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Created July 5, 2022 22:14
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This method prints all possible blocks, recursively.
For example, if you have blockers A & B, and attacker C, there are three posible blocks.
No blockers:
C blocks A:
A: C
C blocks B
B: C
defenders is a vector of possible defender IDs (ints)
indexOfDefender is which ID in defenders is being grouped into a block on this iteration
blockAssignments is a vector of int vectors, where each vector represents an attacker than can have 0 or more blockers
The first time this method is called, blockAssignments is a vector of empty vectors.
This is a valid move and the empty vector of vectors gets printed - this means none of the attackers is blocked.
->If defenders is length 0, there are no other possible blocks and it returns, having printed the only valid move (i.e. no blocks).
->If defenders is greater than length 0, the defenders[indexOfDefender] is pushed into a vector in blockAssignments.
Then the function calls itself, this time with blockAssignments not empty, and indexOfDefender incremented.
On this recursive call, it prints blockAssignments which now has one int in one of the vectors.
If there is only one possible blocker, then it returns. Then in the outer call, the defender gets popped out of blockAssignment, then pushed into the next blockAssignment vector, and recurses.
If there is more than one blockers, it now loops within the inner call to add the other defenders into blockAsssignments.
void groupDefenders(vector<vector<int>> blockAssignments, vector<int> defenders, int indexOfDefender) {
int x = 0;
for (vector<int> attackerBucket:blockAssignments) {
cout << x << ": ";
for (int defender:attackerBucket) {
cout << defender << " ";
cout << "\n";
x+= 1;
if(indexOfDefender == defenders.size()) {
for(int v=0; v<blockAssignments.size();++v) {
vector<int> attacker = blockAssignments[v];
blockAssignments[v] = attacker;
groupDefenders(blockAssignments, defenders, indexOfDefender+1);
blockAssignments[v] = attacker;
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lacker commented Jul 5, 2022

I think you want blockAssignments and defenders to be const blah& so that it doesn't do an extraneous copy

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lacker commented Jul 5, 2022

so I would describe this function as like... print out all ways for these attackers to be blocked. blockAssignments contains data for all the attackers and some defenders for which a block has already been chosen. defenders and indexOfDefender specify a number of defenders that could block any of the attackers. this method iterates over all ways to choose blocks for the remaining defenders.

so at that point, I think understanding this function comes down to understanding why the logic in that last for-loop works. you could comment it, but really the idea is that you're going to choose all the possible ways that defenders[indexOfDefender] can be allocated, and print out each of them.

it would be more c++ ish I think if you represented a set of defenders with begin and end iterators rather than defenders & indexOfDefender

there's also something going wrong when you have to constantly be setting blockAssignments[v] = attacker - you shouldn't normally have to do this. blockAssignments[v] should give you a reference

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andrewljohnson commented Jul 6, 2022

there's also something going wrong when you have to constantly be setting blockAssignments[v] = attacker - you shouldn't normally have to do this. blockAssignments[v] should give you a reference

Hmm, this works:

for (int v=0; v<blockAssignments.size();++v) {
  groupDefenders(blockAssignments, defenders, indexOfDefender+1);

And this works with the &:

for(int v=0; v<blockAssignments.size();++v) {
  vector<int>& attacker = blockAssignments[v];
  groupDefenders(blockAssignments, defenders, indexOfDefender+1);

But this doesn't, because I guess it makes a copy? This not working is why I added the assignments you commented on.

for(int v=0; v<blockAssignments.size();++v) {
  vector<int> attacker = blockAssignments[v];
  groupDefenders(blockAssignments, defenders, indexOfDefender+1);

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lacker commented Jul 6, 2022

Yeah exactly - the line vector<int> attacker = blockAssignments[v] is doing a copy. Any time you just assign a vector to another vector it makes a copy. So you don't want to do that, you want to use one of the other two formulations.

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