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Last active December 1, 2019 09:02
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# Define the following variables in a deployment pipeline
$deploymentLocation = "West US"
$resourceGroupName = "your_resource_group" # or $null if assign a policy to a subscription
$policyAssignmentMode = "DoNotEnforce"
#Creating the list of all template files in a folder to use for deployment
$parameterFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path ".\policy-assignments\" -File -Filter "azuredeploy.parameters.json" -Recurse).FullName
#Initiating the deployment of policy assignment for each parameter file
#Reading a parameter file and creating temporary in-memory hashtable
$parameterFileText = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($_)
$parameterObject = (ConvertFrom-Json $parameterFileText -AsHashtable).parameters
#Extracting the values of nested 'value' objects to a resulting in-memory hashtable as policy parameters are stored as the object type in the parameter files
$rawParameterObject = @{
policyDefinitionName = $parameterObject.policyDefinitionName.value
policyAssignmentName = $parameterObject.policyAssignmentName.value
#Adding additional deployment parameters from the defined script variables
$rawParameterObject.Add("policyAssignmentMode", $policyAssignmentMode)
#Conditional template deployment
if ($resourceGroupName) {
$rawParameterObject.Add("resourceGroupName", $resourceGroupName)
#Use Resource Group deployment if scoping policy assignment to a specific resource group
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -TemplateFile ".\policy-assignments\azuredeploy.json" -TemplateParameterObject $rawParameterObject -Verbose
} else {
#Use subscription-level deployment if policy assignment is not scoped to a specific resource group
New-AzDeployment -Location $deploymentLocation -TemplateFile ".\policy-assignments\azuredeploy.json" -TemplateParameterObject $rawParameterObject -Verbose
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