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Created November 26, 2015 02:55
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Tic-tac-toe Tutorial (Step 8)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
* Enumerate the possible players in the game. Each is given
* a unique prime integer so that the math involved with determining
* available winning moves on the board is made easier.
* See the `ai_*` functions and the `drawBoard` for relevant logic
enum {EMPTY=0, USER=7, COMPUTER=11};
* Enumerate possible states the game can be in. The game is either
* IN_PROGRESS - neither player has won, and there are still valid moves
* USER_WON - user won by matching three in a row
* COMPUTER_WON - computer won by matching three in a row
* DRAW - neither player has won, but there are no valid moves left
* See the function `isGameOver` for related logic
* Enumerate possible strategies the computer might employ to try to
* win the game. Available strategies are:
* 0 RANDOM - Randomly pick one of the available cells
* 1 SMART - Prefer strategic locations if available
* 2 GENIOUS - Defend and attack in all situations
* GENIOUS is the default strategy used if no other is requested. See the
* function `nextComputerMove` for relevant logic
* Container to represent a single cell on the board. This makes
* it possible to use a board location as the return value of a
* function ex: `playerCanWin`.
struct Cell {
Cell(int r, int c): row(r), col(c) {};
int row;
int col;
* Draw a 3x3 tic-tac-toe board with row and column labels
* The cell data in board will be interpreted as follows:
* 1 = owned by 'x'
* 2 = owned by 'o'
* all other values = empty
* @param int[3][3] board The current state of each board cell
* @return void
void drawBoard(int board[][3]) {
cout << " " << " A B C " << endl;
cout << " " << "+---+---+---+" << endl;
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
cout << row << " ";
for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
switch (board[row][col]) {
case USER: cout << "| " << 'x' << " "; break;
case COMPUTER: cout << "| " << 'o' << " "; break;
default: cout << "| " << ' ' << " "; break;
cout << "|" << endl;
cout << " " << " " << "+---+---+---+" << endl;
* Get the next move from the player, and make sure that the
* desired move is valid. Validity means:
* - column value is within bounds [A, B, C]
* - row value is within bounds [0, 1, 2]
* - the selected cell is empty board[row][col] == 0
* Once input has been validated, update the board.
* @param int[3][3] board The current state of the board
* @return void
void nextPlayerMove(int board[][3]) {
bool row_valid;
bool col_valid;
char col_c; // container for the character value of the column
int col; // container for the integer value of the column
int row; // container for the integer value of the row
cout << "Your turn. Where would you like to move next?" << endl;
cout << "Type your move as two characters separated by a space (ex: A 1)" << endl;
do {
col_valid = true; // assume correct input until proven wrong
row_valid = true; // ...
// Obtain input from the user (one character for column, one int for row)
cin >> col_c >> row;
// Validate the provided column value
if (col_c == 'a' || col_c == 'A') { col = 0; }
else if (col_c == 'b' || col_c == 'B') { col = 1; }
else if (col_c == 'c' || col_c == 'C') { col = 2; }
else {
cout << "! Invalid column value entered. Your choices are: [A, B, C] " << endl;
col_valid = false;
// Validate the provided row value
if (row < 0 || row > 2) {
cout << "! Invalid row value entered. Your choices are: [0, 1, 2] " << endl;
row_valid = false;
// Ensure that the choice corresponds to an empty cell
if (row_valid && col_valid && board[row][col] != 0) {
cout << "! That cell is not empty. Please try a different cell " << endl;
col_valid = false;
row_valid = false;
} while (!col_valid || !row_valid);
// Update the board with the user's latest choice
board[row][col] = USER;
* AI strategy based on randomly picking available cells
* @param int[3][3] board The current state of the board
* @return void
void ai_random(int board[][3]) {
int row, col;
do {
row = rand() % 3; // Choose a random row
col = rand() % 3; // Choose a random column
} while (board[row][col] != EMPTY); // If taken, try again
// Update the board state
board[row][col] = COMPUTER;
* AI strategy based on preferring strategic cells if they
* are available. Defaults to randomly picking a cell if they
* are not.
* @param int[3][3] board The current state of the board
* @return void
void ai_smart(int board[][3]) {
int row, col;
// Prefer B1 if it is available
if (board[1][1] == EMPTY) { row = 1; col = 1; }
else {
// Prefer corners if they are available
if (board[0][0] == EMPTY) { row = 0; col = 0; }
else if (board[0][2] == EMPTY) { row = 0; col = 2; }
else if (board[2][0] == EMPTY) { row = 2; col = 0; }
else if (board[2][2] == EMPTY) { row = 2; col = 2; }
else {
// Resort to random available location
row = -1;
col = -1; // set to prevent later logic
if (row >= 0 && col >= 0) {
board[row][col] = COMPUTER;
* Determine whether a user could win by claiming
* one more cell along any of the possible winning
* axes.
* There are 8 possible winning axes. The user can
* win if the sum of the cells on that axis is currently
* 2 and if one of the cells is empty (=0).
* @param int[3][3] board The current state of the board
* @param int which Which player (USER or COMPUTER)
* @return cell The location of the cell the user could win with
Cell playerCanWin(int board[][3], int which) {
// Target sum depends on which player we're calculating for
int target = which * 2;
// Iterate through the 8 possible winning axes:
// Rows:
for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
int sum = board[r][0] + board[r][1] + board[r][2];
if (sum == target ) {
for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
if (board[r][c] == EMPTY) { return Cell(r,c); }
// Columns:
for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
int sum = board[0][c] + board[1][c] + board[2][c];
if (sum == target) {
for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
if (board[r][c] == EMPTY) { return Cell(r,c); }
// Diagonals:
int sum_ltr = board[0][0] + board[1][1] + board[2][2];
if (sum_ltr == target) {
if (board[0][0] == EMPTY) { return Cell(0,0); }
if (board[1][1] == EMPTY) { return Cell(1,1); }
if (board[2][2] == EMPTY) { return Cell(2,2); }
int sum_rtl = board[0][2] + board[1][1] + board[2][0];
if (sum_rtl == target) {
if (board[0][2] == EMPTY) { return Cell(0,2); }
if (board[1][1] == EMPTY) { return Cell(1,1); }
if (board[2][0] == EMPTY) { return Cell(2,0); }
// No possible win
return Cell(-1,-1);
Cell userCanWin(int board[][3]) {
return playerCanWin(board, USER);
Cell computerCanWin(int board[][3]) {
return playerCanWin(board, COMPUTER);
void ai_genious(int board[][3]) {
// Prefer B1 if it is available
if (board[1][1] == EMPTY) {
board[1][1] = COMPUTER;
} else {
// Determine if there's any way for the computer
// to win on this turn
Cell c = computerCanWin(board);
// If the computer can win, then make it happen:
if (c.row >= 0 && c.col >= 0) {
board[c.row][c.col] = COMPUTER; // computer is always 'o'
} else {
// Otherwise, determine whether there's any way for
// the user to win on their next turn
Cell c = userCanWin(board);
// If the user can win on the next turn, attempt to
// block that action now:
if (c.row >= 0 && c.col >= 0) {
board[c.row][c.col] = COMPUTER; // computer is always 'o'
} else {
// Otherwise, try to pick a strategic location
* Determine the next move the computer should make. For now
* the strategy will be simple: randomly pick an available
* cell.
* Once a cell has been picked, update the board
* @param int[3][3] board The current state of the board
* @param int strategy The strategy to use
* @return void
void nextComputerMove(int board[][3], int strategy) {
switch (strategy) {
case SMART:
case RANDOM:
* Determine the status of the game given the current state
* of the board. The status can be one of 4 values:
* 0 - valid: no one has won yet, and there are valid moves remaining
* 1 - invalid, user has won
* 2 - invalid, computer has won
* 3 - invalid, draw - no one has won but there are no valid moves remaining
* @param int[3][3] board The current state of the board
* @return int The status of the board in its current state
int isGameOver (int board[][3]) {
// Strategy: examine the "middle" square for each axis. There are only a
// limited number of these squares on the board. Specifically:
// A B C
// +---+---+---+
// 0 | | x | |
// +---+---+---+
// 1 | x | x | x |
// +---+---+---+
// 2 | | x | |
// +---+---+---+
// If a given user owns one of these middle squares, and also owns two
// neighbors along the same axis, then that user has won. Each "middle
// square" has only one axis to check, except B1, which has four axes.
// In other words you have won if you own:
// B0 (and A0 and C0)
// A1 (and A0 and A2)
// B2 (and A2 and C2)
// C1 (and C0 and C2)
// B1 (and B0 and B2), (and A1 and C1), (and A0 and C2), (and A2 and C0)
// Check each player sequentially:
for (int player = USER; player <= COMPUTER; player += (COMPUTER - USER)) {
// Determine if the current player won
if ((board[0][1] == player && board[0][0] == player && board[0][2] == player)
||(board[1][0] == player && board[0][0] == player && board[2][0] == player)
||(board[2][1] == player && board[2][0] == player && board[2][2] == player)
||(board[1][2] == player && board[0][2] == player && board[2][2] == player)
||(board[1][1] == player && (
(board[0][1] == player && board[2][1] == player)
||(board[1][0] == player && board[1][2] == player)
||(board[0][0] == player && board[2][2] == player)
||(board[2][0] == player && board[0][2] == player))
return player;
// Determine if there are no further moves available
bool moreMoves = false;
for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
if (board[row][col] == EMPTY) { moreMoves = true; }
if (moreMoves) {
return IN_PROGRESS;// game still valid;
} else {
return DRAW; // game over without a winner
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
// State variables
// Board:
// 0 1 2
// +---+---+---+
// 0 | | | x | x = board[0][2]
// +---+---+---+
// 1 | | | |
// +---+---+---+
// 2 | | | |
// +---+---+---+
// Each board square will be in one of three possible
// states: 0=empty, 1=owned by 'x', 2=owned by 'o'.
int board[3][3] = {};
// Variable to hold the current status of the game. See the
// enum declaration at the top of this file for the possible
// values of status.
int gameStatus = IN_PROGRESS;
// Flag to determine whose turn it is
// false: it is the computer's turn to make a move
// true: it is the player's turn to make a move
bool playerTurn = true;
/* Game Flow */
// 1. determine who goes first
playerTurn = rand() % 2; // coin flip
// 2. Enter the main game "loop"
while (gameStatus == IN_PROGRESS) {
// a. draw the board
// b. current player makes a move
// the logic here depends on whether or not the
// computer or the player is the current player
if (playerTurn) {
// Some function for asking the user what the
// next move should be...
} else {
// Some function for determining what the next
// move should be...
nextComputerMove(board, GENIOUS);
// c. Check the current status of the game to determine
// if the game can continue...
gameStatus = isGameOver(board);
// d. swap current player
playerTurn = (playerTurn) ? false : true;
// 3. print final game result message
cout << "Game over! Here's what the final board looked like:" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
switch (gameStatus) {
case USER_WON: cout << "^.^ Congratulations! ^.^ You win! ^.^ " << endl; break;
case COMPUTER_WON: cout << "~.~ Sorry! ~.~ You lose! ~.~ " << endl; break;
case DRAW: cout << "O.o Whoa, that was close! O.o You tied! O.o " << endl; break;
default: cout << "Hmm... something really went wrong here. Please let my programmer know. " << endl;
cout << endl;
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