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Last active February 25, 2023 10:47
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Query a hierarchical Hardcaml circuit by UID with full tracing
open Core
open Hardcaml
(* Set this before construcing the circuit so that stack traces are stored inside
signals. *)
let () = Caller_id.set_mode Full_trace
(* A simple hierarchical circuit *)
module Add_sub = struct
module I = struct
type 'a t =
{ a : 'a[@bits 8]
; b : 'a[@bits 8]
; sel : 'a
[@@deriving sexp_of, hardcaml]
module O = struct
type 'a t =
{ c : 'a[@bits 8] }
[@@deriving sexp_of, hardcaml]
open Signal
let create _scope (i : _ I.t) =
let add = i.a +: i.b in
let sub = i.a -: i.b in
{ O.c = mux2 i.sel add sub }
let hierarchical scope =
let module Hier = Hierarchy.In_scope (I)(O) in
Hier.hierarchical ~scope ~name:"add_sub" create
module Top = struct
module I = struct
type 'a t =
{ clock : 'a
; a : 'a array[@bits 8][@length 4]
; b : 'a array[@bits 8][@length 4]
; sel : 'a[@bits 4]
[@@deriving sexp_of, hardcaml]
module O = struct
type 'a t =
{ c : 'a array[@bits 8][@length 4] }
[@@deriving sexp_of, hardcaml]
open Signal
let create scope (i : _ I.t) =
{ O.c = Array.init 4 ~f:(fun index ->
(Add_sub.hierarchical scope { Add_sub.I.a = i.a.(index); b = i.b.(index); sel = i.sel.:(index) }).c
|> reg (Reg_spec.create ~clock:i.clock ()))
(* Commands for querying a hierarchical design *)
module Circ = Circuit.With_interface(Top.I)(Top.O)
let circ () =
let scope = Scope.create ~flatten_design:false () in
let circ = Circ.create_exn ~name:"top" (Top.create scope) in
scope, circ
let command_verilog =
~summary:"Print verilog"
let () = return () in
fun () ->
let scope, circ = circ () in
Rtl.print ~database:(Scope.circuit_database scope) Verilog circ]
let database () =
let scope, circ = circ () in
let circs = circ :: (Scope.circuit_database scope |> Circuit_database.get_circuits) in circs ~f:(fun circ -> circ, Circuit.signal_map circ)
let command_print_database =
~summary:"Print circuit database"
let summary = flag "-summary" no_arg ~doc:" only print circuit names" in
fun () ->
let database = database () |> ~f:(fun (n,d) -> n, Map.to_alist d) in
if summary then
print_s [%message (database : (string, _) List.Assoc.t)]
print_s [%message (database : (string, (Signal.Uid.t, Signal.t) List.Assoc.t) List.Assoc.t)]]
let command_query =
~summary:"Query circuit database"
let name = anon ("CIRCUIT-NAME" %: string)
and uid = anon ("UID" %: int)
fun () ->
match List.Assoc.find (database()) name ~equal:String.equal with
| None -> raise_s [%message "No such circuit"]
| Some circuit ->
match Map.find circuit (Int64.of_int uid) with
| None -> raise_s [%message "No such uid in circuit"]
| Some signal -> print_s [%message (signal : Signal.t)]]
let () =
~summary:"example circuit"
[ "verilog", command_verilog
; "print-database", command_print_database
; "query", command_query
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