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Created June 20, 2017 18:22
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Elm Study Sessions - Part 3
-- Todo.elm
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, button, div, ul, li, h1, text, input)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
main =
Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, view = view, update = update }
type alias Model = { items : List String, currentItem : String}
model : Model
model =
{ items = [], currentItem = "" }
type Msg
= Change String | AddItem | DeleteItem Int
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
Change item ->
{ model | currentItem = item }
AddItem ->
{ model | items = model.currentItem :: model.items, currentItem = "" }
DeleteItem index ->
{ model | items = (List.take index model.items) ++ (List.drop (index+1) model.items) }
renderListItem : Int -> String -> Html Msg
renderListItem index item =
li [] [ text item, button [ onClick (DeleteItem index) ] [ text "DELETE" ] ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [] [
div [] [
input [ placeholder "Please enter something", onInput Change, value model.currentItem ] []
, button [ onClick AddItem ] [ text "Add Item" ]
div [] [
h1 [] [ text "TO DO" ]
, ul [] (
List.indexedMap renderListItem model.items
-- Todo.elm
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, button, div, ul, li, h1, text, input)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
import Json.Decode exposing (..)
main =
Html.program { init = init, view = view, update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions }
type alias Model = { items : List String, currentItem : String}
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
({ items = [], currentItem = "" }, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
type Msg
= Change String | AddItem | DeleteItem Int
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Change item ->
({ model | currentItem = item }, Cmd.none)
AddItem ->
({ model | items = model.currentItem :: model.items, currentItem = "" }, Cmd.none)
DeleteItem index ->
({ model | items = (List.take index model.items) ++ (List.drop (index+1) model.items) }, Cmd.none)
renderListItem : Int -> String -> Html Msg
renderListItem index item =
li [] [ text item, button [ onClick (DeleteItem index) ] [ text "DELETE" ] ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [] [
div [] [
input [ placeholder "Please enter something", onInput Change, Html.Attributes.value model.currentItem ] []
, button [ onClick AddItem ] [ text "Add Item" ]
div [] [
h1 [] [ text "TO DO" ]
, ul [] (
List.indexedMap renderListItem model.items
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