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Created June 16, 2017 03:19
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zig demo
const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
/// Compile-time parameters is how Zig implements generics. It is compile-time duck typing and it works mostly the same way that C++ template parameters work. Example:
//fn max(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> T {
// if (a > b) a else b
//fn gimmeTheBiggerFloat(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32 {
// max(f32, a, b)
//fn gimmeTheBiggerInteger(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64 {
// max(u64, a, b)
//test "max" {
// assert(gimmeTheBiggerFloat(1.234, 12.34) == 12.34);
// assert(gimmeTheBiggerInteger(42, 69) == 69);
// ============================================================================
/// In Zig, types are first-class citizens. They can be assigned to variables, passed as parameters to functions, and returned from functions. However, they can only be used in expressions which are known at compile-time, which is why the parameter T in the above snippet must be marked with comptime.
/// A comptime parameter means that:
/// * At the callsite, the value must be known at compile-time, or it is a compile error.
/// * In the function definition, the value is known at compile-time.
/// For example, if we were to introduce another function to the above snippet:
//fn max(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> T {
// if (a > b) a else b
//fn letsTryToPassARuntimeType(condition: bool) {
// const result = max(
// if (condition) f32 else u64,
// 1234,
// 5678);
//test "runtime type" {
// letsTryToPassARuntimeType(true);
/// This is an error because the programmer attempted to pass a value only known at run-time to a function which expects a value known at compile-time.
// ============================================================================
/// Another way to get an error is if we pass a type that violates the type checker when the function is analyzed. This is what it means to have compile-time duck typing.
//fn max(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> T {
// if (a > b) a else b
//fn letsTryToCompareBools(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
// max(bool, a, b)
//test "compare bools" {
// _ = letsTryToCompareBools(true, false);
// ============================================================================
/// On the flip side, inside the function definition with the comptime parameter, the value is known at compile-time. This means that we actually could make this work for the bool type if we wanted to:
//fn max(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> T {
// if (T == bool) {
// return a or b;
// } else if (a > b) {
// return a;
// } else {
// return b;
// }
//fn letsTryToCompareBools(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
// max(bool, a, b)
//test "compare bools" {
// assert(letsTryToCompareBools(true, false));
/// This works because Zig implicitly inlines if expressions when the condition is known at compile-time, and the compiler guarantees that it will skip analysis of the branch not taken.
/// This means that the actual function generated for max in this situation looks like this:
//fn max(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
// return a or b;
/// All the code that dealt with compile-time known values is eliminated and we are left with only the necessary run-time code to accomplish the task.
/// This works the same way for switch expressions - they are implicitly inlined when the target expression is compile-time known.
// ============================================================================
/// In Zig, it matters whether a given expression is known at compile-time or run-time. A programmer can use a comptime expression to guarantee that the expression will be evaluated at compile-time. If this cannot be accomplished, the compiler will emit an error. For example:
//extern fn exit() -> unreachable;
//fn foo() {
// comptime {
// exit();
// }
//test "comptime extern" {
// foo();
/// It doesn't make sense that a program could call exit() (or any other external function) at compile-time, so this is a compile error. However, a comptime expression does much more than sometimes cause a compile error.
/// Within a comptime expression:
/// * All variables are comptime variables.
/// * All if, while, for, switch, and goto expressions are evaluated at compile-time, or emit a compile error if this is not possible.
/// * All function calls cause the compiler to interpret the function at compile-time, emitting a compile error if the function tries to do something that has global run-time side effects.
// ============================================================================
/// This means that a programmer can create a function which is called both at compile-time and run-time, with no modification to the function required.
//fn fibonacci(index: u32) -> u32 {
// if (index < 2) return index;
// return fibonacci(index - 1) + fibonacci(index - 2);
//test "fibonacci" {
// // test fibonacci at run-time
// assert(fibonacci(7) == 13);
// // test fibonacci at compile-time
// comptime {
// assert(fibonacci(7) == 13);
// }
// ============================================================================
/// Imagine if we had forgotten the base case of the recursive function and tried to run the tests:
// ============================================================================
/// The compiler produces an error which is a stack trace from trying to evaluate the function at compile-time.
/// Luckily, we used an unsigned integer, and so when we tried to subtract 1 from 0, it triggered undefined behavior, which is always a compile error if the compiler knows it happened. But what would have happened if we used a signed integer?
// ============================================================================
/// The compiler noticed that evaluating this function at compile-time took a long time, and thus emitted a compile error and gave up. If the programmer wants to increase the budget for compile-time computation, they can use a built-in function called @setEvalBranchQuota to change the default number 1000 to something else.
// ============================================================================
/// What if we fix the base case, but put the wrong value in the assert line?
// ============================================================================
/// What happened is Zig started interpreting the assert function with the parameter ok set to false. When the interpreter hit @unreachable() it emitted a compile error, because reaching unreachable code is undefined behavior, and undefined behavior causes a compile error if it is detected at compile-time.
// ============================================================================
/// In the global scope (outside of any function), all expressions are implicitly comptime expressions. This means that we can use functions to initialize complex static data. For example:
//const first_25_primes = firstNPrimes(25);
//const sum_of_first_25_primes = sum(first_25_primes);
//fn firstNPrimes(comptime n: usize) -> [n]i32 {
// var prime_list: [n]i32 = undefined;
// var next_index: usize = 0;
// var test_number: i32 = 2;
// while (next_index < prime_list.len) : (test_number += 1) {
// var test_prime_index: usize = 0;
// var is_prime = true;
// while (test_prime_index < next_index) : (test_prime_index += 1) {
// if (test_number % prime_list[test_prime_index] == 0) {
// is_prime = false;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (is_prime) {
// prime_list[next_index] = test_number;
// next_index += 1;
// }
// }
// return prime_list;
//fn sum(numbers: []const i32) -> i32 {
// var result: i32 = 0;
// for (numbers) |x| {
// result += x;
// }
// return result;
//test "comptime init" {
// assert(sum_of_first_25_primes == 1060);
/// When we compile this program, Zig generates the constants with the answer pre-computed. Here are the lines from the generated LLVM IR:
/// Note that we did not have to do anything special with the syntax of these functions. For example, we could call the sum function as is with a slice of numbers whose length and values were only known at run-time.
// ============================================================================
/// Zig uses these capabilities to implement generic data structures without introducing any special-case syntax. If you followed along so far, you may already know how to create a generic data structure.
/// Here is an example of a generic List data structure, that we will instantiate with the type i32. Whereas in C++ or Rust we would refer to the instantiated type as List<i32>, in Zig we refer to the type as List(i32).
//fn List(comptime T: type) -> type {
// struct {
// items: []T,
// len: usize,
// }
/// That's it. It's a function that returns an anonymous struct. For the purposes of error messages and debugging, Zig infers the name "List(i32)" from the function name and parameters invoked when creating the anonymous struct.
// ============================================================================
/// Putting all of this together, let's compare how printf works in C, Rust, and Zig.
/// Here's how printf work in C:
// gcc -o printf printf.c
/// What happens here is the printf implementation iterates over the format string at run-time, and when it encounters a format specifier such as %d it looks at the next argument which is passed in an architecture-specific way, interprets the argument as a type depending on the format specifier, and attempts to print it. If the types are incorrect or not enough arguments are passed, undefined behavior occurs - it may crash, print garbage data, or access invalid memory.
/// Luckily, the compiler defines an attribute that you can use like this:
// __attribute__ ((format (printf, x, y)));
/// Where x and y are the 1-based indexes of the argument parameters that correspond to the format string and the first var args parameter, respectively.
/// This attribute adds type checking to the function it decorates, to prevent the above problems, and the printf function from stdio.h has this attribute on it, so these problems are solved.
/// But what if you want to invent your own format string syntax and have the compiler check it for you?
/// You can't.
/// That's how it works in C. It is hard-coded into the compiler. If you wanted to write your own format string printing code and have it checked by the compiler, you would have to use the preprocessor or metaprogramming - generate C code as output from some other code.
/// Zig is a programming language which is intended to replace C. We can do better than this.
// ============================================================================
/// Here's the equivalent program in Zig:
//const io = @import("std").io;
//const a_number: i32 = 1234;
//const a_string = "foobar";
//pub fn main() -> %void {
// %%io.stderr.printf("here is a string: '{}' here is a number: {}\n", a_string, a_number);
// ============================================================================
/// Let's crack open the implementation of this and see how it works:
//pub fn printf(self: &OutStream, comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) -> %void {
// const State = enum {
// Start,
// OpenBrace,
// CloseBrace,
// };
// comptime var start_index: usize = 0;
// comptime var state = State.Start;
// comptime var next_arg: usize = 0;
// inline for (format) |c, i| {
// switch (state) {
// State.Start => switch (c) {
// '{' => {
// if (start_index < i) %return self.write(format[start_index...i]);
// state = State.OpenBrace;
// },
// '}' => {
// if (start_index < i) %return self.write(format[start_index...i]);
// state = State.CloseBrace;
// },
// else => {},
// },
// State.OpenBrace => switch (c) {
// '{' => {
// state = State.Start;
// start_index = i;
// },
// '}' => {
// %return self.printValue(args[next_arg]);
// next_arg += 1;
// state = State.Start;
// start_index = i + 1;
// },
// else => @compileError("Unknown format character: " ++ c),
// },
// State.CloseBrace => switch (c) {
// '}' => {
// state = State.Start;
// start_index = i;
// },
// else => @compileError("Single '}' encountered in format string"),
// },
// }
// }
// comptime {
// if (args.len != next_arg) {
// @compileError("Unused arguments");
// }
// if (state != State.Start) {
// @compileError("Incomplete format string: " ++ format);
// }
// }
// if (start_index < format.len) {
// %return self.write(format[start_index...format.len]);
// }
// %return self.flush();
/// This was the proof of concept implementation; the actual std lib function has more formatting capabilities.
/// Note that this is not hard-coded into the Zig compiler; this userland code in the standard library.
/// When this function is analyzed from our example code above, Zig partially evaluates the function and emits a function that actually looks like this:
//pub fn printf(self: &OutStream, arg0: i32, arg1: []const u8) -> %void {
// %return self.write("here is a string: '");
// %return self.printValue(arg0);
// %return self.write("' here is a number: ");
// %return self.printValue(arg1);
// %return self.write("\n");
// %return self.flush();
///printValue is a function that takes a parameter of any type, and does different things depending on the type:
//pub fn printValue(self: &OutStream, value: var) -> %void {
// const T = @typeOf(value);
// if (@isInteger(T)) {
// return self.printInt(T, value);
// } else if (@isFloat(T)) {
// return self.printFloat(T, value);
// } else if (@canImplicitCast([]const u8, value)) {
// const casted_value = ([]const u8)(value);
// return self.write(casted_value);
// } else {
// @compileError("Unable to print type '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'");
// }
// ============================================================================
/// And now, what happens if we give too many arguments to printf?
//const io = @import("std").io;
//const a_number: i32 = 1234;
//const a_string = "foobar";
//pub fn main() -> %void {
// %%io.stderr.printf("here is a string: '{}' here is a number: {}\n", a_string,
// a_number, a_number);
/// Zig gives programmers the tools needed to protect themselves against their own mistakes.
// ============================================================================
/// Let's take a look at how Rust handles this problem. Here's the equivalent program:
/// print!, as evidenced by the exclamation point, is a macro. Here is the definition:
//#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
//macro_rules! print {
// ($($arg:tt)*) => ($crate::io::_print(format_args!($($arg)*)));
//#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
//macro_rules! format_args { ($fmt:expr, $($args:tt)*) => ({
///* compiler built-in */
//}) }
/// Rust accomplishes the syntax that one would want from a var args print implementation, but it requires using a macro to do so.
/// Macros have some limitations. For example, in this case, if you move the format string to a global variable, the Rust example can no longer compile:
// ============================================================================
/// On the other hand, Zig doesn't care whether the format argument is a string literal, only that it is a compile-time known value that is implicitly castable to a []const u8:
//const io = @import("std").io;
//const a_number: i32 = 1234;
//const a_string = "foobar";
//const fmt = "here is a string: '{}' here is a number: {}\n";
//pub fn main() -> %void {
// %%io.stderr.printf(fmt, a_string, a_number);
/// A macro is a reasonable solution to this problem, but it comes at the cost of readability. From Rust's own documentation:
/// The drawback is that macro-based code can be harder to understand, because fewer of the built-in rules apply. Like an ordinary function, a well-behaved macro can be used without understanding its implementation. However, it can be difficult to design a well-behaved macro! Additionally, compiler errors in macro code are harder to interpret, because they describe problems in the expanded code, not the source-level form that developers use.
/// These drawbacks make macros something of a "feature of last resort". That’s not to say that macros are bad; they are part of Rust because sometimes they’re needed for truly concise, well-abstracted code. Just keep this tradeoff in mind.
// ============================================================================
/// One of the goals of Zig is to avoid these drawbacks while still providing enough of the power that macros provide in order to make them unnecessary.
/// There is another thing I noticed, and I hope someone from the Rust community can correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like Rust also special cased format_args! in the compiler by making it a built-in. If my understanding is correct, this would make Zig stand out as the only language of the three mentioned here which does not special case string formatting in the compiler and instead exposes enough power to accomplish this task in userland.
/// But more importantly, it does so without introducing another language on top of Zig, such as a macro language or a preprocessor language. It's Zig all the way down.
#include <stdio.h>
static const int a_number = 1234;
static const char * a_string = "foobar";
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
fprintf(stderr, "here is a string: '%s' here is a number: %p\n", a_string, a_number);
return 0;
const A_NUMBER: i32 = 1234;
const A_STRING: &'static str = "foobar";
fn main() {
print!("here is a string: '{}' here is a number: {}\n",
const A_NUMBER: i32 = 1234;
const A_STRING: &'static str = "foobar";
const FMT: &'static str = "here is a string: '{}' here is a number: {}\n";
fn main() {
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