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Created March 10, 2015 14:21
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
import sys
USAGE: ssh user@guest python <
oneliners = [
("ephemeral disk is mounted on vdb", "grep /dev/vdb /proc/mounts"),
("heat-cfn-tools installed",
"which cfn-create-aws-symlinks cfn-get-metadata" +
" cfn-push-stats cfn-hup cfn-init cfn-signal"),
("single ssh key for root",
"/usr/bin/[ \"$(sudo wc -l /root/.ssh/authorized_keys |" +
" cut -d ' ' -f1 )\" -eq 1 ]"),
("single ssh key for current user",
"/usr/bin/[ $(wc -l ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys |" +
" cut -d ' ' -f1 ) -eq 1 ]"),
("fail2ban running", "pgrep fail2ban"),
("no passwords in /etc/shadow", "test \"$(sudo cut -d ':'" +
" -f 2 /etc/shadow | cut -d '$' -sf3)\" = ''"),
def shellout(cmd):
out =, shell=True)
return out
def main():
total_result = 0
for i in oneliners:
result = shellout(i[-1])
total_result += result
print ("%s returned %s" % (i[0], str(result)))
if total_result > 0:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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