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Created March 24, 2017 00:49
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Demonstrate SAT checking of hardcaml and verilog combinatorial logic using yosys and hardcaml-bloop
#require "hardcaml,ppx_deriving_hardcaml,hardcaml-waveterm,hardcaml-bloop,hardcaml-yosys";;
#mod_use "";;
open HardCaml
(* the design we want to test, in comparison to a verilog implementation *)
module Make_adder(B : Comb.S) = struct
open B
(* full adder *)
let fa a b cin = ((a &: b) |: (cin &: (a ^: b))), (a ^: b ^: cin)
(* carry ripple adder *)
let adder a b =
concat @@ snd @@
List.fold_left2 (
fun (cin,res) a b -> let cout,sum = fa a b cin in cout, sum::res)
(List.rev (bits a))
(List.rev (bits b))
(* interface for the circuit *)
module I = struct
type 'a t = {
a : 'a[@bits 8];
b : 'a[@bits 8];
}[@@deriving hardcaml]
module O = struct
type 'a t = {
c : 'a[@bits 8];
}[@@deriving hardcaml]
let f i =
{ O.c = adder i.I.a i.I.b }
module Adder = Make_adder(HardCaml.Signal.Comb)
(* wrap verilog circuit with hardcaml toplevel *)
module Inst = Interface.Inst(Adder.I)(Adder.O)
let sv i = Inst.make "vlog_adder" i
(* sat check *)
module S = Satvlog.Gen(Adder.I)(Adder.O)
module B = Bits.Comb.IntbitsList
let test () =
let fv = S.vlog_to_f ~vlog:["satadder.v"] sv in
match S.make fv Adder.f with
| `unsat -> Printf.printf "OK\n%!"
| `sat(err) ->
ignore @@ Adder.I.(map2 (fun (n,_) b -> Printf.printf "%s : %s\n" n (B.to_string b)) t err)
module vlog_adder (
input [7:0] a,
input [7:0] b,
output [7:0] c
assign c = a + b;
(* Compare a combinatorial verilog vs hardcaml circuit using SAT.
The scheme is as follows;
* Use yosys to convert the verilog design to a JSON representation
* Load the JSON with hardcaml-yosys
* SAT check against the hardcaml circuit
In terms of this project we can use it to extract interesting/complex
combinatorial logic from the ANTs RTL code base (converted from
system verilog, and somewhat massaged into the appropriate format).
open HardCaml
open Printf
let tempfile ext =
Filename.temp_file "hardcaml_ants_" ext
let convert_to_json ~vlog ~json =
let script_name = tempfile ".yosys" in
let script = open_out script_name in
List.iter (fprintf script "read_verilog %s\n") vlog;
fprintf script "hierarchy -top sat_top\n";
fprintf script "proc\n";
fprintf script "flatten\n";
fprintf script "opt -mux_undef\n";
fprintf script "clean\n";
fprintf script "write_json %s\n" json;
close_out script;
let stat = Unix.system ("yosys -s " ^ script_name ^ " > /dev/null") in
Unix.unlink script_name;
match stat with
| Unix.WEXITED 0 -> true
| _ -> false
let load_json ~json =
let open HardCamlYosys in
let circ = (open_in json) in
let fns = Import.load Techlib.Simlib.cells circ in
match fns with
| [] -> failwith "no design loaded"
| [x] -> x
| _ -> failwith "multiple designs loaded"
let json_to_circ (n,(i,_,f)) =
let open Signal.Comb in
let inputs = (fun (n,b) -> n, input n b) i in
let outputs = f inputs in
Circuit.make n ( (fun (n,s) -> output n s) outputs)
let compare_circs c1 c2 =
let open Signal.Comb in
let name s = List.hd (Signal.Types.names s) in
let get_outputs c = (fun s -> name s, s) (Circuit.outputs c) in
let o1, o2 = get_outputs c1, get_outputs c2 in
~: (List.fold_left (fun x (n,s) -> x &: try (List.assoc n o2) ==: s with _ -> vdd) vdd o1)
let convert_to_circ ~vlog =
let json = tempfile ".json" in
if convert_to_json ~vlog ~json then
let open Signal.Comb in
json_to_circ (load_json ~json)
failwith "failed to convert verilog to json"
let compare_and_sat ~vlog_circ ~circ =
let open HardCamlBloop in
let sat = compare_circs circ vlog_circ in
let sat = Cnf.convert sat in
Cnf.(report (name_map M.empty sat) @@ run sat)
let check ~vlog ~circ =
let vlog_circ = convert_to_circ ~vlog in
compare_and_sat ~vlog_circ ~circ
module B = Bits.Comb.IntbitsList
module Gen(I : Interface.S)(O : Interface.S) = struct
let json_to_f ~json =
let n,(_,_,f) = load_json ~json in
let mk i =
let o = f I.(to_list @@ map2 (fun (n,b) i -> n,i) t i) in
O.(map (fun (n,b) -> List.assoc n o) t)
module C = Interface.Circ(I)(O)
(* write wrapper for verilog file *)
let write_sat_top hcf =
let fname = tempfile ".v" in
let f = open_out fname in
let circ = C.make "sat_top" hcf in
Rtl.Verilog.write (output_string f) circ;
close_out f;
let vlog_to_f ~vlog top =
let json = tempfile ".json" in
let ftop = write_sat_top top in
if convert_to_json ~vlog:(vlog@[ftop]) ~json then
let open Signal.Comb in
json_to_f ~json
failwith "failed to convert verilog to json"
let get_result r =
List.iter (fun (n,d) -> printf "%s [%i] '%s'\n" n (String.length d) d) r;
let err = (fun (n,b) ->
let d = List.assoc n r in
let d = (fun c -> if c = '0' || c = '1' then c else '0') d in
B.uresize (B.const d) b;
with _ -> b) I.t
(* sat check a hardcaml implementation against a verilog reference *)
let make fv fh =
let open Signal.Comb in
let i = I.(map (fun (n,b) -> input n b) t) in
let o1 = fv i in
let o2 = fh i in
let o = ~: O.(reduce (&:) @@ to_list @@ map2 (==:) o1 o2) in
let open HardCamlBloop in
let sat = Cnf.convert o in
match Cnf.(report (name_map M.empty sat) @@ run sat) with
| `unsat -> `unsat
| `sat(r) -> get_result r
let with_out_file name fn =
let f = open_out name in
let r = fn f in
close_out f;
let tb name f err =
with_out_file (name ^ ".v")
(fun file ->
let open Signal.Comb in
let o = f I.(map constibl err) in
let o = O.(map2 (fun (n,_) s -> output n s) t o) in
let circ = Circuit.make name (O.to_list o) in
Rtl.Verilog.write (output_string file) circ)
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