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Last active January 20, 2022 10:00
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# 2017/04/12 AcidVenom v3
# Скрипт для обнаружения дисков и получения их данных для Zabbix
# Автообнарежение дисков
# Ключ: discovery
if ($1 -eq "discovery") {
try {
$items = smartctl-nc --scan-open | where {$_ -match "/dev/sd"}
write-host -NoNewline "{"
write-host -NoNewline "`"data`":["
$n = 0
foreach ($obj in $items) {
if ((smartctl-nc -i $obj.substring(0,8) | where {$_ -match "SMART support is: Enabled"}) -ne $null) {
$n = $n + 1
If ($n -gt 1) {write-host -NoNewline ","}
$line = "{`"{#DISKID}`":`"" + ($obj.substring(5,3)) + "`"}"
write-host -NoNewline $line
write-host -NoNewline "]"
write-host -NoNewline "}"
catch {exit}
# Получение информации от дисков
# Ключи:
else {
try {
if ($2 -eq "status") {
$obj = smartctl-nc -H /dev/$1 | where {$_ -match "result:"}
$obj = $obj.substring(50)
elseif ($2 -eq "model") {
$obj = smartctl-nc -i /dev/$1 | where {$_ -match "Device Model:"}
$obj = $obj.substring(18)
elseif ($2 -eq "family") {
$obj = smartctl-nc -i /dev/$1 | where {$_ -match "Model Family:"}
$obj = $obj.substring(18)
elseif ($2 -eq "fw") {
$obj = smartctl-nc -i /dev/$1 | where {$_ -match "Firmware Version:"}
$obj = $obj.substring(18)
elseif ($2 -eq "serial") {
$obj = smartctl-nc -i /dev/$1 | where {$_ -match "Serial Number:"}
$obj = $obj.substring(18)
elseif ($2 -eq "capacity") {
$obj = smartctl-nc -i /dev/$1 | where {$_ -match "User Capacity:"}
if ($obj -match "User Capacity:") {
$obj = $obj.Substring($obj.IndexOf("[")+1,$obj.IndexOf("]")-$obj.IndexOf("[")-1)
else {
$obj = "N/A"
# Получение показателей SMART
# Значения без скобок и их содержимого
else {
$obj = smartctl-nc -A /dev/$1 | where {$_ -match "^ *$2"}
try {$obj = $obj.Substring(87,$obj.IndexOf("(")-87)}
catch {$obj = $obj.Substring(87)}
catch {$obj = ""}
Write-Output $obj
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