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Last active January 10, 2021 00:17
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OpenStruct example with Components in Rails/Bridgetown/etc. Hopefully you can follow this - I tossed it together quickly.
This is a page or partial in my Rails app.
While this is not how I typically use them,
I think it was a perfect example and exactly
why I reached for it today.
Here is a page with a simple component:
<%= render "email", name: "email_address", label: "Email Address") %>
<%# This will output HTML like:
<label>Email Address</label>
<input type="email" name="email_address" />
# Initial snippet came from:
# But I tweaked it bc I really didn't like the choice of syntax (no offense in the least - total preference)
# Here is what it was:
# class FieldComponent
# def initialize(type: "text", name:, label:)
# @type, @name, @label = type, name, label
# end
# def render_in(view_context)
# <<~HTML
# <field-component>
# <label>#{@label}</label>
# <input type="#{@type}" name="#{@name}" />
# </field-component>
# end
# end
class FieldComponent
attr_reader :name, :label, :type
def initialize(name, label, type: "text")
@name = name # | required
@label = label # | required
@type = type # | optional, default: "text"
def render_in(view_context)
<input type="#{type}" name="#{name}" />
# The output will be the same, we just have different stylistic preferences
# and so do all teams. Imagine the author of that snippet committed his
# version to the codebase, and this is a new one. Already we have two
# different ways of doing things for something we are going to be making over and over again
# and maybe the person coming behind me prefers his attr_readers are private methods
# Im sure you can see where we will be in a year or two at this rate.
# (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
# 🎉 Enter the OptStruct gem.
# 1. It is less code (yh yah I know some of yall dont care about that but this is a simple example keep an open mind)
# 2. It is arguably more readable - especially given the context of what we are doing.
# 3. It sets a pattern out of the gate that wont suffer from some of the more pedantic patterns we all have.
class FieldComponent <
required :label, :name
option :type, default: "text"
def render_in(view_context)
<input type="#{type}" name="#{name}" />
# 👀 example showing how you can build new options using existing ones
# ```
# def display_name
# options.fetch(:display_name) { "[#{type}] -> #{name}" }
# end
# ```
# 🤙 The OptStruct has callbacks you can hook into as well:
# And more!
# 🤔 When (and basically the only time) do I reach for this? When I am about to create possibly
# hundreds of POROs that are all going to be representing the same concept.
# But if it is not something we are going to be constantly repeating and wouldnt benefit
# from trying to mitigate the technical debt now vs. later..
# I have just gone with an example from 01. Again - simple example.
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