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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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% ClangFormat All The Things % Andrew Seidl % 27 February 2015

ClangFormat All The Things

ClangFormat All The Things


  • C/C++/ObjC source code formatter
    • like astyle, autopep8, go-fmt
  • Part of the Clang/LLVM project
    • note: Apple doesn't include it with Xcode


  • we have all seen some pretty horrible looking code
  • w/o shared editor settings, each dev is responsible for config'ing editor
  • mitigate flamewars
    • BDFL sets repo standard, dissenters use git hooks

Example: from this...

struct  ChThreadConstructionInfo
    ChThreadConstructionInfo(char* uniqueName,
                  int numThreads=1,
                  int threadStackSize=65535


    char*         m_uniqueName;
    int           m_numThreads;
    int           m_threadStackSize;


Example: this (Chromium style)

struct ChThreadConstructionInfo {
  ChThreadConstructionInfo(char *uniqueName,
                           int numThreads = 1,
                           int threadStackSize = 65535)
      : m_uniqueName(uniqueName),
        m_threadStackSize(threadStackSize) {}

  char *m_uniqueName;
  int m_numThreads;
  int m_threadStackSize;


  • style specified in .clang-format file in top source dir
    • builtins: LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit
    • can BasedOnStyle, then override specifics
  • can be run from command line or inside editor
BasedOnStyle: Chromium

# Longer lines requested by @hmazhar
ColumnLimit: 120

Editor Support


ALL THE C (segue to Olympics)

find . \( -regex '.*\.\(cpp\|cu\|h\)' ! -ipath 'thirdparty' \) -exec clang-format -i '{}' \;
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