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Created November 1, 2017 13:02
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Benchmark queries in yesod
instance YesodPersist App where
type YesodPersistBackend App = SqlBackend
runDB action = do
master <- getYesod
runSqlPool (hackTheReader action) $ appConnPool master
newtype BenchmarkResults = BenchmarkResults [(Text,TimeSpec)]
deriving Typeable
type TypeMap = HashMap TypeRep Dynamic
getBenchmarkResults :: HandlerT site IO BenchmarkResults
getBenchmarkResults = do
gh <- handlerGetGHState >>= lift . readIORef
return $ case HashMap.lookup (typeOf (BenchmarkResults [])) (ghsCache gh) of
Nothing -> BenchmarkResults []
Just d -> fromDyn d
$ error $ "getBenchmarkResults: mistake made: " <> show d
addBenchmarkResult :: Text -> TimeSpec -> TypeMap -> TypeMap
addBenchmarkResult name duration = HashMap.insertWith concatBr brType (toDyn br)
concatBr a b = fromMaybe (error "addBenchmarkResult: mistake made") $ do
BenchmarkResults xs <- fromDynamic a
BenchmarkResults ys <- fromDynamic b
return $ toDyn $ BenchmarkResults $ xs ++ ys
brType = typeOf br
br = BenchmarkResults [(name,duration)]
handlerGetGHState :: HandlerT site IO (IORef GHState)
handlerGetGHState = HandlerT (return . handlerState)
hackTheReader :: forall a site. ReaderT SqlBackend (HandlerT site IO) a -> ReaderT SqlBackend (HandlerT site IO) a
hackTheReader original = do
ghRef <- lift handlerGetGHState
flip local original $ \backend -> backend
{ connPrepare = \t -> do
now <- getTime Monotonic
startTime <- newIORef now
stmt <- connPrepare backend t
return $ stmt
{ stmtReset = do
now2 <- getTime Monotonic
start <- readIORef startTime
let duration = diffTimeSpec now2 start
modifyIORef' ghRef $ \r -> r
{ ghsCache = addBenchmarkResult t duration (ghsCache r) }
print duration
stmtReset stmt
, stmtQuery = injectRelease startTime . stmtQuery stmt
injectRelease :: IORef TimeSpec -> Acquire a -> Acquire a
injectRelease startTime (Acquire f) = Acquire $ \b -> do
getTime Monotonic >>= writeIORef startTime
f b
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