d);
if (centroid.some(isNaN)) return; =; = name_map.get(
centroid.x = centroid[0];
centroid.y = centroid[1];
centroid.feature = d;
var bisect = d3.bisector(function(d) { return d[0]; });
var dot = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "dots")
.attr("class", "dot")
.style("fill", d => colorScale(color(d)) )
// Add a title.
.text(function(d) { return; });
// Add an overlay for the year label.
var box = label.node().getBBox();
var overlay = svg.append("rect")
.attr("class", "overlay")
.attr("x", box.x)
.attr("y", box.y)
.attr("width", box.width)
.attr("height", box.height)
.on("mouseover", enableInteraction);
// Start a transition that interpolates the data based on year.
.tween("year", tweenYear)
.on("end", enableInteraction);
// Positions the dots based on data.
function position(dot) {
dot .attr("transform", d => pos(d))
.attr("d", d => shape( );
function shape(name) {
var c = data[id_map.get(name).id]
if (c != null) {
var p = path(c.feature)
return p
function pos(d) {
c = data[id_map.get(]
if (c != null) {
return "translate("
// Defines a sort order so that the smallest dots are drawn on top.
// After the transition finishes, you can mouseover to change the year.
function enableInteraction() {
var yearScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([1984, 2014])
.range([box.x + 10, box.x + box.width - 10])
//Cancel the current transition, if any.
.on("mouseover", mouseover)
.on("mouseout", mouseout)
.on("mousemove", mousemove)
.on("touchmove", mousemove);
function mouseover() {
label.classed("active", true);
function mouseout() {
label.classed("active", false);
function mousemove() {
// Tweens the entire chart by first tweening the year, and then the data.
// For the interpolated data, the dots and label are redrawn.
function tweenYear() {
var year = d3.interpolateNumber(1984, 2014);
return function(t) { displayYear(year(t)); };
// Updates the display to show the specified year.
function displayYear(year) {, key).call(position);
// Interpolates the dataset for the given (fractional) year.
function interpolateData(year) {
return {
return {
gonorrhea: interpolateValues(d.gonorrhea, year),
chlamydia: interpolateValues(d.chlamydia, year),
shape: "M 100,100 L -50,50 L 50,-50"
// Finds (and possibly interpolates) the value for the specified year.
function interpolateValues(values, year) {
var i = bisect.left(values, year, 0, values.length - 1),
a = values[i];
if (i > 0) {
var b = values[i - 1],
t = (year - a[0]) / (b[0] - a[0]);
return a[1] * (1 - t) + b[1] * t;
return a[1];
id code name
1 AL Alabama
2 AK Alaska
4 AZ Arizona
5 AR Arkansas
6 CA California
8 CO Colorado
9 CT Connecticut
10 DE Delaware
11 DC District of Columbia
12 FL Florida
13 GA Georgia
15 HI Hawaii
16 ID Idaho
17 IL Illinois
18 IN Indiana
19 IA Iowa
20 KS Kansas
21 KY Kentucky
22 LA Louisiana
23 ME Maine
24 MD Maryland
25 MA Massachusetts
26 MI Michigan
27 MN Minnesota
28 MS Mississippi
29 MO Missouri
30 MT Montana
31 NE Nebraska
32 NV Nevada
33 NH New Hampshire
34 NJ New Jersey
35 NM New Mexico
36 NY New York
37 NC North Carolina
38 ND North Dakota
39 OH Ohio
40 OK Oklahoma
41 OR Oregon
42 PA Pennsylvania
44 RI Rhode Island
45 SC South Carolina
46 SD South Dakota
47 TN Tennessee
48 TX Texas
49 UT Utah
50 VT Vermont
51 VA Virginia
53 WA Washington
54 WV West Virginia
55 WI Wisconsin
56 WY Wyoming
60 AS America Samoa
64 FM Federated States of Micronesia
66 GU Guam
68 MH Marshall Islands
69 MP Northern Mariana Islands
70 PW Palau
72 PR Puerto Rico
74 UM U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
78 VI Virgin Islands of the United States
[{"name": "Alabama", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 1.31], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 0.0], [1990, 0.0], [1991, 0.0], [1992, 0.0], [1993, 0.0], [1994, 11.92], [1995, 74.19], [1996, 191.78], [1997, 199.27], [1998, 228.51], [1999, 279.34], [2000, 344.18], [2001, 325.0], [2002, 347.95], [2003, 315.7], [2004, 293.89], [2005, 375.38], [2006, 498.26], [2007, 543.51], [2008, 531.11], [2009, 550.66], [2010, 565.74], [2011, 616.86], [2012, 635.02], [2013, 609.55], [2014, 600.16]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 580.38], [1985, 583.32], [1986, 519.63], [1987, 442.72], [1988, 396.1], [1989, 472.62], [1990, 532.49], [1991, 509.32], [1992, 423.71], [1993, 374.76], [1994, 372.77], [1995, 341.72], [1996, 304.06], [1997, 275.44], [1998, 289.17], [1999, 245.77], [2000, 270.96], [2001, 250.22], [2002, 225.52], [2003, 206.7], [2004, 181.14], [2005, 206.37], [2006, 231.9], [2007, 235.21], [2008, 208.93], [2009, 159.24], [2010, 165.97], [2011, 190.14], [2012, 192.24], [2013, 173.3], [2014, 158.82]]},
{"name": "Alaska", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 3.67], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 1.64], [1990, 0.0], [1991, 0.0], [1992, 0.0], [1993, 0.0], [1994, 0.0], [1995, 0.0], [1996, 223.47], [1997, 263.63], [1998, 307.61], [1999, 301.87], [2000, 409.27], [2001, 433.06], [2002, 591.19], [2003, 601.09], [2004, 603.26], [2005, 656.21], [2006, 675.32], [2007, 718.53], [2008, 708.3], [2009, 739.61], [2010, 847.47], [2011, 794.09], [2012, 746.74], [2013, 785.44], [2014, 787.48]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 570.88], [1985, 596.66], [1986, 488.84], [1987, 319.25], [1988, 193.34], [1989, 196.29], [1990, 192.67], [1991, 156.96], [1992, 110.92], [1993, 113.11], [1994, 152.16], [1995, 109.2], [1996, 76.57], [1997, 63.79], [1998, 53.39], [1999, 48.34], [2000, 57.51], [2001, 72.12], [2002, 99.57], [2003, 88.31], [2004, 86.51], [2005, 90.41], [2006, 94.02], [2007, 84.71], [2008, 84.22], [2009, 141.74], [2010, 179.24], [2011, 136.15], [2012, 99.25], [2013, 153.44], [2014, 182.42]]},
{"name": "Arizona", "chlamydia": [[1984, 8.25], [1985, 8.07], [1986, 29.07], [1987, 85.06], [1988, 110.05], [1989, 145.05], [1990, 196.33], [1991, 296.76], [1992, 241.69], [1993, 253.68], [1994, 216.98], [1995, 226.98], [1996, 233.1], [1997, 227.63], [1998, 235.27], [1999, 241.07], [2000, 243.67], [2001, 270.32], [2002, 274.41], [2003, 229.7], [2004, 292.24], [2005, 358.02], [2006, 390.67], [2007, 392.29], [2008, 381.05], [2009, 394.22], [2010, 420.23], [2011, 451.23], [2012, 464.56], [2013, 461.23], [2014, 488.89]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 254.12], [1985, 274.13], [1986, 255.33], [1987, 197.44], [1988, 175.21], [1989, 137.57], [1990, 144.35], [1991, 128.47], [1992, 106.93], [1993, 102.72], [1994, 84.87], [1995, 86.72], [1996, 80.86], [1997, 80.26], [1998, 86.27], [1999, 85.45], [2000, 79.93], [2001, 73.87], [2002, 69.55], [2003, 64.15], [2004, 70.77], [2005, 83.36], [2006, 96.48], [2007, 79.86], [2008, 53.06], [2009, 49.27], [2010, 50.83], [2011, 70.4], [2012, 88.64], [2013, 96.76], [2014, 116.95]]},
{"name": "Arkansas", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 26.84], [1987, 2.05], [1988, 7.51], [1989, 3.41], [1990, 7.89], [1991, 22.7], [1992, 28.31], [1993, 27.2], [1994, 31.6], [1995, 26.82], [1996, 82.07], [1997, 96.23], [1998, 156.99], [1999, 221.17], [2000, 232.17], [2001, 270.16], [2002, 269.81], [2003, 288.22], [2004, 285.69], [2005, 306.1], [2006, 293.82], [2007, 351.14], [2008, 495.06], [2009, 496.77], [2010, 528.96], [2011, 546.36], [2012, 563.25], [2013, 521.97], [2014, 527.31]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 443.88], [1985, 444.66], [1986, 407.62], [1987, 377.21], [1988, 315.19], [1989, 324.45], [1990, 361.16], [1991, 304.72], [1992, 308.82], [1993, 309.0], [1994, 276.34], [1995, 222.06], [1996, 196.57], [1997, 168.47], [1998, 150.52], [1999, 121.65], [2000, 135.96], [2001, 170.85], [2002, 169.15], [2003, 155.96], [2004, 150.29], [2005, 161.06], [2006, 153.19], [2007, 147.03], [2008, 158.09], [2009, 154.35], [2010, 163.55], [2011, 159.53], [2012, 146.04], [2013, 135.4], [2014, 153.38]]},
{"name": "California", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.12], [1985, 14.78], [1986, 2.56], [1987, 5.28], [1988, 5.12], [1989, 10.31], [1990, 221.01], [1991, 229.66], [1992, 216.87], [1993, 215.72], [1994, 231.2], [1995, 194.98], [1996, 192.37], [1997, 211.59], [1998, 231.96], [1999, 254.2], [2000, 280.48], [2001, 294.63], [2002, 314.07], [2003, 330.93], [2004, 340.44], [2005, 361.77], [2006, 372.56], [2007, 388.28], [2008, 404.82], [2009, 397.16], [2010, 403.83], [2011, 442.46], [2012, 440.82], [2013, 436.56], [2014, 459.94]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 418.24], [1985, 438.92], [1986, 425.81], [1987, 342.02], [1988, 283.65], [1989, 254.02], [1990, 179.58], [1991, 143.72], [1992, 122.85], [1993, 100.21], [1994, 92.51], [1995, 77.63], [1996, 58.32], [1997, 55.34], [1998, 59.39], [1999, 55.74], [2000, 63.57], [2001, 67.33], [2002, 70.07], [2003, 73.17], [2004, 84.01], [2005, 95.03], [2006, 92.55], [2007, 85.61], [2008, 70.16], [2009, 62.84], [2010, 70.97], [2011, 73.0], [2012, 88.27], [2013, 99.57], [2014, 118.46]]},
{"name": "Colorado", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 0.0], [1990, 0.0], [1991, 0.21], [1992, 0.11], [1993, 1.41], [1994, 242.5], [1995, 173.78], [1996, 185.77], [1997, 192.84], [1998, 221.37], [1999, 256.7], [2000, 277.34], [2001, 298.78], [2002, 311.28], [2003, 286.53], [2004, 307.54], [2005, 330.79], [2006, 343.19], [2007, 353.51], [2008, 388.3], [2009, 397.99], [2010, 386.68], [2011, 426.26], [2012, 416.98], [2013, 386.95], [2014, 414.99]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 250.35], [1985, 252.53], [1986, 207.73], [1987, 138.88], [1988, 108.01], [1989, 120.88], [1990, 104.76], [1991, 115.14], [1992, 133.84], [1993, 105.24], [1994, 97.53], [1995, 73.25], [1996, 51.56], [1997, 57.61], [1998, 49.38], [1999, 59.77], [2000, 71.92], [2001, 71.99], [2002, 77.91], [2003, 62.72], [2004, 66.37], [2005, 69.11], [2006, 77.73], [2007, 69.44], [2008, 76.06], [2009, 56.18], [2010, 55.42], [2011, 46.18], [2012, 54.4], [2013, 53.53], [2014, 60.17]]},
{"name": "Connecticut", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 4.74], [1988, 18.85], [1989, 7.67], [1990, 99.67], [1991, 237.37], [1992, 263.55], [1993, 229.97], [1994, 215.49], [1995, 193.73], [1996, 187.88], [1997, 190.4], [1998, 207.32], [1999, 219.17], [2000, 222.86], [2001, 224.71], [2002, 283.43], [2003, 269.65], [2004, 272.63], [2005, 314.48], [2006, 312.31], [2007, 327.04], [2008, 357.56], [2009, 344.69], [2010, 353.91], [2011, 381.18], [2012, 363.89], [2013, 355.25], [2014, 372.13]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 288.24], [1985, 254.04], [1986, 309.76], [1987, 325.15], [1988, 336.26], [1989, 313.97], [1990, 250.94], [1991, 200.04], [1992, 171.75], [1993, 140.76], [1994, 143.75], [1995, 121.99], [1996, 101.54], [1997, 94.17], [1998, 94.4], [1999, 98.07], [2000, 85.35], [2001, 74.13], [2002, 93.66], [2003, 89.4], [2004, 81.69], [2005, 78.34], [2006, 74.47], [2007, 66.44], [2008, 80.0], [2009, 72.71], [2010, 71.88], [2011, 68.39], [2012, 59.41], [2013, 79.53], [2014, 64.88]]},
{"name": "Delaware", "chlamydia": [[1984, 38.1], [1985, 53.52], [1986, 53.69], [1987, 59.65], [1988, 104.67], [1989, 173.63], [1990, 73.18], [1991, 129.12], [1992, 111.95], [1993, 227.92], [1994, 345.34], [1995, 370.13], [1996, 306.49], [1997, 347.71], [1998, 341.66], [1999, 356.26], [2000, 363.12], [2001, 350.62], [2002, 328.1], [2003, 371.26], [2004, 355.75], [2005, 402.12], [2006, 423.56], [2007, 402.31], [2008, 443.02], [2009, 533.03], [2010, 497.14], [2011, 496.95], [2012, 483.92], [2013, 563.11], [2014, 483.18]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 661.51], [1985, 725.06], [1986, 608.15], [1987, 529.33], [1988, 494.5], [1989, 524.7], [1990, 503.76], [1991, 448.7], [1992, 257.15], [1993, 224.53], [1994, 284.02], [1995, 301.62], [1996, 196.5], [1997, 169.4], [1998, 203.84], [1999, 214.45], [2000, 220.59], [2001, 217.55], [2002, 195.2], [2003, 137.98], [2004, 107.66], [2005, 108.24], [2006, 173.99], [2007, 149.52], [2008, 119.69], [2009, 109.7], [2010, 112.48], [2011, 91.17], [2012, 98.03], [2013, 150.15], [2014, 138.16]]},
{"name": "District of Columbia", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.32], [1985, 0.47], [1986, 52.48], [1987, 89.95], [1988, 47.58], [1989, 49.99], [1990, 80.12], [1991, 67.57], [1992, 113.8], [1993, 133.88], [1994, 183.8], [1995, 286.81], [1996, 349.07], [1997, 540.57], [1998, 562.96], [1999, 477.01], [2000, 560.67], [2001, 572.65], [2002, 578.91], [2003, 561.35], [2004, 631.05], [2005, 668.09], [2006, 579.16], [2007, 1024.83], [2008, 1169.92], [2009, 1092.12], [2010, 928.83], [2011, 1065.54], [2012, 1076.66], [2013, 992.19], [2014, 818.78]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 2408.59], [1985, 2518.82], [1986, 2634.32], [1987, 2209.83], [1988, 2443.06], [1989, 2441.65], [1990, 2425.99], [1991, 1629.97], [1992, 1390.64], [1993, 1035.11], [1994, 1158.61], [1995, 979.64], [1996, 774.32], [1997, 802.66], [1998, 797.55], [1999, 620.12], [2000, 473.37], [2001, 502.42], [2002, 467.51], [2003, 444.4], [2004, 463.94], [2005, 389.81], [2006, 324.49], [2007, 403.37], [2008, 448.77], [2009, 427.08], [2010, 349.66], [2011, 415.7], [2012, 379.87], [2013, 383.32], [2014, 291.28]]},
{"name": "Florida", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 0.0], [1990, 0.12], [1991, 0.0], [1992, 0.0], [1993, 0.0], [1994, 0.0], [1995, 153.35], [1996, 166.72], [1997, 176.4], [1998, 161.1], [1999, 199.31], [2000, 208.02], [2001, 229.79], [2002, 251.65], [2003, 249.03], [2004, 244.6], [2005, 243.8], [2006, 270.62], [2007, 315.46], [2008, 387.47], [2009, 393.41], [2010, 397.55], [2011, 398.96], [2012, 401.94], [2013, 410.08], [2014, 430.6]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 463.84], [1985, 507.73], [1986, 597.43], [1987, 569.02], [1988, 530.47], [1989, 405.46], [1990, 336.95], [1991, 264.78], [1992, 204.63], [1993, 171.6], [1994, 171.12], [1995, 143.58], [1996, 129.14], [1997, 125.63], [1998, 123.2], [1999, 144.64], [2000, 141.93], [2001, 131.5], [2002, 127.73], [2003, 111.49], [2004, 106.8], [2005, 113.69], [2006, 132.54], [2007, 127.81], [2008, 127.27], [2009, 112.62], [2010, 107.24], [2011, 103.31], [2012, 100.75], [2013, 106.47], [2014, 107.11]]},
{"name": "Georgia", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 81.22], [1986, 60.88], [1987, 19.42], [1988, 47.78], [1989, 62.52], [1990, 100.13], [1991, 109.48], [1992, 146.66], [1993, 60.43], [1994, 2.35], [1995, 152.73], [1996, 180.71], [1997, 207.04], [1998, 321.1], [1999, 377.43], [2000, 356.54], [2001, 402.58], [2002, 397.16], [2003, 410.91], [2004, 388.25], [2005, 369.93], [2006, 416.19], [2007, 449.6], [2008, 440.12], [2009, 405.2], [2010, 466.03], [2011, 554.27], [2012, 528.41], [2013, 511.1], [2014, 519.86]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 734.25], [1985, 749.88], [1986, 542.96], [1987, 593.2], [1988, 626.62], [1989, 741.47], [1990, 752.66], [1991, 647.45], [1992, 475.59], [1993, 451.16], [1994, 0.0], [1995, 286.9], [1996, 264.04], [1997, 240.35], [1998, 262.81], [1999, 264.03], [2000, 246.1], [2001, 225.09], [2002, 214.75], [2003, 203.65], [2004, 178.75], [2005, 174.81], [2006, 210.05], [2007, 186.86], [2008, 168.0], [2009, 139.25], [2010, 163.63], [2011, 167.37], [2012, 154.5], [2013, 142.63], [2014, 137.81]]},
{"name": "Hawaii", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.58], [1986, 19.3], [1987, 22.28], [1988, 98.71], [1989, 88.62], [1990, 147.19], [1991, 286.78], [1992, 317.88], [1993, 224.41], [1994, 209.17], [1995, 178.38], [1996, 150.86], [1997, 150.95], [1998, 214.28], [1999, 261.5], [2000, 292.5], [2001, 328.52], [2002, 363.16], [2003, 435.75], [2004, 420.24], [2005, 430.44], [2006, 431.58], [2007, 440.94], [2008, 464.37], [2009, 465.26], [2010, 442.18], [2011, 436.5], [2012, 455.36], [2013, 472.92], [2014, 457.18]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 183.56], [1985, 155.1], [1986, 114.84], [1987, 82.49], [1988, 50.46], [1989, 46.32], [1990, 54.24], [1991, 72.58], [1992, 59.21], [1993, 73.67], [1994, 58.95], [1995, 47.04], [1996, 41.29], [1997, 42.09], [1998, 41.64], [1999, 38.26], [2000, 39.83], [2001, 49.22], [2002, 59.44], [2003, 100.43], [2004, 94.47], [2005, 80.3], [2006, 68.84], [2007, 51.35], [2008, 47.35], [2009, 48.72], [2010, 55.8], [2011, 49.83], [2012, 58.54], [2013, 51.14], [2014, 72.65]]},
{"name": "Idaho", "chlamydia": [[1984, 6.66], [1985, 13.28], [1986, 166.91], [1987, 209.91], [1988, 256.82], [1989, 190.44], [1990, 252.08], [1991, 232.21], [1992, 213.96], [1993, 170.73], [1994, 152.99], [1995, 147.71], [1996, 126.67], [1997, 139.11], [1998, 162.5], [1999, 139.38], [2000, 146.72], [2001, 153.19], [2002, 186.63], [2003, 173.16], [2004, 199.82], [2005, 195.86], [2006, 228.1], [2007, 248.23], [2008, 275.23], [2009, 248.54], [2010, 268.44], [2011, 296.47], [2012, 285.14], [2013, 336.7], [2014, 337.56]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 128.06], [1985, 99.27], [1986, 87.54], [1987, 66.59], [1988, 35.3], [1989, 17.6], [1990, 15.61], [1991, 16.61], [1992, 11.29], [1993, 15.42], [1994, 8.56], [1995, 12.66], [1996, 8.15], [1997, 12.86], [1998, 14.53], [1999, 6.98], [2000, 7.54], [2001, 5.76], [2002, 7.01], [2003, 4.98], [2004, 7.39], [2005, 8.33], [2006, 14.05], [2007, 17.94], [2008, 12.27], [2009, 7.12], [2010, 9.38], [2011, 10.22], [2012, 10.47], [2013, 13.09], [2014, 27.48]]},
{"name": "Illinois", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.02], [1985, 0.15], [1986, 9.89], [1987, 36.15], [1988, 116.24], [1989, 161.58], [1990, 195.44], [1991, 188.66], [1992, 205.62], [1993, 198.35], [1994, 206.55], [1995, 205.23], [1996, 217.98], [1997, 239.49], [1998, 267.78], [1999, 294.6], [2000, 324.33], [2001, 349.16], [2002, 381.74], [2003, 381.66], [2004, 371.14], [2005, 396.13], [2006, 417.6], [2007, 431.59], [2008, 458.62], [2009, 468.94], [2010, 472.87], [2011, 504.61], [2012, 525.82], [2013, 495.24], [2014, 516.5]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 308.06], [1985, 285.58], [1986, 315.91], [1987, 292.27], [1988, 329.81], [1989, 372.05], [1990, 331.47], [1991, 293.83], [1992, 250.34], [1993, 240.58], [1994, 223.05], [1995, 181.1], [1996, 159.68], [1997, 160.22], [1998, 183.34], [1999, 195.29], [2000, 199.44], [2001, 191.89], [2002, 190.67], [2003, 172.42], [2004, 162.01], [2005, 156.85], [2006, 157.31], [2007, 161.94], [2008, 160.24], [2009, 154.62], [2010, 122.96], [2011, 132.38], [2012, 140.96], [2013, 127.81], [2014, 123.97]]},
{"name": "Indiana", "chlamydia": [[1984, 27.29], [1985, 12.89], [1986, 22.18], [1987, 36.77], [1988, 102.08], [1989, 111.68], [1990, 179.14], [1991, 211.83], [1992, 190.64], [1993, 174.84], [1994, 178.58], [1995, 155.55], [1996, 174.97], [1997, 161.2], [1998, 180.05], [1999, 194.11], [2000, 230.85], [2001, 249.04], [2002, 277.64], [2003, 275.6], [2004, 295.63], [2005, 319.88], [2006, 314.55], [2007, 326.42], [2008, 347.42], [2009, 338.34], [2010, 352.03], [2011, 426.6], [2012, 451.33], [2013, 426.47], [2014, 434.02]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 266.43], [1985, 241.49], [1986, 231.43], [1987, 126.95], [1988, 171.12], [1989, 208.21], [1990, 204.49], [1991, 202.75], [1992, 163.41], [1993, 150.83], [1994, 168.41], [1995, 151.76], [1996, 112.39], [1997, 103.35], [1998, 105.14], [1999, 100.78], [2000, 107.11], [2001, 113.8], [2002, 120.07], [2003, 107.83], [2004, 109.83], [2005, 129.05], [2006, 138.31], [2007, 138.53], [2008, 137.51], [2009, 106.41], [2010, 100.19], [2011, 100.8], [2012, 112.25], [2013, 108.72], [2014, 110.93]]},
{"name": "Iowa", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 12.3], [1986, 101.42], [1987, 136.19], [1988, 196.28], [1989, 194.86], [1990, 234.05], [1991, 237.27], [1992, 217.75], [1993, 183.79], [1994, 189.88], [1995, 177.48], [1996, 144.62], [1997, 169.73], [1998, 178.24], [1999, 188.89], [2000, 204.42], [2001, 194.38], [2002, 210.95], [2003, 220.48], [2004, 235.44], [2005, 249.13], [2006, 281.35], [2007, 289.25], [2008, 312.13], [2009, 312.71], [2010, 346.05], [2011, 349.57], [2012, 370.08], [2013, 354.42], [2014, 381.95]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 161.0], [1985, 155.84], [1986, 143.1], [1987, 109.45], [1988, 84.26], [1989, 101.06], [1990, 83.82], [1991, 70.13], [1992, 58.69], [1993, 67.5], [1994, 57.7], [1995, 60.09], [1996, 39.76], [1997, 45.35], [1998, 55.67], [1999, 46.78], [2000, 47.53], [2001, 48.36], [2002, 50.4], [2003, 52.78], [2004, 42.28], [2005, 54.14], [2006, 65.93], [2007, 64.52], [2008, 56.62], [2009, 55.12], [2010, 59.19], [2011, 62.7], [2012, 65.25], [2013, 47.63], [2014, 53.1]]},
{"name": "Kansas", "chlamydia": [[1984, 24.67], [1985, 46.0], [1986, 61.78], [1987, 130.1], [1988, 142.54], [1989, 161.23], [1990, 214.64], [1991, 271.58], [1992, 277.37], [1993, 227.46], [1994, 247.66], [1995, 204.31], [1996, 170.16], [1997, 175.58], [1998, 209.99], [1999, 227.49], [2000, 224.92], [2001, 223.9], [2002, 249.79], [2003, 266.16], [2004, 273.92], [2005, 270.3], [2006, 283.24], [2007, 294.67], [2008, 328.61], [2009, 372.86], [2010, 336.51], [2011, 369.11], [2012, 385.84], [2013, 380.52], [2014, 384.11]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 269.3], [1985, 262.59], [1986, 252.36], [1987, 194.05], [1988, 179.78], [1989, 213.03], [1990, 195.3], [1991, 185.62], [1992, 173.91], [1993, 147.5], [1994, 142.34], [1995, 107.53], [1996, 78.18], [1997, 78.74], [1998, 98.55], [1999, 99.5], [2000, 103.81], [2001, 98.77], [2002, 101.03], [2003, 97.19], [2004, 92.93], [2005, 94.91], [2006, 79.95], [2007, 82.2], [2008, 81.15], [2009, 88.87], [2010, 73.04], [2011, 76.94], [2012, 77.2], [2013, 74.67], [2014, 88.74]]},
{"name": "Kentucky", "chlamydia": [[1984, 1.16], [1985, 12.53], [1986, 18.0], [1987, 27.82], [1988, 47.93], [1989, 72.09], [1990, 103.9], [1991, 148.4], [1992, 141.87], [1993, 143.72], [1994, 146.27], [1995, 177.6], [1996, 173.62], [1997, 160.19], [1998, 161.62], [1999, 183.62], [2000, 199.14], [2001, 218.27], [2002, 213.93], [2003, 193.82], [2004, 156.06], [2005, 200.1], [2006, 212.55], [2007, 207.43], [2008, 284.9], [2009, 308.13], [2010, 377.38], [2011, 380.58], [2012, 394.32], [2013, 389.83], [2014, 401.88]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 243.49], [1985, 236.32], [1986, 212.1], [1987, 154.16], [1988, 149.65], [1989, 147.98], [1990, 156.2], [1991, 158.96], [1992, 124.05], [1993, 121.37], [1994, 133.2], [1995, 122.22], [1996, 107.89], [1997, 101.88], [1998, 95.67], [1999, 83.35], [2000, 86.49], [2001, 88.18], [2002, 92.16], [2003, 86.89], [2004, 66.52], [2005, 70.33], [2006, 77.91], [2007, 81.32], [2008, 106.53], [2009, 88.71], [2010, 100.13], [2011, 103.47], [2012, 97.78], [2013, 98.17], [2014, 99.04]]},
{"name": "Louisiana", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.32], [1986, 7.87], [1987, 12.41], [1988, 19.51], [1989, 21.16], [1990, 22.22], [1991, 39.8], [1992, 229.09], [1993, 282.8], [1994, 244.97], [1995, 208.07], [1996, 250.52], [1997, 261.14], [1998, 342.05], [1999, 372.91], [2000, 399.26], [2001, 399.07], [2002, 411.41], [2003, 466.38], [2004, 483.57], [2005, 380.82], [2006, 417.12], [2007, 450.99], [2008, 513.72], [2009, 615.04], [2010, 643.03], [2011, 691.04], [2012, 594.39], [2013, 621.32], [2014, 625.99]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 558.31], [1985, 468.79], [1986, 382.58], [1987, 276.38], [1988, 315.54], [1989, 360.32], [1990, 312.66], [1991, 346.81], [1992, 329.68], [1993, 308.66], [1994, 275.84], [1995, 212.21], [1996, 211.76], [1997, 243.88], [1998, 281.49], [1999, 295.66], [2000, 296.32], [2001, 274.09], [2002, 254.02], [2003, 263.55], [2004, 233.36], [2005, 211.6], [2006, 253.81], [2007, 259.41], [2008, 214.36], [2009, 200.26], [2010, 196.59], [2011, 200.42], [2012, 192.81], [2013, 187.42], [2014, 194.62]]},
{"name": "Maine", "chlamydia": [[1984, 2.51], [1985, 15.3], [1986, 95.7], [1987, 162.74], [1988, 268.69], [1989, 283.04], [1990, 311.27], [1991, 218.09], [1992, 162.62], [1993, 127.18], [1994, 96.16], [1995, 92.0], [1996, 77.42], [1997, 84.96], [1998, 85.22], [1999, 96.31], [2000, 115.4], [2001, 104.17], [2002, 139.44], [2003, 155.47], [2004, 160.41], [2005, 170.56], [2006, 174.49], [2007, 192.91], [2008, 198.11], [2009, 184.4], [2010, 194.68], [2011, 232.95], [2012, 256.77], [2013, 258.83], [2014, 265.75]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 89.2], [1985, 97.32], [1986, 72.12], [1987, 55.37], [1988, 32.31], [1989, 20.57], [1990, 16.24], [1991, 13.26], [1992, 7.75], [1993, 6.44], [1994, 7.48], [1995, 7.56], [1996, 4.4], [1997, 5.26], [1998, 5.32], [1999, 6.55], [2000, 7.05], [2001, 10.98], [2002, 10.97], [2003, 17.84], [2004, 15.94], [2005, 10.75], [2006, 10.37], [2007, 8.96], [2008, 7.29], [2009, 10.85], [2010, 12.2], [2011, 20.48], [2012, 34.31], [2013, 18.44], [2014, 17.84]]},
{"name": "Maryland", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.46], [1985, 0.05], [1986, 2.05], [1987, 25.34], [1988, 61.33], [1989, 52.71], [1990, 47.42], [1991, 112.15], [1992, 115.19], [1993, 103.72], [1994, 133.56], [1995, 204.69], [1996, 232.81], [1997, 271.03], [1998, 251.65], [1999, 258.22], [2000, 273.56], [2001, 290.38], [2002, 309.46], [2003, 305.52], [2004, 358.97], [2005, 326.6], [2006, 389.25], [2007, 412.04], [2008, 437.89], [2009, 416.65], [2010, 453.65], [2011, 466.89], [2012, 450.91], [2013, 450.73], [2014, 462.56]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 649.21], [1985, 703.85], [1986, 632.09], [1987, 521.86], [1988, 484.16], [1989, 502.65], [1990, 487.79], [1991, 448.49], [1992, 345.05], [1993, 272.49], [1994, 301.35], [1995, 256.09], [1996, 226.76], [1997, 224.3], [1998, 216.24], [1999, 198.5], [2000, 185.17], [2001, 175.03], [2002, 171.4], [2003, 145.8], [2004, 149.28], [2005, 125.62], [2006, 130.49], [2007, 120.46], [2008, 118.33], [2009, 112.2], [2010, 128.4], [2011, 110.8], [2012, 96.63], [2013, 101.02], [2014, 103.02]]},
{"name": "Massachusetts", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 46.4], [1987, 94.29], [1988, 121.74], [1989, 168.33], [1990, 202.92], [1991, 181.08], [1992, 162.75], [1993, 137.59], [1994, 132.33], [1995, 120.53], [1996, 110.64], [1997, 128.24], [1998, 133.34], [1999, 138.92], [2000, 172.39], [2001, 162.5], [2002, 169.79], [2003, 175.66], [2004, 206.37], [2005, 225.22], [2006, 239.14], [2007, 250.32], [2008, 269.36], [2009, 292.94], [2010, 321.95], [2011, 345.56], [2012, 354.34], [2013, 346.79], [2014, 317.82]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 170.8], [1985, 160.86], [1986, 168.09], [1987, 142.25], [1988, 124.48], [1989, 133.89], [1990, 125.16], [1991, 99.91], [1992, 59.5], [1993, 51.45], [1994, 51.83], [1995, 43.28], [1996, 35.42], [1997, 35.74], [1998, 36.0], [1999, 38.83], [2000, 47.86], [2001, 50.21], [2002, 50.44], [2003, 45.09], [2004, 47.64], [2005, 39.65], [2006, 37.73], [2007, 41.78], [2008, 32.76], [2009, 29.97], [2010, 37.92], [2011, 35.72], [2012, 39.54], [2013, 46.41], [2014, 57.03]]},
{"name": "Michigan", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 6.41], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 0.0], [1990, 0.0], [1991, 0.0], [1992, 3.66], [1993, 50.09], [1994, 184.27], [1995, 223.91], [1996, 203.56], [1997, 218.16], [1998, 224.98], [1999, 233.47], [2000, 263.53], [2001, 310.7], [2002, 321.1], [2003, 323.13], [2004, 407.87], [2005, 382.68], [2006, 364.05], [2007, 370.87], [2008, 449.08], [2009, 458.53], [2010, 500.61], [2011, 501.89], [2012, 481.27], [2013, 453.08], [2014, 447.23]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 391.21], [1985, 381.42], [1986, 413.69], [1987, 405.76], [1988, 406.14], [1989, 359.05], [1990, 335.41], [1991, 282.53], [1992, 226.47], [1993, 188.82], [1994, 189.78], [1995, 188.3], [1996, 155.04], [1997, 160.42], [1998, 166.12], [1999, 160.72], [2000, 182.62], [2001, 171.09], [2002, 146.96], [2003, 138.54], [2004, 171.82], [2005, 174.73], [2006, 155.28], [2007, 153.72], [2008, 170.58], [2009, 147.49], [2010, 137.87], [2011, 130.63], [2012, 127.33], [2013, 106.81], [2014, 97.9]]},
{"name": "Minnesota", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 47.96], [1987, 122.01], [1988, 151.81], [1989, 150.85], [1990, 209.32], [1991, 184.29], [1992, 190.03], [1993, 164.86], [1994, 158.71], [1995, 129.44], [1996, 118.97], [1997, 139.21], [1998, 144.8], [1999, 152.87], [2000, 164.2], [2001, 166.98], [2002, 201.35], [2003, 211.76], [2004, 227.45], [2005, 237.47], [2006, 250.33], [2007, 258.06], [2008, 274.9], [2009, 269.59], [2010, 288.35], [2011, 316.23], [2012, 335.67], [2013, 345.77], [2014, 367.26]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 146.22], [1985, 150.69], [1986, 128.47], [1987, 102.41], [1988, 88.09], [1989, 73.28], [1990, 95.31], [1991, 69.74], [1992, 70.11], [1993, 55.82], [1994, 72.58], [1995, 61.2], [1996, 57.23], [1997, 50.74], [1998, 56.26], [1999, 58.07], [2000, 64.04], [2001, 54.19], [2002, 60.74], [2003, 63.29], [2004, 57.97], [2005, 67.84], [2006, 63.92], [2007, 66.55], [2008, 58.18], [2009, 43.73], [2010, 39.95], [2011, 42.73], [2012, 57.3], [2013, 71.45], [2014, 75.14]]},
{"name": "Mississippi", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 0.0], [1990, 14.85], [1991, 0.0], [1992, 0.0], [1993, 0.0], [1994, 0.0], [1995, 33.5], [1996, 176.41], [1997, 360.82], [1998, 378.42], [1999, 408.18], [2000, 445.69], [2001, 412.38], [2002, 410.89], [2003, 423.18], [2004, 649.78], [2005, 728.09], [2006, 652.87], [2007, 742.98], [2008, 723.23], [2009, 799.09], [2010, 721.77], [2011, 712.3], [2012, 772.35], [2013, 583.85], [2014, 655.42]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 505.99], [1985, 590.97], [1986, 591.64], [1987, 521.34], [1988, 522.52], [1989, 552.15], [1990, 554.62], [1991, 561.27], [1992, 461.86], [1993, 394.26], [1994, 426.0], [1995, 349.33], [1996, 254.29], [1997, 337.31], [1998, 381.09], [1999, 368.09], [2000, 323.54], [2001, 271.32], [2002, 239.4], [2003, 219.62], [2004, 246.75], [2005, 245.49], [2006, 258.06], [2007, 284.85], [2008, 255.02], [2009, 245.29], [2010, 208.78], [2011, 195.2], [2012, 230.32], [2013, 170.37], [2014, 188.05]]},
{"name": "Missouri", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.18], [1985, 8.24], [1986, 30.5], [1987, 58.21], [1988, 122.75], [1989, 159.95], [1990, 217.42], [1991, 208.87], [1992, 227.58], [1993, 220.52], [1994, 230.05], [1995, 225.17], [1996, 220.18], [1997, 223.62], [1998, 229.46], [1999, 240.11], [2000, 239.93], [2001, 247.44], [2002, 285.25], [2003, 325.53], [2004, 370.47], [2005, 385.69], [2006, 393.35], [2007, 396.5], [2008, 419.8], [2009, 432.03], [2010, 434.95], [2011, 463.96], [2012, 462.22], [2013, 452.14], [2014, 462.94]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 403.33], [1985, 408.63], [1986, 372.63], [1987, 326.58], [1988, 341.3], [1989, 429.42], [1990, 390.32], [1991, 338.79], [1992, 285.27], [1993, 249.43], [1994, 235.83], [1995, 210.59], [1996, 155.04], [1997, 139.71], [1998, 171.38], [1999, 147.2], [2000, 158.48], [2001, 154.74], [2002, 157.81], [2003, 154.12], [2004, 160.18], [2005, 163.01], [2006, 174.65], [2007, 168.0], [2008, 135.56], [2009, 108.36], [2010, 119.54], [2011, 129.8], [2012, 131.0], [2013, 124.85], [2014, 122.22]]},
{"name": "Montana", "chlamydia": [[1984, 9.13], [1985, 16.05], [1986, 78.76], [1987, 210.0], [1988, 230.14], [1989, 170.45], [1990, 144.34], [1991, 268.87], [1992, 236.38], [1993, 188.69], [1994, 162.89], [1995, 136.67], [1996, 126.83], [1997, 128.78], [1998, 158.22], [1999, 176.49], [2000, 162.6], [2001, 211.96], [2002, 272.14], [2003, 277.57], [2004, 281.38], [2005, 256.5], [2006, 280.53], [2007, 286.89], [2008, 320.54], [2009, 306.46], [2010, 311.5], [2011, 341.21], [2012, 380.74], [2013, 376.1], [2014, 413.04]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 124.97], [1985, 96.89], [1986, 82.32], [1987, 73.64], [1988, 47.85], [1989, 26.39], [1990, 30.74], [1991, 15.07], [1992, 13.32], [1993, 9.59], [1994, 9.87], [1995, 7.42], [1996, 4.29], [1997, 7.42], [1998, 6.16], [1999, 5.91], [2000, 6.64], [2001, 11.49], [2002, 13.52], [2003, 13.3], [2004, 9.49], [2005, 16.89], [2006, 20.54], [2007, 12.74], [2008, 12.61], [2009, 8.21], [2010, 10.31], [2011, 8.52], [2012, 10.74], [2013, 22.07], [2014, 42.75]]},
{"name": "Nebraska", "chlamydia": [[1984, 4.34], [1985, 22.9], [1986, 60.27], [1987, 88.84], [1988, 143.6], [1989, 172.77], [1990, 191.76], [1991, 209.03], [1992, 188.13], [1993, 106.61], [1994, 203.53], [1995, 173.39], [1996, 152.0], [1997, 164.02], [1998, 171.66], [1999, 212.11], [2000, 221.26], [2001, 186.39], [2002, 276.37], [2003, 272.47], [2004, 299.79], [2005, 289.86], [2006, 306.96], [2007, 289.2], [2008, 312.49], [2009, 302.96], [2010, 280.01], [2011, 367.95], [2012, 363.67], [2013, 390.74], [2014, 401.33]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 189.95], [1985, 224.85], [1986, 177.63], [1987, 114.31], [1988, 78.96], [1989, 122.42], [1990, 113.99], [1991, 111.35], [1992, 96.54], [1993, 43.92], [1994, 81.45], [1995, 68.38], [1996, 69.78], [1997, 71.75], [1998, 71.0], [1999, 86.29], [2000, 89.53], [2001, 69.13], [2002, 90.45], [2003, 93.31], [2004, 65.65], [2005, 65.84], [2006, 81.04], [2007, 80.81], [2008, 81.86], [2009, 76.59], [2010, 64.99], [2011, 73.37], [2012, 77.01], [2013, 74.12], [2014, 78.08]]},
{"name": "Nevada", "chlamydia": [[1984, 1.84], [1985, 23.55], [1986, 28.65], [1987, 51.19], [1988, 11.9], [1989, 6.68], [1990, 122.39], [1991, 125.6], [1992, 246.34], [1993, 239.86], [1994, 210.03], [1995, 192.78], [1996, 170.86], [1997, 163.65], [1998, 179.15], [1999, 159.51], [2000, 199.08], [2001, 230.3], [2002, 273.11], [2003, 260.13], [2004, 286.54], [2005, 303.17], [2006, 336.52], [2007, 370.86], [2008, 371.9], [2009, 380.05], [2010, 357.93], [2011, 385.82], [2012, 403.67], [2013, 422.24], [2014, 424.39]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 454.25], [1985, 466.74], [1986, 368.8], [1987, 422.16], [1988, 319.65], [1989, 275.09], [1990, 215.45], [1991, 199.9], [1992, 158.51], [1993, 132.44], [1994, 115.79], [1995, 78.21], [1996, 61.51], [1997, 46.99], [1998, 77.97], [1999, 67.35], [2000, 76.93], [2001, 83.71], [2002, 91.47], [2003, 99.1], [2004, 131.83], [2005, 119.26], [2006, 111.84], [2007, 91.88], [2008, 83.53], [2009, 65.3], [2010, 63.99], [2011, 73.44], [2012, 82.06], [2013, 97.27], [2014, 114.26]]},
{"name": "New Hampshire", "chlamydia": [[1984, 3.89], [1985, 19.16], [1986, 50.62], [1987, 92.09], [1988, 164.22], [1989, 200.18], [1990, 195.17], [1991, 173.79], [1992, 171.14], [1993, 103.06], [1994, 84.63], [1995, 77.58], [1996, 62.31], [1997, 68.6], [1998, 79.61], [1999, 79.87], [2000, 91.09], [2001, 109.82], [2002, 122.11], [2003, 125.5], [2004, 133.59], [2005, 140.62], [2006, 151.88], [2007, 156.18], [2008, 160.28], [2009, 158.69], [2010, 187.01], [2011, 228.34], [2012, 232.6], [2013, 235.67], [2014, 270.96]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 74.0], [1985, 57.57], [1986, 57.75], [1987, 38.41], [1988, 29.56], [1989, 19.38], [1990, 22.74], [1991, 29.19], [1992, 12.97], [1993, 7.35], [1994, 9.01], [1995, 10.19], [1996, 13.02], [1997, 8.07], [1998, 7.55], [1999, 9.41], [2000, 8.87], [2001, 13.98], [2002, 9.41], [2003, 9.71], [2004, 10.23], [2005, 13.51], [2006, 13.69], [2007, 10.49], [2008, 7.6], [2009, 8.53], [2010, 11.47], [2011, 9.86], [2012, 11.13], [2013, 9.14], [2014, 17.08]]},
{"name": "New Jersey", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 4.33], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 0.0], [1990, 0.0], [1991, 21.96], [1992, 50.03], [1993, 34.5], [1994, 22.85], [1995, 50.18], [1996, 150.6], [1997, 125.8], [1998, 141.01], [1999, 148.62], [2000, 128.23], [2001, 191.66], [2002, 164.88], [2003, 187.18], [2004, 200.58], [2005, 219.69], [2006, 231.46], [2007, 247.94], [2008, 258.04], [2009, 275.32], [2010, 297.34], [2011, 297.12], [2012, 307.64], [2013, 318.31], [2014, 336.02]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 267.41], [1985, 258.93], [1986, 254.24], [1987, 252.86], [1988, 235.72], [1989, 234.43], [1990, 229.04], [1991, 135.34], [1992, 86.5], [1993, 81.07], [1994, 65.74], [1995, 71.54], [1996, 107.01], [1997, 92.06], [1998, 94.82], [1999, 93.93], [2000, 85.76], [2001, 104.82], [2002, 91.89], [2003, 91.96], [2004, 76.98], [2005, 65.63], [2006, 62.95], [2007, 69.95], [2008, 61.02], [2009, 54.69], [2010, 66.79], [2011, 83.3], [2012, 84.45], [2013, 78.81], [2014, 74.57]]},
{"name": "New Mexico", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 88.02], [1989, 189.84], [1990, 236.4], [1991, 300.65], [1992, 280.93], [1993, 290.08], [1994, 299.39], [1995, 249.07], [1996, 228.67], [1997, 226.56], [1998, 211.49], [1999, 277.48], [2000, 285.66], [2001, 341.57], [2002, 399.83], [2003, 399.01], [2004, 474.7], [2005, 438.5], [2006, 502.87], [2007, 480.22], [2008, 466.75], [2009, 472.37], [2010, 568.48], [2011, 546.24], [2012, 570.5], [2013, 587.4], [2014, 554.26]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 234.96], [1985, 217.0], [1986, 174.51], [1987, 142.22], [1988, 102.85], [1989, 85.98], [1990, 81.17], [1991, 72.01], [1992, 57.73], [1993, 61.96], [1994, 67.17], [1995, 61.27], [1996, 50.79], [1997, 48.29], [1998, 53.36], [1999, 53.87], [2000, 63.24], [2001, 56.8], [2002, 78.81], [2003, 62.36], [2004, 68.62], [2005, 80.48], [2006, 88.66], [2007, 91.17], [2008, 70.7], [2009, 53.84], [2010, 59.68], [2011, 88.32], [2012, 90.29], [2013, 91.98], [2014, 107.71]]},
{"name": "New York", "chlamydia": [[1984, 16.3], [1985, 16.63], [1986, 109.08], [1987, 8.78], [1988, 9.64], [1989, 21.19], [1990, 73.82], [1991, 148.65], [1992, 229.41], [1993, 204.1], [1994, 349.68], [1995, 349.61], [1996, 343.67], [1997, 366.22], [1998, 333.64], [1999, 336.78], [2000, 165.76], [2001, 243.09], [2002, 266.86], [2003, 298.19], [2004, 307.36], [2005, 332.21], [2006, 355.95], [2007, 418.27], [2008, 453.35], [2009, 471.15], [2010, 515.63], [2011, 527.93], [2012, 513.77], [2013, 487.52], [2014, 502.84]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 379.23], [1985, 470.62], [1986, 537.51], [1987, 492.73], [1988, 412.99], [1989, 322.04], [1990, 287.35], [1991, 241.69], [1992, 184.95], [1993, 163.96], [1994, 167.92], [1995, 140.31], [1996, 110.84], [1997, 120.03], [1998, 101.63], [1999, 105.0], [2000, 105.86], [2001, 116.84], [2002, 114.01], [2003, 115.51], [2004, 97.45], [2005, 92.01], [2006, 90.43], [2007, 91.71], [2008, 87.78], [2009, 87.02], [2010, 94.54], [2011, 106.37], [2012, 115.33], [2013, 101.36], [2014, 105.63]]},
{"name": "North Carolina", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 130.9], [1990, 155.85], [1991, 175.8], [1992, 198.91], [1993, 219.46], [1994, 247.6], [1995, 214.85], [1996, 201.02], [1997, 223.44], [1998, 284.25], [1999, 274.39], [2000, 272.01], [2001, 269.32], [2002, 297.18], [2003, 311.48], [2004, 339.14], [2005, 359.12], [2006, 379.55], [2007, 337.83], [2008, 406.79], [2009, 437.54], [2010, 440.96], [2011, 567.7], [2012, 518.82], [2013, 491.63], [2014, 478.74]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 557.87], [1985, 580.61], [1986, 564.18], [1987, 466.66], [1988, 429.35], [1989, 444.46], [1990, 481.38], [1991, 540.13], [1992, 382.29], [1993, 343.43], [1994, 402.59], [1995, 326.24], [1996, 243.03], [1997, 220.56], [1998, 246.25], [1999, 244.4], [2000, 220.52], [2001, 202.08], [2002, 186.67], [2003, 179.8], [2004, 177.89], [2005, 173.58], [2006, 195.47], [2007, 183.93], [2008, 173.19], [2009, 147.85], [2010, 147.98], [2011, 180.75], [2012, 146.82], [2013, 138.77], [2014, 146.37]]},
{"name": "North Dakota", "chlamydia": [[1984, 5.14], [1985, 28.95], [1986, 44.65], [1987, 68.51], [1988, 123.74], [1989, 150.39], [1990, 182.38], [1991, 208.26], [1992, 183.63], [1993, 145.5], [1994, 167.34], [1995, 204.37], [1996, 156.22], [1997, 138.83], [1998, 159.99], [1999, 146.99], [2000, 141.78], [2001, 166.84], [2002, 198.07], [2003, 261.11], [2004, 285.32], [2005, 261.83], [2006, 286.22], [2007, 279.66], [2008, 299.46], [2009, 302.55], [2010, 357.42], [2011, 357.49], [2012, 415.65], [2013, 405.31], [2014, 477.06]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 56.86], [1985, 42.39], [1986, 44.65], [1987, 40.38], [1988, 29.91], [1989, 22.59], [1990, 15.68], [1991, 13.06], [1992, 11.12], [1993, 8.42], [1994, 5.43], [1995, 5.87], [1996, 5.69], [1997, 10.47], [1998, 12.35], [1999, 12.88], [2000, 11.39], [2001, 8.8], [2002, 11.35], [2003, 16.25], [2004, 17.34], [2005, 20.1], [2006, 24.06], [2007, 18.13], [2008, 22.29], [2009, 23.34], [2010, 30.33], [2011, 36.7], [2012, 47.88], [2013, 68.01], [2014, 95.94]]},
{"name": "Ohio", "chlamydia": [[1984, 14.99], [1985, 25.32], [1986, 64.45], [1987, 128.62], [1988, 189.53], [1989, 254.41], [1990, 302.48], [1991, 294.5], [1992, 259.73], [1993, 234.09], [1994, 291.19], [1995, 259.97], [1996, 183.7], [1997, 202.41], [1998, 245.64], [1999, 259.35], [2000, 274.47], [2001, 330.59], [2002, 332.99], [2003, 371.83], [2004, 343.65], [2005, 382.12], [2006, 349.42], [2007, 413.66], [2008, 410.22], [2009, 417.92], [2010, 443.38], [2011, 456.07], [2012, 460.32], [2013, 459.1], [2014, 474.11]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 300.55], [1985, 308.34], [1986, 284.27], [1987, 258.24], [1988, 258.05], [1989, 334.91], [1990, 371.97], [1991, 324.03], [1992, 251.74], [1993, 200.75], [1994, 221.89], [1995, 206.88], [1996, 132.94], [1997, 132.66], [1998, 161.56], [1999, 160.04], [2000, 169.87], [2001, 185.81], [2002, 192.69], [2003, 197.07], [2004, 178.61], [2005, 183.05], [2006, 167.19], [2007, 183.71], [2008, 146.29], [2009, 138.51], [2010, 142.99], [2011, 144.88], [2012, 142.87], [2013, 143.63], [2014, 140.33]]},
{"name": "Oklahoma", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 8.48], [1987, 17.63], [1988, 85.68], [1989, 89.57], [1990, 132.49], [1991, 127.1], [1992, 166.22], [1993, 145.65], [1994, 113.66], [1995, 153.1], [1996, 220.92], [1997, 219.96], [1998, 275.84], [1999, 238.42], [2000, 270.12], [2001, 302.0], [2002, 309.24], [2003, 313.62], [2004, 294.19], [2005, 377.89], [2006, 362.99], [2007, 346.36], [2008, 406.41], [2009, 407.45], [2010, 381.25], [2011, 384.97], [2012, 441.51], [2013, 474.68], [2014, 536.6]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 381.97], [1985, 381.09], [1986, 371.91], [1987, 285.43], [1988, 222.66], [1989, 211.15], [1990, 198.11], [1991, 218.05], [1992, 200.62], [1993, 146.33], [1994, 148.98], [1995, 153.47], [1996, 146.61], [1997, 141.12], [1998, 153.97], [1999, 116.99], [2000, 122.42], [2001, 137.88], [2002, 133.41], [2003, 129.63], [2004, 126.38], [2005, 147.35], [2006, 138.33], [2007, 133.44], [2008, 142.35], [2009, 126.74], [2010, 116.47], [2011, 111.17], [2012, 116.41], [2013, 137.72], [2014, 159.38]]},
{"name": "Oregon", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.04], [1985, 0.56], [1986, 28.54], [1987, 124.19], [1988, 260.09], [1989, 206.83], [1990, 257.9], [1991, 250.13], [1992, 196.91], [1993, 180.6], [1994, 176.05], [1995, 171.62], [1996, 168.06], [1997, 159.49], [1998, 174.65], [1999, 180.53], [2000, 207.13], [2001, 214.6], [2002, 199.03], [2003, 215.98], [2004, 241.75], [2005, 247.68], [2006, 258.79], [2007, 262.82], [2008, 283.48], [2009, 300.52], [2010, 322.42], [2011, 352.36], [2012, 345.03], [2013, 360.83], [2014, 394.6]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 248.72], [1985, 239.55], [1986, 204.18], [1987, 149.55], [1988, 117.41], [1989, 108.54], [1990, 88.97], [1991, 74.17], [1992, 59.0], [1993, 38.85], [1994, 31.33], [1995, 26.82], [1996, 27.32], [1997, 23.39], [1998, 26.25], [1999, 26.61], [2000, 30.25], [2001, 32.94], [2002, 25.81], [2003, 28.09], [2004, 36.22], [2005, 42.9], [2006, 39.48], [2007, 32.98], [2008, 32.32], [2009, 29.09], [2010, 28.09], [2011, 38.46], [2012, 37.54], [2013, 43.99], [2014, 59.03]]},
{"name": "Pennsylvania", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.09], [1985, 0.77], [1986, 0.85], [1987, 0.26], [1988, 0.21], [1989, 0.7], [1990, 0.0], [1991, 35.68], [1992, 191.22], [1993, 186.08], [1994, 162.3], [1995, 188.23], [1996, 157.73], [1997, 162.24], [1998, 201.12], [1999, 220.31], [2000, 215.49], [2001, 230.6], [2002, 257.73], [2003, 301.57], [2004, 306.5], [2005, 299.78], [2006, 317.4], [2007, 341.59], [2008, 339.27], [2009, 341.68], [2010, 374.09], [2011, 415.01], [2012, 430.86], [2013, 407.52], [2014, 395.62]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 260.5], [1985, 254.63], [1986, 233.18], [1987, 255.56], [1988, 272.75], [1989, 256.93], [1990, 258.45], [1991, 202.98], [1992, 167.1], [1993, 150.38], [1994, 108.37], [1995, 106.88], [1996, 88.4], [1997, 81.51], [1998, 95.7], [1999, 108.41], [2000, 110.75], [2001, 115.78], [2002, 107.77], [2003, 95.96], [2004, 90.57], [2005, 90.28], [2006, 92.17], [2007, 102.2], [2008, 88.94], [2009, 80.43], [2010, 101.42], [2011, 108.06], [2012, 120.58], [2013, 108.61], [2014, 99.5]]},
{"name": "Rhode Island", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 8.46], [1986, 18.62], [1987, 51.73], [1988, 129.85], [1989, 155.6], [1990, 187.68], [1991, 204.92], [1992, 245.61], [1993, 218.1], [1994, 206.21], [1995, 187.02], [1996, 179.55], [1997, 201.78], [1998, 223.73], [1999, 225.39], [2000, 250.5], [2001, 274.81], [2002, 264.74], [2003, 278.77], [2004, 318.52], [2005, 303.76], [2006, 294.3], [2007, 300.33], [2008, 315.67], [2009, 343.24], [2010, 330.62], [2011, 394.37], [2012, 410.65], [2013, 410.08], [2014, 413.6]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 169.23], [1985, 190.16], [1986, 218.93], [1987, 223.49], [1988, 205.11], [1989, 143.4], [1990, 119.28], [1991, 129.12], [1992, 66.07], [1993, 42.06], [1994, 47.05], [1995, 53.59], [1996, 47.61], [1997, 41.16], [1998, 41.7], [1999, 57.77], [2000, 62.91], [2001, 78.33], [2002, 84.13], [2003, 90.41], [2004, 75.51], [2005, 40.7], [2006, 47.58], [2007, 38.0], [2008, 29.22], [2009, 30.57], [2010, 27.65], [2011, 34.24], [2012, 48.27], [2013, 43.18], [2014, 56.11]]},
{"name": "South Carolina", "chlamydia": [[1984, 21.64], [1985, 27.78], [1986, 50.58], [1987, 58.65], [1988, 64.38], [1989, 73.65], [1990, 127.67], [1991, 159.65], [1992, 149.21], [1993, 220.1], [1994, 220.03], [1995, 229.18], [1996, 247.38], [1997, 324.14], [1998, 472.29], [1999, 465.42], [2000, 247.28], [2001, 377.36], [2002, 348.51], [2003, 352.6], [2004, 438.85], [2005, 429.98], [2006, 517.24], [2007, 599.65], [2008, 587.59], [2009, 584.36], [2010, 573.47], [2011, 618.31], [2012, 574.74], [2013, 536.02], [2014, 588.23]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 657.72], [1985, 641.25], [1986, 568.23], [1987, 457.41], [1988, 440.66], [1989, 475.5], [1990, 400.52], [1991, 398.61], [1992, 307.36], [1993, 298.99], [1994, 352.65], [1995, 323.32], [1996, 307.18], [1997, 297.61], [1998, 295.34], [1999, 378.32], [2000, 208.34], [2001, 265.99], [2002, 222.83], [2003, 205.39], [2004, 218.46], [2005, 201.19], [2006, 238.82], [2007, 234.27], [2008, 210.77], [2009, 182.36], [2010, 172.31], [2011, 178.45], [2012, 161.69], [2013, 150.66], [2014, 172.84]]},
{"name": "South Dakota", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 33.5], [1986, 243.78], [1987, 329.67], [1988, 336.55], [1989, 323.4], [1990, 350.74], [1991, 305.54], [1992, 270.06], [1993, 227.79], [1994, 195.27], [1995, 177.93], [1996, 207.22], [1997, 193.36], [1998, 210.71], [1999, 205.75], [2000, 242.66], [2001, 240.13], [2002, 291.04], [2003, 341.22], [2004, 328.45], [2005, 348.1], [2006, 336.74], [2007, 329.06], [2008, 367.57], [2009, 371.13], [2010, 392.05], [2011, 413.67], [2012, 470.87], [2013, 464.8], [2014, 493.09]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 143.25], [1985, 113.08], [1986, 112.48], [1987, 88.92], [1988, 68.31], [1989, 37.46], [1990, 44.33], [1991, 49.6], [1992, 23.57], [1993, 37.39], [1994, 33.25], [1995, 32.12], [1996, 23.71], [1997, 23.11], [1998, 29.62], [1999, 25.59], [2000, 36.65], [2001, 38.11], [2002, 34.56], [2003, 29.57], [2004, 39.44], [2005, 45.24], [2006, 46.94], [2007, 32.78], [2008, 46.63], [2009, 42.34], [2010, 57.48], [2011, 73.05], [2012, 84.84], [2013, 92.79], [2014, 105.58]]},
{"name": "Tennessee", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 38.98], [1989, 75.09], [1990, 79.6], [1991, 107.92], [1992, 104.98], [1993, 110.64], [1994, 129.74], [1995, 246.93], [1996, 242.31], [1997, 227.34], [1998, 246.26], [1999, 252.12], [2000, 264.22], [2001, 270.64], [2002, 276.72], [2003, 348.87], [2004, 381.55], [2005, 387.12], [2006, 419.29], [2007, 436.37], [2008, 451.14], [2009, 471.88], [2010, 446.37], [2011, 485.76], [2012, 503.78], [2013, 467.52], [2014, 474.03]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 656.02], [1985, 680.81], [1986, 558.2], [1987, 496.28], [1988, 400.9], [1989, 402.87], [1990, 407.19], [1991, 427.09], [1992, 311.54], [1993, 278.05], [1994, 300.97], [1995, 260.79], [1996, 216.17], [1997, 200.45], [1998, 212.57], [1999, 201.57], [2000, 208.23], [2001, 176.45], [2002, 161.25], [2003, 145.83], [2004, 143.62], [2005, 144.31], [2006, 160.53], [2007, 155.34], [2008, 141.27], [2009, 125.88], [2010, 112.21], [2011, 119.73], [2012, 140.92], [2013, 113.55], [2014, 110.82]]},
{"name": "Texas", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 7.84], [1987, 24.56], [1988, 81.61], [1989, 100.81], [1990, 120.54], [1991, 187.15], [1992, 229.68], [1993, 241.57], [1994, 248.04], [1995, 235.39], [1996, 222.35], [1997, 256.71], [1998, 299.82], [1999, 306.24], [2000, 328.39], [2001, 326.39], [2002, 319.2], [2003, 312.86], [2004, 312.28], [2005, 314.35], [2006, 321.35], [2007, 358.87], [2008, 414.64], [2009, 427.36], [2010, 476.71], [2011, 486.4], [2012, 487.49], [2013, 491.0], [2014, 496.14]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 411.11], [1985, 409.79], [1986, 382.69], [1987, 310.94], [1988, 266.13], [1989, 272.34], [1990, 253.45], [1991, 253.94], [1992, 203.59], [1993, 165.86], [1994, 160.29], [1995, 162.46], [1996, 119.56], [1997, 134.81], [1998, 162.88], [1999, 160.08], [2000, 157.09], [2001, 140.49], [2002, 123.91], [2003, 111.2], [2004, 108.36], [2005, 114.22], [2006, 129.53], [2007, 134.17], [2008, 132.36], [2009, 118.21], [2010, 126.42], [2011, 120.47], [2012, 124.61], [2013, 127.93], [2014, 133.55]]},
{"name": "Utah", "chlamydia": [[1984, 18.98], [1985, 18.74], [1986, 19.96], [1987, 18.71], [1988, 31.07], [1989, 40.56], [1990, 42.05], [1991, 42.2], [1992, 87.82], [1993, 83.7], [1994, 91.87], [1995, 83.21], [1996, 77.27], [1997, 83.69], [1998, 101.99], [1999, 100.7], [2000, 97.62], [2001, 131.83], [2002, 152.83], [2003, 165.56], [2004, 161.45], [2005, 186.35], [2006, 199.68], [2007, 216.27], [2008, 220.03], [2009, 220.68], [2010, 242.05], [2011, 251.52], [2012, 266.7], [2013, 259.75], [2014, 283.47]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 78.77], [1985, 81.91], [1986, 67.59], [1987, 39.98], [1988, 31.37], [1989, 25.15], [1990, 22.93], [1991, 18.82], [1992, 20.96], [1993, 18.44], [1994, 15.46], [1995, 15.19], [1996, 13.39], [1997, 13.11], [1998, 10.9], [1999, 11.53], [2000, 10.3], [2001, 9.61], [2002, 16.15], [2003, 17.52], [2004, 25.24], [2005, 29.44], [2006, 34.82], [2007, 31.04], [2008, 17.43], [2009, 12.25], [2010, 11.22], [2011, 9.83], [2012, 16.78], [2013, 32.78], [2014, 49.67]]},
{"name": "Vermont", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 0.0], [1990, 96.14], [1991, 151.07], [1992, 111.74], [1993, 88.97], [1994, 89.41], [1995, 78.44], [1996, 67.04], [1997, 72.67], [1998, 68.79], [1999, 80.21], [2000, 86.24], [2001, 104.08], [2002, 154.72], [2003, 171.21], [2004, 182.98], [2005, 153.6], [2006, 190.89], [2007, 170.14], [2008, 191.54], [2009, 190.75], [2010, 200.88], [2011, 236.74], [2012, 275.39], [2013, 293.95], [2014, 356.99]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 72.15], [1985, 63.0], [1986, 49.61], [1987, 33.13], [1988, 21.46], [1989, 12.55], [1990, 9.74], [1991, 9.5], [1992, 4.54], [1993, 4.33], [1994, 6.85], [1995, 11.71], [1996, 7.92], [1997, 8.87], [1998, 6.33], [1999, 8.6], [2000, 10.66], [2001, 12.4], [2002, 15.89], [2003, 15.67], [2004, 13.84], [2005, 9.63], [2006, 11.54], [2007, 10.3], [2008, 5.96], [2009, 8.04], [2010, 9.27], [2011, 7.66], [2012, 15.81], [2013, 15.48], [2014, 13.4]]},
{"name": "Virginia", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.05], [1985, 0.0], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 0.0], [1988, 0.0], [1989, 98.07], [1990, 160.84], [1991, 309.77], [1992, 197.98], [1993, 193.28], [1994, 196.81], [1995, 184.16], [1996, 174.14], [1997, 175.06], [1998, 196.51], [1999, 196.21], [2000, 216.05], [2001, 254.8], [2002, 253.9], [2003, 263.18], [2004, 290.02], [2005, 299.55], [2006, 315.16], [2007, 318.71], [2008, 401.82], [2009, 392.04], [2010, 384.91], [2011, 448.51], [2012, 427.11], [2013, 403.32], [2014, 436.39]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 357.77], [1985, 334.48], [1986, 322.45], [1987, 241.91], [1988, 239.56], [1989, 261.31], [1990, 283.86], [1991, 288.37], [1992, 258.87], [1993, 184.68], [1994, 203.45], [1995, 155.01], [1996, 137.66], [1997, 130.15], [1998, 134.26], [1999, 134.31], [2000, 143.19], [2001, 154.17], [2002, 143.44], [2003, 122.74], [2004, 114.81], [2005, 110.29], [2006, 84.73], [2007, 81.29], [2008, 133.05], [2009, 98.81], [2010, 92.51], [2011, 80.5], [2012, 84.11], [2013, 84.16], [2014, 99.87]]},
{"name": "Washington", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 35.13], [1986, 0.0], [1987, 111.9], [1988, 270.07], [1989, 228.32], [1990, 259.21], [1991, 264.62], [1992, 227.91], [1993, 195.71], [1994, 196.78], [1995, 172.63], [1996, 165.82], [1997, 167.81], [1998, 190.62], [1999, 204.77], [2000, 221.01], [2001, 227.43], [2002, 246.07], [2003, 273.95], [2004, 284.26], [2005, 296.07], [2006, 278.61], [2007, 290.39], [2008, 326.79], [2009, 320.92], [2010, 317.46], [2011, 340.85], [2012, 356.62], [2013, 357.89], [2014, 381.23]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 210.84], [1985, 228.87], [1986, 221.14], [1987, 201.34], [1988, 157.95], [1989, 134.19], [1990, 102.16], [1991, 94.77], [1992, 80.78], [1993, 70.85], [1994, 53.82], [1995, 50.45], [1996, 36.27], [1997, 34.47], [1998, 33.76], [1999, 36.49], [2000, 40.9], [2001, 49.91], [2002, 48.2], [2003, 44.9], [2004, 45.29], [2005, 59.46], [2006, 66.15], [2007, 56.47], [2008, 47.75], [2009, 34.29], [2010, 42.59], [2011, 40.07], [2012, 46.95], [2013, 62.67], [2014, 89.24]]},
{"name": "West Virginia", "chlamydia": [[1984, 0.0], [1985, 2.2], [1986, 7.97], [1987, 12.81], [1988, 32.23], [1989, 28.51], [1990, 51.04], [1991, 87.56], [1992, 82.43], [1993, 106.46], [1994, 142.93], [1995, 127.54], [1996, 127.55], [1997, 170.85], [1998, 153.72], [1999, 100.45], [2000, 118.63], [2001, 130.26], [2002, 136.75], [2003, 142.79], [2004, 151.93], [2005, 162.04], [2006, 160.03], [2007, 174.83], [2008, 182.75], [2009, 198.05], [2010, 209.18], [2011, 231.49], [2012, 258.16], [2013, 277.14], [2014, 254.49]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 128.64], [1985, 127.72], [1986, 111.55], [1987, 82.89], [1988, 77.08], [1989, 81.7], [1990, 82.17], [1991, 69.22], [1992, 44.29], [1993, 34.94], [1994, 44.22], [1995, 47.16], [1996, 40.38], [1997, 52.61], [1998, 50.67], [1999, 32.23], [2000, 35.69], [2001, 40.64], [2002, 54.05], [2003, 46.79], [2004, 49.14], [2005, 42.38], [2006, 52.41], [2007, 51.32], [2008, 41.11], [2009, 26.1], [2010, 31.25], [2011, 42.9], [2012, 44.79], [2013, 57.33], [2014, 45.35]]},
{"name": "Wisconsin", "chlamydia": [[1984, 16.24], [1985, 79.39], [1986, 199.5], [1987, 260.07], [1988, 263.06], [1989, 280.83], [1990, 302.17], [1991, 249.26], [1992, 122.52], [1993, 229.52], [1994, 229.25], [1995, 172.72], [1996, 196.75], [1997, 181.42], [1998, 264.25], [1999, 271.2], [2000, 304.5], [2001, 301.22], [2002, 312.43], [2003, 327.87], [2004, 348.83], [2005, 369.59], [2006, 363.36], [2007, 349.09], [2008, 373.06], [2009, 369.7], [2010, 408.58], [2011, 431.02], [2012, 414.33], [2013, 410.47], [2014, 403.19]], "gonorrhea": [[1984, 271.09], [1985, 272.78], [1986, 254.0], [1987, 207.34], [1988, 201.63], [1989, 207.94], [1990, 176.16], [1991, 143.28], [1992, 72.77], [1993, 135.21], [1994, 151.47], [1995, 106.54], [1996, 85.68], [1997, 81.96], [1998, 120.15], [1999, 124.93], [2000, 130.49], [2001, 111.19], [2002, 116.54], [2003, 103.48], [2004, 91.72], [2005, 106.01], [2006, 124.67], [2007, 120.54], [2008, 108.16], [2009, 91.98], [2010, 89.52], [2011, 83.84], [2012, 82.15], [2013, 80.08], [2014, 71.01]]}]
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