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Last active May 16, 2022 19:50
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FizzBuzz implementation using nothing but closures
type Fix<A> = (arg: Fix<A>) => A
type Unit = <T>(
unit: () => T
) => T;
type Bool = <T>(
$true: () => T,
$false: () => T,
) => T;
type Num = <T>(
zero: () => T,
succ: (n: Num) => T,
) => T;
type Lazy<A> = () => A;
type Def = <D, R>(definition: D, continuation: (arg: D) => R) => R;
// The first definition is a little weird, since we are defining the 'def' function
(define => define((definition, continuation) => continuation(definition)))((def: Def) =>
// definitions are of the form
// def(value, (variableName: type) =>
// Notice the unbalanced parenthesis. Theoretically these should all start on their
// own level of indentation, but that's crazy.s
// Primitives
// These are all things we cannot do with only closures
def(console.log, log =>
def((a: string, b: string) => a + b, join =>
def("Fizz", fizz =>
def("Buzz", buzz =>
def(0, zeroNative =>
def((n: number) => ++n, succNative =>
// Unit data type (void)
def(unit => unit(), (Unit: Unit) =>
// Boolean data type
def(($true, _$false) => $true(), (True: Bool) =>
def((_$true, $false) => $false(), (False: Bool) =>
// if function. Execute the body if true.
def((b: Bool, func: () => Unit) => b(func, () => Unit), iff =>
// Number data type
def((zero, _succ) => zero(), (Z: Num) =>
def((n: Num): Num => (_zero, succ) => succ(n), (S: (n: Num) => Num) =>
// Pattern matching
// use iff, if is a reserved word
def(<T>(b: Bool, $true: () => T, $false: () => T): T => b($true, $false), ifElse =>
def(<T>(n: Num, zero: () => T, succ: (pred: Num) => T): T => n(zero, succ), match =>
// Recursion
// fix: Not really any good way to explain this
<A>(func: (self: () => A) => A): A => (
(rec: Fix<A>) => func(() => rec(rec))
(rec: Fix<A>) => func(() => rec(rec))
fix =>
// defFix: define recursive functions
def(<A, R>(f: (self: Lazy<A>) => A, cont: (arg: A) => R) => def(fix(f), cont), defRec =>
// Boolean functions
// not
def((predicate: Bool): Bool =>
() => False,
() => True,
not =>
// Numeric operations
// add
defRec(self => (a, b) =>
() => b,
(n) => self()(n, S(b)),
(add: (a: Num, b: Num) => Num) =>
// double
defRec(self => (n) =>
() => Z,
(pred) => S(S(self()(pred)))
(double: (n: Num) => Num) =>
// equals
defRec(self => (a, b) =>
() => match(b,
() => True,
() => False,
(predA) => match(b,
() => False,
(predB) => self()(predA, predB),
(equals: (a: Num, b: Num) => Bool) =>
// greater than
defRec(self => (a, b) =>
() => False,
(predA) => match(b,
() => True,
(predB) => self()(predA, predB),
(gt: (a: Num, b: Num) => Bool) =>
def((a: Num, b: Num) => not(gt(a, b)), leq =>
// to native
defRec(self => (n) =>
() => zeroNative,
(pred) => succNative(self()(pred))
(toNative: (n: Num) => number) =>
// Numbers
def(S(Z), n1 =>
def(S(S(Z)), n2 =>
def(S(S(S(S(Z)))), n4 =>
def(double(double(double(n4))), n32 =>
def(double(n32), n64 =>
def(add(n4, add(n32, n64)), n100 =>
// fizzBuzz
defRec(self => (n, fizzCount, buzzCount) =>
iff(leq(n, n100), () =>
ifElse(equals(fizzCount, n2),
() => Z,
() => S(fizzCount),
newFizzCount =>
ifElse(equals(buzzCount, n4),
() => Z,
() => S(buzzCount),
newBuzzCount =>
() => match(buzzCount,
() => join(fizz, buzz),
() => fizz
() => match(buzzCount,
() => buzz,
(): number | string => toNative(n)
line => (
self()(S(n), newFizzCount, newBuzzCount)
(fizzBuzz: (n: Num, fizzCount: Num, buzzCount: Num) => Unit) => (
fizzBuzz(n1, n1, n1)
// All of the parentheses from the defs are gathered here
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This is horrible... great work!

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dev-gm commented Jun 6, 2021

Jesus Christ.

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futurGH commented Jun 13, 2021

I am equal parts impressed and terrified

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tjjfvi commented Jun 14, 2021

Good 'ol lambda calculus.

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Congratulations, I hate it.

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