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Last active March 5, 2021 01:36
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oak-run Groovy script to reset the Adobe AEM "admin" user password
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.commit.CommitInfo
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.commit.EmptyHook
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeStore
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.PathUtils
import java.util.List
public class AdminUtils {
public resetAdminPassword(def session) {
String path = "/home/users";
List<String> elements = Lists.newArrayList();
PathUtils.elements(path).each{String element ->
if (PathUtils.denotesParent(element)) {
if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
elements.remove(elements.size() - 1);
} else if (!PathUtils.denotesCurrent(element)) {
NodeStore nstore =
def rs = nstore.root
def ns = rs
def rnb = rs.builder()
elements.each {
if(it.size() > 0) {
ns = ns.getChildNode(it)
def isAdminFound = false;
def entryIter = ns.getChildNodeEntries()
entryIter.each {
setAdminPasswordRecurse(session, nstore, path + "/" + it.getName(), ns, it)
private setAdminPasswordRecurse(def session, def nodeStore, def curPath, def parentState, def childEntry) {
def ns = childEntry.getNodeState()
def entryIter = ns.getChildNodeEntries()
entryIter.each {
def prop = it.getNodeState().getProperty("rep:principalName")
if(prop != null && "admin".equals(prop.getValue(prop.getType()))) {
println("Found admin user node: " + (curPath + "/" + it.getName()))
def passProp = it.getNodeState().getProperty("rep:password")
println("Password hash before: " + passProp.getValue(prop.getType()))
String newHash = "{SHA-256}a9d4b340cb43807b-1000-33b8875ff3f9619e6ae984add262fb6b6f043e8ff9b065f4fb0863021aada275"
def rnb = nodeStore.root.builder()
def nb = getNodeBuilderForPath(rnb, curPath)
def cnb = nb.getChildNode(it.getName())
cnb.setProperty("rep:password", newHash)
nodeStore.merge(rnb, EmptyHook.INSTANCE, CommitInfo.EMPTY);
println("Password set successfully: " + newHash)
return true
setAdminPasswordRecurse(session, nodeStore, curPath + "/" + it.getName(), parentState, it)
return false
private getNodeBuilderForPath(def rootNodeBuilder, def argpath) {
def nb = rootNodeBuilder
String path;
if (PathUtils.isAbsolute(argpath)) {
path = argpath;
} else {
path = PathUtils.concat(session.getWorkingPath(), argpath);
List<String> elements = Lists.newArrayList();
PathUtils.elements(path).each{String element ->
if (PathUtils.denotesParent(element)) {
if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
elements.remove(elements.size() - 1);
} else if (!PathUtils.denotesCurrent(element)) {
elements.each {
if(it.size() > 0) {
nb = nb.getChildNode(it)
return nb

To run this script:

  1. Download the oak-run version matching the version of Oak installed in AEM:
  2. Download the attached adminUtils.groovy script
  3. Upload the adminUtils.groovy script and the oak-run jar to your AEM server
  4. Run the command to start the oak-run console. For example:
    java -Xmx2048m -jar /tmp/oak-run-1.6.1.jar console /app/aem/aem63/crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore --read-write
  5. Once the oak-run console is open then load the groovy script using this command:
    :load /tmp/adminUtils.groovy
  6. Run this command to reset the "admin" user's password back to "admin"
    new AdminUtils().resetAdminPassword(session)
    Example output:
    Found admin user node: /home/users/a/aQUb-B8ZQDUlRfxPeFIu
    Password hash before: {SHA-256}a9d4b340cb43807b-1000-33b8875ff3f9619e6ae984add262fb6b6f043e8ff9b065f4fb0863021aada275
    Password set successfully: {SHA-256}a9d4b340cb43807b-1000-33b8875ff3f9619e6ae984add262fb6b6f043e8ff9b065f4fb0863021aada275
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johnb4 commented Aug 28, 2019

Change line 34 from "entryIter.find {" to "entryIter.each {" if it cannot find the admin user under /home/users.

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