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Created February 23, 2015 10:44
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Get stats from golang memory allocation trace log
function realpath() {
local file_path="$1"
pushd $(dirname "$file_path") > /dev/null 2>&1
echo `pwd -P`/`basename "$file_path"`
popd > /dev/null 2>&1
function usage() {
echo "USAGE: $0 <package_name> <log_file>" >&2
exit 2
[ $# -ne 2 ] && usage
declare PACKAGE_NAME=$(echo $1 | sed 's~\/~\\\/~g'); shift
declare INPUT_FILE=$(realpath "$1"); shift
declare TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/stat_alloc.XXXXXX` || exit 1
pushd $TEMPDIR > /dev/null 2>&1
split -a 5 -p '^\s*$' $INPUT_FILE alloc_ || exit 1
declare -i i=0
declare allfiles=(*)
declare -i numfiles=${#allfiles[@]}
unset allfiles
stats=$(for f in * ; do
echo -ne "\rProcessed: $((100*i++/numfiles))%" >&2
awk "/^$PACKAGE_NAME/ { gsub(/\([a-z0-9x,\. ]+\)\$/, \"\"); print \$0; exit }" "$f"
echo -ne "\r"
echo "$stats" | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
popd > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf $TEMPDIR
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