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Created April 10, 2013 20:48
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Save andrewgross/5358309 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Beware i wrote this over a year ago for ubuntu 12.04+ (note it uses xvd* instead of sd*)
def get_open_point(existing_device_prefix, new_device_range_start, new_device_range_stop)
# existing_device_prefix should be something like 'xvd' or 'md'
# new_device_range should be similar to '0' and '9' or 'f' and 'p'
possible_attach_points = (new_device_range_start..new_device_range_stop).map do |drive_letter|
Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} Possible Attach Points: #{possible_attach_points}")
# Get a list of in use devices (fold numbered partitions together if looking at disk drives)
existing_devices = `ls /dev/#{existing_device_prefix}*`.split().each do |existing_device|
if existing_device_prefix.include? "xvd"
existing_device.gsub!(/[0-9]/, "")
Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} Existing Devices: #{existing_devices}")
# Return an array of all open attach points
free_points = possible_attach_points - existing_devices
Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} Free Points: #{free_points}")
if not free_points.any?
# Fail over to operator control
raise "No open mount points in the range /dev/#{existing_device_prefix}[#{new_device_range_start}-#{new_device_range_stop}]"
return free_points
def get_free_attach_point
# Linux kernel 3.0+ uses /dev/xvd* instead of /dev/sd*
# AWS recommends using mount points f - p, although others are available
free_point = get_open_point("xvd", "f", "p").first
Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} Free Attach Point: #{free_point}")
return free_point
def get_free_raid_point
# If we have over 10 raids per machine, god help us
free_point = get_open_point("md", "0", "9").first
Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} Free Raid Point: #{free_point}")
return free_point
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