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Created May 16, 2014 16:24
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  • Save andrewdc/088a3a17d2118859e078 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andrewdc/088a3a17d2118859e078 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
nxsass theme map is gettin' cray-cray
$properties: (
font: (
header: ("Josefin Sans", sans-serif),
body: ("Open Sans", sans-serif),
code: ("Source Code Pro", sans-serif)
color: (
light: #8db5e1,
dark: #212121,
theme-text: hsl(0, 0%, 40%),
act: #28AAD0,
add: #5CC281,
invalid: hsl(345, 75%, 40%),
valid: hsl(194, 58%, 74%),
required: hsl(345, 75%, 40%)
incomm: (
ic--red: #cc0033,
ic--blue: #6699cc,
ic--darkgrey: #333333,
ic--middarkgrey: #666666,
ic--midlightgrey: #999999,
ic--lightgrey: #cccccc,
ic--superlightgrey: #e7e7e8,
ic--white: #ffffff,
ic--orange: #DE5A2E,
ic--yellow: #DFAC44
images: (
background: none,
logo: none,
login: none,
login-brand: none,
hero: none
credit-cards: (
visa: #23288F,
mastercard: #CC7404,
americanexpress: #1BAA76,
panel: (
padding: 15px,
background: #fff,
box-shadow:(hsla(0,0,0,0.09) 0 -3px 0px inset),
border: (none)
container: (
margin: (0),
padding: (0 20px),
background: #efefef
button: (
border-radius: 2px,
box-shadow: (hsla(0,0,0,0.09) 0 -3px 0px inset),
background--act: #6699cc,
box-shadow--act: (hsla(0,0,0,0.09) 0 -3px 0px inset),
background--add: #5CC281,
border--add: none,
box-shadow--add: (hsla(0,0,0,0.09) 0 -3px 0px inset)
@function nxsass($property, $value) {
@return map-get(map-get($properties, $property), $value);
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