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Created June 21, 2018 16:23
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/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, no-console */
// Server entry point, for Webpack. This will spawn a Koa web server
// and listen for HTTP requests. Clients will get a return render of React
// or the file they have requested.
// ----------------------
/* Node */
// For pre-pending a `<!DOCTYPE html>` stream to the server response
import { PassThrough } from 'stream';
// HTTP & SSL servers. We can use `config.enableSSL|disableHTTP()` to enable
// HTTPS and disable plain HTTP respectively, so we'll use Node's core libs
// for building both server types.
import http from 'http';
import https from 'https';
/* NPM */
// Patch global.`fetch` so that Apollo calls to GraphQL work
import 'isomorphic-fetch';
// React UI
import React from 'react';
// React utility to transform JSX to HTML (to send back to the client)
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
// Koa 2 web server. Handles incoming HTTP requests, and will serve back
// the React render, or any of the static assets being compiled
import Koa from 'koa';
// Apollo tools to connect to a GraphQL server. We'll grab the
// `ApolloProvider` HOC component, which will inject any 'listening' React
// components with GraphQL data props. We'll also use `getDataFromTree`
// to await data being ready before rendering back HTML to the client
import { ApolloProvider, getDataFromTree } from 'react-apollo';
// Enforce SSL, if required
import koaSSL from 'koa-sslify';
// Enable cross-origin requests
import koaCors from 'kcors';
// Static file handler
import koaSend from 'koa-send';
// HTTP header hardening
import koaHelmet from 'koa-helmet';
// Koa Router, for handling URL requests
import KoaRouter from 'koa-router';
// High-precision timing, so we can debug response time to serve a request
import ms from 'microseconds';
// React Router HOC for figuring out the exact React hierarchy to display
// based on the URL
import { StaticRouter } from 'react-router';
// <Helmet> component for retrieving <head> section, so we can set page
// title, meta info, etc along with the initial HTML
import Helmet from 'react-helmet';
// Import the Apollo GraphQL server, for Koa
import { graphqlKoa, graphiqlKoa } from 'apollo-server-koa';
// Allow local GraphQL schema querying when using a built-in GraphQL server
import apolloLocalQuery from 'apollo-local-query';
// Import all of the GraphQL lib, for use with our Apollo client connection
import * as graphql from 'graphql';
/* ReactQL */
// App entry point. This must come first, because app.js will set-up the
// server config that we'll use later
import App from 'src/app';
// Custom redux store creator. This will allow us to create a store 'outside'
// of Apollo, so we can apply our own reducers and make use of the Redux dev
// tools in the browser
import createNewStore from 'kit/lib/redux';
// Initial view to send back HTML render
import Html from 'kit/views/ssr';
// Grab the shared Apollo Client / network interface instantiation
import { getNetworkInterface, createClient } from 'kit/lib/apollo';
// App settings, which we'll use to customise the server -- must be loaded
// *after* app.js has been called, so the correct settings have been set
import config from 'kit/config';
// Import paths. We'll use this to figure out where our public folder is
// so we can serve static files
import PATHS from 'config/paths';
// ----------------------
// Create a network layer based on settings. This is an immediate function
// that binds either the `localInterface` function (if there's a built-in
// GraphQL) or `externalInterface` (if we're pointing outside of ReactQL)
const createNeworkInterface = (() => {
// For a local interface, we want to allow passing in the request's
// context object, which can then feed through to our GraphQL queries to
// extract pertinent information and manipulate the response
function localInterface(context) {
return apolloLocalQuery.createLocalInterface(
// Attach the request's context, which certain GraphQL queries might
// need for accessing cookies, auth headers, etc.
function externalInterface(ctx) {
return getNetworkInterface(config.graphQLEndpoint, ctx.apollo.networkOptions);
return config.graphQLServer ? localInterface : externalInterface;
// Static file middleware
export function staticMiddleware() {
return async function staticMiddlewareHandler(ctx, next) {
try {
if (ctx.path !== '/') {
return await koaSend(
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? {
root: PATHS.public,
immutable: true,
} : {
root: PATHS.distDev,
} catch (e) { /* Errors will fall through */ }
return next();
// Function to create a React handler, per the environment's correct
// manifest files
export function createReactHandler(css = [], scripts = [], chunkManifest = {}) {
return async function reactHandler(ctx) {
const routeContext = {};
// Generate the HTML from our React tree. We're wrapping the result
// in `react-router`'s <StaticRouter> which will pull out URL info and
// store it in our empty `route` object
const components = (
<StaticRouter location={ctx.request.url} context={routeContext}>
<ApolloProvider store={} client={ctx.apollo.client}>
<App />
// Wait for GraphQL data to be available in our initial render,
// before dumping HTML back to the client
await getDataFromTree(components);
// Handle redirects
if ([301, 302].includes(routeContext.status)) {
// 301 = permanent redirect, 302 = temporary
ctx.status = routeContext.status;
// Issue the new `Location:` header
// Return early -- no need to set a response body
// Handle 404 Not Found
if (routeContext.status === 404) {
// By default, just set the status code to 404. Or, we can use
// `config.set404Handler()` to pass in a custom handler func that takes
// the `ctx` and store
if (config.handler404) {
// Return early -- no need to set a response body, because that should
// be taken care of by the custom 404 handler
ctx.status = routeContext.status;
// Create a HTML stream, to send back to the browser
const htmlStream = new PassThrough();
// Prefix the doctype, so the browser knows to expect HTML5
htmlStream.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');
// Create a stream of the React render. We'll pass in the
// Helmet component to generate the <head> tag, as well as our Redux
// store state so that the browser can continue from the server
const reactStream = ReactDOMServer.renderToNodeStream(
webpackManifest: chunkManifest,
// Pipe the React stream to the HTML output
// Set the return type to `text/html`, and stream the response back to
// the client
ctx.type = 'text/html';
ctx.body = htmlStream;
// Build the router, based on our app's settings. This will define which
// Koa route handlers
const router = (new KoaRouter())
// Set-up a general purpose /ping route to check the server is alive
.get('/ping', async ctx => {
ctx.body = 'pong';
// Favicon.ico. By default, we'll serve this as a 204 No Content.
// If /favicon.ico is available as a static file, it'll try that first
.get('/favicon.ico', async ctx => {
ctx.status = 204;
// Build the app instance, which we'll use to define middleware for Koa
// as a precursor to handling routes
const app = new Koa()
// Adds CORS config
// Error wrapper. If an error manages to slip through the middleware
// chain, it will be caught and logged back here
.use(async (ctx, next) => {
try {
await next();
} catch (e) {
// If we have a custom error handler, use that - else simply log a
// message and return one to the user
if (typeof config.errorHandler === 'function') {
config.errorHandler(e, ctx, next);
} else {
console.log('Error:', e.message);
ctx.body = 'There was an error. Please try again later.';
if (config.enableTiming) {
// It's useful to see how long a request takes to respond. Add the
// timing to a HTTP Response header
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
const start =;
await next();
const end = ms.parse(ms.since(start));
const total = end.microseconds + (end.milliseconds * 1e3) + (end.seconds * 1e6);
ctx.set('Response-Time', `${total / 1e3}ms`);
// Middleware to set the per-request environment, including the Apollo client.
// These can be overriden/added to in userland with `config.addBeforeMiddleware()`
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.apollo = {};
return next();
// Add 'before' middleware that needs to be invoked before the per-request
// Apollo client and Redux store has instantiated
config.beforeMiddleware.forEach(middlewareFunc => app.use(middlewareFunc));
// Create a new Apollo client and Redux store per request. This will be
// stored on the `ctx` object, making it available for the React handler or
// any subsequent route/middleware
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
// Create a new server Apollo client for this request, if we don't already
// have one
if (!ctx.apollo.client) {
ctx.apollo.client = createClient({
ssrMode: true,
// Create a network request. If we're running an internal server, this
// will be a function that accepts the request's context, to feed through
// to the GraphQL schema
networkInterface: createNeworkInterface(ctx),
// Create a new Redux store for this request, if we don't have one
if (! { = createNewStore(ctx.apollo.client);
// Pass to the next middleware in the chain: React, custom middleware, etc
return next();
// Middleware to re-write HTTP requests to SSL, if required.
if (config.enableForceSSL) {
// Middleware to add preliminary security for HTTP headers via Koa Helmet
if (config.enableKoaHelmet) {
// Attach custom middleware
config.middleware.forEach(middlewareFunc => app.use(middlewareFunc));
// Attach an internal GraphQL server, if we need one
if (config.graphQLServer) {
// Attach the GraphQL schema to the server, and hook it up to the endpoint
// to listen to POST requests
graphqlKoa(context => ({
// Bind the current request context, so it's accessible within GraphQL
// Attach the GraphQL schema
schema: config.graphQLSchema,
// Do we need the GraphiQL query interface? This can be used if we have an
// internal GraphQL server, or if we're pointing to an external server. First,
// we check if `config.graphiql` === `true` to see if we need one...
if (config.graphiQL) {
// The GraphiQL endpoint default depends on this order of precedence:
// explicit -> internal GraphQL server endpoint -> /graphql
let graphiQLEndpoint;
if (typeof config.graphiQL === 'string') {
// Since we've explicitly passed a string, we'll use that as the endpoint
graphiQLEndpoint = config.graphiQL;
} else if (config.graphQLServer) {
// If we have an internal GraphQL server, AND we haven't set a string,
// the default GraphiQL path should be the same as the server endpoint
graphiQLEndpoint = config.graphQLEndpoint;
} else {
// Since we haven't set anything, AND we don't have an internal server,
// by default we'll use `/graphql` which will work for an external server
graphiQLEndpoint = '/graphql';
endpointURL: config.graphQLEndpoint,
// Attach any custom routes we may have set in userland
config.routes.forEach(route => {
router[route.method](route.route, ...route.handlers);
// `koa-bodyparser` is used to process POST requests. Check that it's enabled
// (default) and apply a custom config if we need one
if (config.enableBodyParser) {
// Pass in any options that may have been set in userland
// Pass the `app` to do anything we need with it in userland. Useful for
// custom instantiation that doesn't fit into the middleware/route functions
if (typeof config.koaAppFunc === 'function') {
// Listener function that will start http(s) server(s) based on userland
// config and available ports
const listen = () => {
// Spawn the listeners.
const servers = [];
// Plain HTTP
if (config.enableHTTP) {
// SSL -- only enable this if we have an `SSL_PORT` set on the environment
if (process.env.SSL_PORT) {
https.createServer(config.sslOptions, app.callback()).listen(process.env.SSL_PORT),
return servers;
// Export everything we need to run the server (in dev or prod)
export default {
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