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Last active August 3, 2024 08:02
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PyTorch Image File Paths With Dataset Dataloader
import torch
from torchvision import datasets
class ImageFolderWithPaths(datasets.ImageFolder):
"""Custom dataset that includes image file paths. Extends
# override the __getitem__ method. this is the method that dataloader calls
def __getitem__(self, index):
# this is what ImageFolder normally returns
original_tuple = super(ImageFolderWithPaths, self).__getitem__(index)
# the image file path
path = self.imgs[index][0]
# make a new tuple that includes original and the path
tuple_with_path = (original_tuple + (path,))
return tuple_with_path
# instantiate the dataset and dataloader
data_dir = "your/data_dir/here"
dataset = ImageFolderWithPaths(data_dir) # our custom dataset
dataloader = torch.utils.DataLoader(dataset)
# iterate over data
for inputs, labels, paths in dataloader:
# use the above variables freely
print(inputs, labels, paths)
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Thanks; hard to imagine that ImageFolder doesn't have this function / flag

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May I ask under what license this snippet is released?

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KennyKang7012 commented Feb 27, 2024

import torch
import torchvision
from torchvision import datasets, transforms

transforms = transforms.Compose([

class ImageFolderWithPaths(torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder):
"""Custom dataset that includes image file paths. Extends
#override the getitem method. this is the method that dataloader calls
def getitem(self, index):
# this is what ImageFolder normally returns
original_tuple = super(ImageFolderWithPaths, self).getitem(index)
# the image file path
path = self.imgs[index][0]
# make a new tuple that includes original and the path
tuple_with_path = (original_tuple + (path,))
return tuple_with_path

#instantiate the dataset and dataloader
data_dir = './dog_vs_cat/train/'
dataset = ImageFolderWithPaths(data_dir, transform=transforms) # our custom dataset
dataloader =

#iterate over data
for inputs, labels, paths in dataloader:
# use the above variables freely
print(inputs, labels, paths)

This code worked for me.

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