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Last active November 21, 2020 06:56
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stripe gem comments for Will
# stripe-ruby gem class example
# Top level module - typically the gem name
# Reference:
# This file will either be directly required there or one of the other files
# it requires will require this.
module Stripe
# Stripes API is so large they had enough of a reason
# to separate the resource concern further. Typically
# this pattern is used throughout the project, even if
# it doesnt make sense for everything. Ex: Checkout only
# has one subclass, Session, but keeping it organized
# like this vs naming this Strip::CheckoutSession gives
# more flexibility long term to add more resources.
module Checkout
# The class is the last layer of abstraction.
# This is the session class for the checkout
# resource under the stripe namespace.
# It is also _inheiriting_ the methods of APIResource
# This means it can access or override all of the _public_ methods in
# Stripe::ApiResource, which in turn inheirits classes from StripeObject.
# This is a way to cleanly abstract common behavior!
class Session < APIResource
# We are extending the methods in the following
# API ops. We can guess without looking that
# the Checkout Session API endpoint allows for creating
# new sessions (POST(create controller method)), listing
# sessions (GET(index controller method)), and it has operations
# for nested resources so we know one of the objects we use to
# create the session is an object
extend Stripe::APIOperations::Create
extend Stripe::APIOperations::List
extend Stripe::APIOperations::NestedResource
# Include vs Extend
# Overrides the inheirited object name
OBJECT_NAME = "checkout.session"
# Operations for the nested resource:
nested_resource_class_methods :line_item, operations: %i[list]
# ButWhy
# If you need some more help, this should seal the deal:
# ./lib/
# ├── stripe
# │   ├── resources
# │   │   ├── checkout
# │   │   │   └── session.rb
# └── stripe.rb
# This is the directory structure of the gem with all the other files removed. Generally
# each module means you descend into another folder. Checkout a rails api controller for
# ex `rails new foo --api` i think. Althogh this isnt required, its best practice. Otherwise
# youd likely see:
# Stripe::Checkout::Session < APIResource
# vs
# module Stripe
# module Checkout
# class Session < APIResource
# Just pattern!
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