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Created March 16, 2016 15:25
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Make coverage plots with splice-junction arcs in R using Bioconductor packages and ggplot2/grid.
# rnaseq.R
# plots related to RNAseq data
#library(gtable) # for combining plots vertically
#' Make a 'sashimi plot': coverage plus splice events
#' @param aln a named list of \code{GAlignments} objects
#' @param tx a \code{GRanges} object, preferably as returned by \code{import.gff3()}
#' @param meta a dataframe of extra metadata; linked to samples by column \code{"iid"}, and column
#' \code{"reads"} is used to normalize coverage, if available
#' @param smooth integer; if >0, size of windows in which to calculate smoothed coverage estimate
#' @param min.coverage only show regions with coverage strictly greater than this
#' @param min.splices only show splice events with multiplicity strictly greater than this
#' @param max.coverage truncate coverage at this value
#' @param log.coverage logical; if \code{TRUE}, show coverage in log10 scale
#' @param splice.scale numeric vector of length 2 used for drawing splice-junction arcs; just play with it to find good values
#' @param colours a named vector of colours used for coverage plots; grey/black is default
#' @value a \code{grid} object with the completed plot
sashimiplot <- function(aln, tx, meta = NULL, smooth = 0, min.coverage = 0, min.splices = 0, max.coverage = Inf, log.coverage = FALSE,
splice.scale = c(1.5e3, 5), colours = NULL, = NULL, ...) {
if (!inherits(aln[[1]], "GAlignments"))
stop("Must supply a list of GAlignments objects.")
## set boundaries of region to plot: approx. the range of all transcripts
message("Calculating boundaries of region of interest...")
zoom <- reduce(tx, min.gapwidth = 100e4)
if (smooth > 0) {
## calculated smoothed coverage
message("Smoothing coverage in windows of size ", smooth, " bp...")
bins <- seq( start(zoom), end(zoom), smooth ) <- GRanges(seqnames = as.vector(seqnames(zoom))[1],
ranges = IRanges(start = bins[ -length(bins) ], end = bins[-1]-1))
cvg <- ldply(aln, function(x) {
transform(, score = countOverlaps(, x))
#cvg <- ldply(bins,
colnames(cvg)[1] <- "iid"
cvg$panel <- cvg$iid
else {
## calculate raw coverage
message("Estimating read coverage...")
cvg <- lapply(lapply(aln, coverage), as, "GRanges")
cvg <- ldply(cvg,
colnames(cvg)[1] <- "iid"
cvg$panel <- cvg$iid
## discover splice junctions
message("Discovering splice junctions...")
sj <- lapply(aln, summarizeJunctions)
## ignore splices to out-of-range places
sj <- lapply(sj, subsetByOverlaps, zoom, type = "within")
## make swoop shapes representing splicing events
sj <- ldply(sj,
swoops <- make.swoop(sj, scale = splice.scale)
swoops$panel <- swoops$.id
## add metadata, if any
if (!is.null(meta))
cvg <- merge(cvg, meta, all.x = TRUE)
## rescale by total coverage, if provided
if (!is.null(meta$reads))
cvg$depth <- with(cvg, score/(reads/1e7))
cvg$depth <- cvg$score
## set colours for coverage panels, if not provided
if (is.null(colours)) {
colours <- rep("darkgrey", length(aln))
names(colours) <- names(aln)
## set x-axis limits to cover region of interest
xlims <- range(as.vector(ranges(zoom)))
## draw coverage plot with splice events
cvg <- subset(cvg, depth > min.coverage)
cvg$depth <- pmin(cvg$depth, max.coverage)
swoops <- subset(swoops, score > min.splices)
message("Rendering plots...")
p0 <- ggplot(cvg) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = start, xmax = end, ymin = 0, ymax = depth, fill = iid)) +
geom_line(data = swoops, aes(x = x, y = y, group = row, colour = .id)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = xlims) +
scale_fill_manual(values = colours) +
scale_colour_manual(values = colours) +
guides(fill = FALSE, colour = FALSE) +
facet_grid(panel ~ .) +
ylab("coverage (reads per 10 million)\n") +
theme_gbrowse() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank())
if (log.coverage)
p0 <- p0 + scale_y_continuous("coverage", trans = "log10")
## draw transcript ideograms
p1 <- ggplot() +
geom_tx(tx[ tx$type == "exon" ], at = 0, height = 5, fill = "grey50", =, ...) +
scale_x_continuous("\nposition (Mb)", limits = xlims, labels = function(x) x/1e6) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey50", "black", "blue")) +
facet_grid(panel ~ .) +
guides(fill = FALSE) +
ylab("") +
theme_gbrowse() + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank())
## combine plots
rez <- gtable:::rbind_gtable( ggplotGrob(p0), ggplotGrob(p1), size = "first" )
## done
#' Use Bezier curves to make 'swoop' shapes represnting splice junctions
make.swoop <- function(df, scale = c(1.5e3, 5), ...) {
df$row <- seq_len(nrow(df))
ddply(df, .(row), function(d) {
w <- with(d, end-start)[1]
mid <- c(0.2,0.8)*w+d$start[1]
x <- c(d$start[1], mid, d$end[1])
y <- c(0, -1*rep(pmax(w/scale[1], scale[2]), 2), 0)
rez <-, y))
for (c in colnames(d)) {
rez[,c] <- d[1,c]
#' Render a GRanges of exons into a transcript ideogram
#' @param exons a \code{GRanges} containing exons; metadata column \code{"Parent"} groups them into distinct transcripts
#' @param at vertical offset for first transcript
#' @param height vertical size of each transcript
#' @param arrows if arrows desired along intron connectors (to show strand orientation), this should be a call
#' to \code{grid::arrow()} returning the desired sort of arrow
#' @param do.introns if \code{TRUE}, draw lines through introns to connect exons
#' @param colour line colour for intron connectors
#' @param name of metadata column to use for exon boxes
#' @param fill fill colour for exon boxes, if \code{} not specified
#' @param stroke line colour for borders of exon boxes
#' @value a list of \code{ggplot2} geoms, which can be added to an existing plot with \code{`+`}.
#' @details Designed for use with the output of \code{rtracklayer::import.gff3()} with GFFs from Ensembl. For
#' other use cases, mileage may vary.
geom_tx <- function(exons, at = 0, height = 1, arrows = grid::arrow(length = unit(4, "pt"), type = "closed"),
do.introns = TRUE, = NULL, stroke = NA, colour = "black", fill = "black",
label = FALSE, label.size = 3, drop = TRUE, ...) {
.make.tx.df <- function(ex) {
if (!length(ex))
if (drop)
values(ex)$at <- as.numeric(ex$parent)*height + at
values(ex)$at <- as.numeric(ex$parent)
values(ex)$height <- height
if (drop)
exx <- droplevels(
exx <-
exx$panel <- "transcripts"
if (is.null( || {
rez <- list( geom_rect(data = exx, aes(xmin = start, xmax = end, ymin = at-height*0.4, ymax = at+height*0.4),
fill = fill, colour = stroke, ...) )
else {
exx$fill <- exx[ , ]
rez <- list( geom_rect(data = exx, aes(xmin = start, xmax = end, ymin = at-height*0.4, ymax = at+height*0.4, fill = fill),
colour = stroke, ...) )
if (label) {
labels <- data.frame(xpos = max(exx$end) + 1000, ypos = exx$at[1]+exx$height[1]*0.4, label = exx$parent[1], panel = exx$panel[1])
rez[[3]] <- geom_text(data = labels, aes(x = xpos, y = ypos, label = label), size = label.size, hjust = 0)
if (length(ex) > 1) {
## get exons from introns
if (min(start(ex)) > 0)
.introns <- GenomicRanges::gaps(ex)[-1]
.introns <- GenomicRanges::gaps(ex)
if (drop)
introns <- droplevels(
introns <-
#message(nrow(introns), " introns...")
if (any(strand(ex) == "-")) {
x <- introns$start
introns$start <- introns$end
introns$end <- x
introns$at <- ex$at[1]
introns$height <- height
introns$panel <- "transcripts"
#if (drop)
# introns$middle <- with(introns, at+height*0.8/2)
# introns$middle <- with(introns, at + as.numeric(parent))
rez <- c(rez, geom_segment(data = introns, aes(x = start, xend = end, y = at, yend = at),
arrow = arrows, colour = colour, ...))
if (!inherits(exons, "GRanges"))
exons <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(exons, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
## if input was GFF3, do everything on a per-tx basis
if (!is.null(exons$Parent)) {
if (is.null(exons$parent)) {
## rtracklayer::import.gff3() uses list format for Parent field; assume 1 parent, listed first
if (inherits(exons$Parent,"List"))
exons$parent <- sapply(exons$Parent, "[", 1)
exons$parent <- as.character(exons$parent)
else {
## respect existing 'parent' column
## 'parent' needs to be a factor; force this to be so
if (!is.factor(exons$parent))
exons$parent <- reorder(factor(exons$parent), start(exons), min)
else {
exons$parent <- 1
exons <- exons[ order(exons$parent) ]
exl <- split(exons, exons$parent)
lapply(exl, .make.tx.df)
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