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Created June 28, 2017 06:29
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Front end code for ACMI's multi-screen Cinemas Now Showing
* A simple web app to display session times from the ACMI website JSON feed.
* This source file gets bundled together with its dependencies into bundle.js.
* Dependencies:
* query-string (
* jquery (
* moment (
* @author Andrew Serong (for the Australian Centre for the Moving Image)
* @version 2017-06-06
var globalVars = {
debugAppState: {},
debugMode: false,
customDate: null
window.globalVars = globalVars;
var queryString = require('query-string');
* Reduce session data down from the data returned by the ACMI site to an array of (just)
* the film sessions, with a title name and an array of start times.
* @param data a data object in the form provided by the ACMI JSON feed
* @returns an array of objects with properties: string 'title' and array 'start_time'
var truncateTitle = function(title, numChars) {
var truncatedTitle = "";
if (title.length >= numChars) {
var titleSubString = title.substring(0, numChars);
var newEndPos = titleSubString.lastIndexOf(" ");
if (newEndPos <= 0) {
// prevent titles from just becoming an ellipsis character if the title of the film is very long
truncatedTitle = titleSubString + "&hellip;";
} else {
// in most cases, move to the last instance of a space, and replace the remainder of the string with ellipsis
truncatedTitle = titleSubString.substring(0, newEndPos) + "&hellip;";
} else {
truncatedTitle = title;
console.log("Truncated Title: " + truncatedTitle);
return truncatedTitle;
var reduceSessionData = function(data) {
var filmSessions = {};
var returnSessions = [];
// loop over all occurrences
for (var i in data.occurrences) {
// only proceed if the type includes "film"
if (data.occurrences[i].type.toLowerCase().indexOf("film") != -1) {
// if not already added, add each title to the filmSessions object
if (!filmSessions[data.occurrences[i].title]) {
filmSessions[data.occurrences[i].title] = {
"title": truncateTitle( data.occurrences[i].title, globalVars.TRUNCATE_TITLE_CHARACTERS ),
"start_time": []
// append the occurrence time to the filmSessions object under the title
console.log("Film sessions:");
// from:
for (var title in filmSessions) {
if (filmSessions.hasOwnProperty(title)) {
return returnSessions;
* Display the data to the screen by appending to an #output div. If the query string includes
* a screen value of 1 or 2, adds a heading row.
* @param data a data object in the form provided by the ACMI JSON feed
* @param query a parsed query string object of key value pairs
var displayData = function(data, query) {
var numPerScreen = 2;
var screenNum = Number(query.screen);
var truncateCharNum = Number(query.numchars);
// override global truncate characters if available
if (!isNaN(truncateCharNum)) {
globalVars.TRUNCATE_TITLE_CHARACTERS = truncateCharNum;
if (screenNum == 1) {
// set first row to ACMI Cinemas
$("#output").append("<div class='row-first big blue'><p>ACMI Cinemas</p></div>");
} else if (screenNum == 2) {
// set first row to Now Showing
$("#output").append("<div class='row-first big blue'><p>Now Showing</p></div>");
} else {
// for all other screens add a blank row
$("#output").append("<div class='row-first big blue'><p>&nbsp;</p></div>");
// gather parsed session time data
var sessionTimes = reduceSessionData(data);
// get the screen number from a zero index
var zeroIndexScreenNum = screenNum - 1;
var iterations = 0;
// loop over session times
for (var i in sessionTimes) {
// only display this session time if it's for this screen
// calculated by the screen number multiplied by the number of titles per screen
var sessionTitle = "&nbsp;";
var sessionTimesString = "&nbsp;";
console.log("Iterator is: " + i);
console.log("low conditional: " + (zeroIndexScreenNum * numPerScreen) );
console.log("high conditional: " + (zeroIndexScreenNum + 1) * numPerScreen );
if (i >= zeroIndexScreenNum * numPerScreen && i < (zeroIndexScreenNum + 1) * numPerScreen) {
sessionTitle = sessionTimes[i].title;
sessionTimesString = "";
for (var time in sessionTimes[i].start_time) {
var startTime = moment(sessionTimes[i].start_time[time]);
sessionTimesString += "<span>";
if (startTime.minutes() != 0) {
sessionTimesString += startTime.format("h.mmA");
} else {
sessionTimesString += startTime.format("hA");
sessionTimesString += "</span>&nbsp;";
$("#output").append("<div class='row big'><p class='white'>" + sessionTitle + "</p><p class='time pink'>" + sessionTimesString + "</p></div>");
if (iterations == 1) {
$("#output").append("<div class='row big'><p class='white'> &nbsp; </p><p class='time pink'> &nbsp; </p></div>");
if (iterations == 0) {
$("#output").append("<div class='row big'><p class='white'> &nbsp; </p><p class='time pink'> &nbsp; </p></div>");
$("#output").append("<div class='row big'><p class='white'> &nbsp; </p><p class='time pink'> &nbsp; </p></div>");
// main method
$(document).ready(function() {
var parsedQuery = queryString.parse(;
var debugMode = parsedQuery.debug;
var customDate =;
var requestString = "";
// set request date to current time
var dateToRequest = moment();
if (moment(customDate).isValid()) {
// if a valid override date is provided, then use that instead
dateToRequest = moment(customDate);
globalVars.customDate = dateToRequest;
// extract month, year and day values from the dateToRequest
var monthValue = moment(dateToRequest).format("MM");
var yearValue = moment(dateToRequest).format("YYYY");
var dayValue = moment(dateToRequest).format("DD");
if (typeof debugMode == 'string' && debugMode.toLowerCase() == "true") {
globalVars.debugMode = true;
// use dummy data
requestString = "dummydata/lots_of_films.json";
} else {
// retrieve session data from cached proxy
requestString = "requestcachedsessions.php?date=" + yearValue + "-" + monthValue + "-" + dayValue;
console.log("Requesting data from: " + requestString);
function(data) {
console.log("Received data:");
if (typeof data == 'string') {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
globalVars.debugAppState = jsonData;
displayData(jsonData, parsedQuery);
} else {
debugAppState = data;
displayData(data, parsedQuery);
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