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Last active March 26, 2020 02:37
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const std = @import("std");
const net =;
const fs = std.fs;
const os = std.os;
pub const io_mode = .evented;
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; // TODO use a more appropriate allocator
var server = net.StreamServer.init(.{});
defer server.deinit();
var room = Room{ .clients = std.AutoHashMap(*Client, void).init(allocator) };
try server.listen(net.Address.parseIp("", 0) catch unreachable);
std.debug.warn("listening at {}\n", .{server.listen_address});
while (true) {
const client = try allocator.create(Client);
client.* = Client{
.conn = try server.accept(),
.handle_frame = async client.handle(&room),
try room.clients.putNoClobber(client, {});
const Client = struct {
conn: net.StreamServer.Connection,
handle_frame: @Frame(handle),
fn handle(self: *Client, room: *Room) !void {
try self.conn.file.writeAll("server: welcome to teh chat server\n");
while (true) {
var buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
const amt = try;
const msg = buf[0..amt];
room.broadcast(msg, self);
const Room = struct {
clients: std.AutoHashMap(*Client, void),
fn broadcast(room: *Room, msg: []const u8, sender: *Client) void {
var it = room.clients.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
const client = entry.key;
if (client == sender) continue;
client.conn.file.writeAll(msg) catch |e| std.debug.warn("unable to send: {}\n", .{e});
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
const program = "+ + * 💩\xff - /";
var accumulator: usize = 0;
var it = std.unicode.Utf8View.initComptime(program).iterator();
while (it.nextCodepoint()) |token| switch (token) {
'+' => accumulator += 1,
'-' => accumulator -= 1,
'*' => accumulator *= 2,
'/' => accumulator /= 2,
'💩' => accumulator *= accumulator,
else => continue, // Ignore everything else
std.debug.warn("The program \"{}\" calculates the value {}\n", program, accumulator);
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
const fns = struct {
const x = 0;
const y = 1;
const z = 2;
fn cross_2d(a: var, b: @typeOf(a)) @typeInfo(@typeOf(a)).Array.child {
return a[x] * b[y] - a[y] * b[x];
fn cross_3d(a: var, b: @typeOf(a)) @typeOf(a) {
return .{
a[y] * b[z] - a[z] * b[y],
a[z] * b[x] - a[x] * b[z],
a[x] * b[y] - a[y] * b[x],
const a = [2]i32{ 1, 2 };
const b = [2]i32{ 5, -3 };
std.debug.warn("{}\n", fns.cross_2d(a, b));
const x = [3]f32{ 1, 4, 9 };
const y = [3]f32{ -5, 0, 3 };
std.debug.warn("{}\n", fns.cross_3d(x, y));
// Failure case
//const i = [2]bool{true, false};
//const j = [2]bool{false, true};
//std.debug.warn("{}", fns.cross_2d(i, j));
// Use u1 if you want numerical bools
const i = [2]u1{ 1, 0 };
const j = [2]u1{ 0, 1 };
std.debug.warn("{}\n", fns.cross_2d(i, j));
const cross = struct {
fn CrossReturnType(comptime T: type) type {
const array_info = @typeInfo(T).Array;
return switch (array_info.len) {
2 => array_info.child,
3 => T,
else => @compileError("expected [2]T or [3]T"),
fn cross(arg0: var, arg1: var) CrossReturnType(@typeOf(arg0)) {
return switch (@typeInfo(@typeOf(arg0)).Array.len) {
2 => fns.cross_2d(arg0, arg1),
3 => fns.cross_3d(arg0, arg1),
else => @compileError("unreachable"),
std.debug.warn("{}\n", cross(a, b));
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