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Last active April 11, 2019 15:19
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Socket info on BSD
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libproc.h>
#include <sys/proc_info.h>
static const char* USAGE = "Usage: %s pid\n";
static const char* INVALID_PID = "Invalid pid: %s\n";
static const char* UNABLE_TO_GET_PROC_FDS = "Unable to get open file handles for %d\n";
static const char* OUT_OF_MEMORY = "Out of memory. Unable to allocate buffer with %d bytes\n";
static const char* OPEN_FILE = "Open file: %s\n";
static const char* LISTENING_ON_PORT = "Listening on port: %d\n";
static const char* OPEN_SOCKET = "Open socket: %d -> %d\n";
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Figure out the PID the user's trying to get info about
if (argc != 2) {
printf(USAGE, argv[0]);
return 1;
int pid = atoi(argv[1]);
if (pid == 0) {
printf(INVALID_PID, argv[1]);
return 1;
// Figure out the size of the buffer needed to hold the list of open FDs
int bufferSize = proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDLISTFDS, 0, 0, 0);
if (bufferSize == -1) {
printf(UNABLE_TO_GET_PROC_FDS, pid);
return 1;
// Get the list of open FDs
struct proc_fdinfo *procFDInfo = (struct proc_fdinfo *)malloc(bufferSize);
if (!procFDInfo) {
printf(OUT_OF_MEMORY, bufferSize);
return 1;
proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDLISTFDS, 0, procFDInfo, bufferSize);
int numberOfProcFDs = bufferSize / PROC_PIDLISTFD_SIZE;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < numberOfProcFDs; i++) {
if(procFDInfo[i].proc_fdtype == PROX_FDTYPE_VNODE) {
// A file is open
struct vnode_fdinfowithpath vnodeInfo;
int bytesUsed = proc_pidfdinfo(pid, procFDInfo[i].proc_fd, PROC_PIDFDVNODEPATHINFO, &vnodeInfo, PROC_PIDFDVNODEPATHINFO_SIZE);
printf(OPEN_FILE, vnodeInfo.pvip.vip_path);
} else if(procFDInfo[i].proc_fdtype == PROX_FDTYPE_SOCKET) {
// A socket is open
struct socket_fdinfo socketInfo;
int bytesUsed = proc_pidfdinfo(pid, procFDInfo[i].proc_fd, PROC_PIDFDSOCKETINFO, &socketInfo, PROC_PIDFDSOCKETINFO_SIZE);
if(socketInfo.psi.soi_family == AF_INET && socketInfo.psi.soi_kind == SOCKINFO_TCP) {
int localPort = (int)ntohs(socketInfo.psi.soi_proto.pri_tcp.tcpsi_ini.insi_lport);
int remotePort = (int)ntohs(socketInfo.psi.soi_proto.pri_tcp.tcpsi_ini.insi_fport);
if (remotePort == 0) {
// Remote port will be 0 when the FD represents a listening socket
printf(LISTENING_ON_PORT, localPort);
} else {
// Remote port will be non-0 when the FD represents communication with a remote socket
printf(OPEN_SOCKET, localPort, remotePort);
return 0;
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