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Created February 3, 2016 21:54
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React-Router 1.0.0+ async onEnter in IE7 fix
Issue: If a component with an asyn onEnter (for example implementing a willTransitionTo type behavior) is rendered in IE7
React will throw an error about not being able to locate a dom node, (in this case it is the root route).
Reason: React-Router passes null to React while it is waiting for the async onEnter callback to be called. When React gets
a null value it instead renders an element with a tag of <noscript>. the <noscript> tag was not showing up in the element
that React was rendering into, not sure why this is though
Fix: instead of returning <noscript> return an empty <span>. We are using webpack so this was done by parsing the source
and specificly replacing the ReactInjection.EmptyComponent.injectEmptyComponent('noscript'); call
from ReactDefaultInjection.js
if (/\/ReactDefaultInjection\.js?/.test(this.resourcePath)) {
source = source.replace(/ReactInjection\.EmptyComponent\.injectEmptyComponent\('noscript'\);/, 'ReactInjection.EmptyComponent.injectEmptyComponent(\'span\');');
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