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Created March 7, 2019 16:12
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MVar for typed Request-Response
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language KindSignatures #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
-- | This is a module illustrating an approach to allow concurrently-running
-- client to interact with a resource that does not support concurrent
-- access. The common approach involves sticking the resource in an
-- MVar and having each client that wants to use it call withMVar. While
-- this does prevent concurrent access, it means that a client that
-- hangs after acquiring the resource would hang every other client that
-- needs the resource. By constrast, the approach illustrated in this
-- module keeps access to the resource on a single thread. Any operation
-- on the resource must be described by the Action data type. This
-- makes it impossible for users to interleave arbitrary computation
-- with operations on the resource.
-- There are several possible variations in the design:
-- * Request could be a GADT instead of a type family. This
-- gets rid of the need for SingAtom.
-- * There should be a way to close a bus. Closing the bus
-- requires shutting down the worker thread associated
-- with it. It is a little tricky to do this correctly.
-- One option involves adding a Shutdown action to
-- request and making the Shutdown action inaccessible
-- to end users. Another option involving switching
-- from an MVar to a TVar for incoming requests.
-- * It is possible to make the bus polymorphic in its
-- action type and resource. This requires open type
-- families. In the interest of clarity, this option
-- is not pursued here.
module TypedRequestResponseMVar
( -- * Type-Safe Bus
, request
, open
-- * Example-Specific Data
, Action(..)
, RequestMove(..)
, RequestAttack(..)
, RequestFlee(..)
, ResponseMove(..)
, ResponseAttack(..)
, ResponseFlee(..)
, Request
, Response
) where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar,newEmptyMVar,putMVar,takeMVar)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
-- | A bus over which clients can send requests. Only one request
-- can be processed at a time. This abstraction is useful for
-- managing concurrent access to a resource in such a way
-- that the clients do not handle the resource directly. They
-- may only issue commands over the bus.
-- In a real application, the bus would include another field
-- representing a resource that does not support concurrent
-- access. The purpose of the bus is to guard access to this
-- resource.
newtype Bus = Bus (MVar Payload)
-- Not exported
data Payload :: Type where
Payload :: forall (a :: Action). SingAction a -> MVar (Response a) -> Request a -> Payload
-- | Issue a request and block until the bus handles the request
-- and responds.
request :: forall a. Bus -> SingAction a -> Request a -> IO (Response a)
request (Bus req) a r = do
resp <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar req (Payload a resp r)
takeMVar resp
-- | Open a bus. This forks a thread on which the bus worker runs.
-- The worker performs the following steps:
-- * Wait for a request to arrive.
-- * Handle that one request.
-- * Respond to the client that issued the request.
-- Crucially, the worker only ever handles one request at a time.
-- This means that only one action operates on the resource
-- at a time.
-- This example does not include a way to close the bus. This
-- could be handled be providing a bracket-style withBus function or by
-- doing something devious with finalizers.
open :: IO Bus
open = do
m <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkIO (worker m)
pure (Bus m)
-- Not exported. In this example, the worker calculates the response
-- by applying a pure function to the request. In a real application,
-- the function applied to the request would always be something
-- that used a resource in an effectful way.
worker :: MVar Payload -> IO ()
worker req = forever $ do
Payload a resp r <- takeMVar req
putMVar resp (executePurely a r)
-- Everything below this point is specific to this example
-- and would not be used in a real application.
data Action = Move | Attack | Flee
data SingAction :: Action -> Type where
SingMove :: SingAction 'Move
SingAttack :: SingAction 'Attack
SingFlee :: SingAction 'Flee
newtype RequestMove = RequestMove Int
data RequestAttack = RequestAttack !Int !Int !Bool
data RequestFlee = RequestFlee
data ResponseMove = ResponseMove !Int !Int
data ResponseAttack = ResponseAttack
newtype ResponseFlee = ResponseFlee Bool
type family Request (a :: Action) :: Type where
Request 'Move = RequestMove
Request 'Attack = RequestAttack
Request 'Flee = RequestFlee
type family Response (a :: Action) :: Type where
Response 'Move = ResponseMove
Response 'Attack = ResponseAttack
Response 'Flee = ResponseFlee
executePurely :: SingAction a -> Request a -> Response a
executePurely SingMove (RequestMove x) = ResponseMove (x + 1) (x + 2)
executePurely SingAttack (RequestAttack _ _ _) = ResponseAttack
executePurely SingFlee RequestFlee = ResponseFlee True
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