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Created December 14, 2016 01:45
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ppx_hardcaml, using expression mapper
build with:
ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -package compiler-libs.common -package ppx_tools.metaquot ppx_hardcaml.native
open Ast_mapper
open Ast_helper
open Ast_convenience
open Asttypes
open Parsetree
open Longident
open Printf
let location_exn ~loc msg =
Location.Error (Location.error ~loc msg)
|> raise
let rec hwexpr mapper expr =
(* TODO resize operators ... *)
(*let uresize op a b =
let op = {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt = Lident op; loc=default_loc}} in
let a,b = [%e a], [%e b] in
let w = max (width a) (width b) in
[%e op] (uresize w a) (uresize w b)]
match expr with
(* constants ie [123h] or [0b10110h] TODO signed! *)
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer(v, Some('h'))); pexp_loc=loc} ->
let rec nbits x =
if x < 0 then location_exn ~loc "[%hw] constant must be positive";
match x with 0 | 1 -> 1 | x -> 1 + (nbits (x/2))
let v = int_of_string v in
[%expr consti [%e int (nbits v)] [%e int v]]
(* [bit ...] *)
| [%expr [%e? signal].{[%e? idx]}] ->
let new_exp = [%expr bit [%e signal] [%e idx]] in
mapper.expr mapper new_exp
(* [select ...] *)
| [%expr [%e? signal].{[%e? idx0],[%e? idx1]}] ->
let new_exp = [%expr select [%e signal] [%e idx0] [%e idx1]] in
mapper.expr mapper new_exp
(* map integer to signal operators *)
| [%expr [%e? a] + [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] +: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] - [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] -: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] * [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] *: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] land [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] &: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] lor [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] |: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] lxor [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] ^: [%e b])]
| [%expr lnot [%e? a]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ~: [%e a]]
| [%expr [%e? a] < [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] <: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] <= [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] <=: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] > [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] >: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] >= [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] >=: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] == [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] ==: [%e b])]
| [%expr [%e? a] <> [%e? b]] -> mapper.expr mapper [%expr ([%e a] <>: [%e b])]
(* [if%hw c then t else f] to [mux2 c t f] *)
| [%expr [%hw if [%e? cond] then [%e? _true] else [%e? _false]]] ->
let new_exp = [%expr mux2 [%e cond] [%e _true] [%e _false]] in
mapper.expr mapper new_exp
(* [%hw expr] allowable in within [%hw ...] *)
| [%expr [%hw [%e? e]]] ->
[%expr [%e hwexpr {mapper with expr=hwexpr} e]]
| _ -> default_mapper.expr mapper expr
let mapper argv =
{ default_mapper with
expr = (fun mapper expr ->
match expr with
(* [%hw expr] and 'let%hw pat = <expr> in ...' *)
| [%expr [%hw [%e? e]]] ->
[%expr [%e hwexpr {mapper with expr=hwexpr} e]]
| _ -> default_mapper.expr mapper expr);
structure_item = (fun mapper stri ->
match stri with
(* [%hw let pat = <expr>] or 'let%hw pat = <expr>' *)
| [%stri [%%hw let [%p? var] = [%e? e0]]] ->
[%stri let [%p default_mapper.pat mapper var] =
[%e hwexpr {mapper with expr=hwexpr} e0]]
| _ -> default_mapper.structure_item mapper stri);
let () = register "hardcaml" mapper
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xguerin commented Dec 14, 2016

Great gist. I massaged the code to look more like yours for comparison: here. The main difference now is that the original code integrate with Ppx_core and Ppx_driver. It is Ppx_core that takes care of recursion over expressions. The ewrap function wrap sub-expressions with [%hw] to ensure that Ppx_core calls the extension mapper on them.

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