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Last active July 31, 2018 10:35
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  • Save andrewheiss/5117691f5963a07c295b2863b491c34c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andrewheiss/5117691f5963a07c295b2863b491c34c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# R on local machine → DigitalOcean Linux image → Docker on that → R
# Install analogsea, log into DigitalOcean, generate an API key with write
# permissions, and add this line to ~/.Rprofile:
# Sys.setenv(DO_PAT = "KEY_GOES_HERE")
# Create a droplet with Docker pre-installed
d <- docklet_create(region = "sfo2")
# Pull the latest tidyverse image onto the droplet
droplet(d$id) %>% docklet_pull("rocker/tidyverse")
# Get the public IP address for the droplet
ip <- d$networks$v4[[1]]$ip_address
# Path to your private key (make sure your key is in your DigitalOcean account too)
ssh_private_key_file <- "/Users/andrew/.ssh/id_rsa"
# R script that needs to run a future command
# It will run the tidyverse image; --net=host allows it to communicate back to this computer
rscript <- c("sudo", "docker", "run", "--net=host",
"rocker/tidyverse", "Rscript")
# Connect and create a cluster
cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(
# Public IP for droplet(s); this can be a vector of IP addresses
# User name; DO droplets use root by default
user = "root",
# Use private SSH key registered with DO
# (I actually have no idea if StrictHostKeyChecking and IdentitiesOnly are
# necessary—they're from a different tutorial about doing this with AWS.)
# ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
rshopts = c(
"-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
"-o", "IdentitiesOnly=yes",
"-i", ssh_private_key_file
# Script to run
rscript = rscript,
# Set up .libPaths() for the root user and install future/purrr/furrr packages
rscript_args = c(
"-e", shQuote("local({p <- Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'); dir.create(p, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE); .libPaths(p)})"),
"-e", shQuote("if (!requireNamespace('furrr', quietly = TRUE)) install.packages('furrr')")
dryrun = FALSE
# Use the cluster!
plan(cluster, workers = cl)
future_map(1:5, ~.x)
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