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Empty Given, When and Then classes for component testing
public class Given
private readonly XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context; // replace this type with your specific WebApplicationFactory etc
public Given(XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context)
this.context = context;
public static Given UsingThe(XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context) => new(context);
public Given And => this;
public Given TheServerIsStarted()
return this;
public class When
private readonly XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context; // replace this type with your specific WebApplicationFactory etc
public When(XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context)
this.context = context;
public static When UsingThe(XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context) => new(context);
public When And => this;
public class Then
private readonly XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context; // replace this type with your specific WebApplicationFactory etc
public Then(XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context)
this.context = context;
public static Then UsingThe(XyzApiWebApplicationFactory context) => new(context);
public Then And => this;
public Then Assert(Action inlineAssertion)
return this;
public Then And(Action inlineAssertion) => Assert(inlineAssertion);
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