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Last active August 10, 2017 02:00
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Environment-based configuration for JavaScript applications - Gulpfile.js
var Gulp = require('gulp');
var Del = require('del');
var Rename = require('gulp-rename');
var RunSequence = require('run-sequence');
var Yargs = require('yargs');
var argv = Yargs.argv;
* Build Settings
var settings = {
* Environment to build our application for
* If we have passed an environment via a
* CLI option, then use that. If not attempt
* to use the NODE_ENV. If not set, use production.
environment : (!!argv.env
? argv.env
: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production',
* Where is our config folder?
configFolder : '/js/config',
* Where is our code?
srcFolder : '/js/src',
* Where are we building to?
buildFolder : '/js/build',
* Where should the final file be?
destFolder : '/public/js'
* Clean Task
* Clears the build folder from our
* previous builds files.
Gulp.task('clean', function(cb) {
settings.buildFolder + '/**/*'
], cb);
* Config Task
* Get the configuration file, rename it
* and move it to be built.
Gulp.task('config', function() {
return Gulp.src(settings.configFolder + '/' + settings.environment + '.js')
* Src Task
* Grabs all the files from the src folder and
* places them in our build folder.
Gulp.task('src', function() {
return Gulp.src(settings.srcFolder + '/**/*')
* Build Task
* Build our transpiled/compiled and config
* files in to one awesome file.
Gulp.task('build', function() {
return Gulp.src(settings.srcFolder + '/app.js')
.pipe(// Employ your build system)
* Default Task
* Run the above tasks in the correct order
Gulp.task('default', function(cb) {
], cb);
* Watch Task
* Run 'gulp watch' to build when a file has been saved.
Gulp.task('watch', function() {
settings.srcFolder + '/**/*',
settings.configFolder + '/**/*'
], {}, function() {
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