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Created April 28, 2018 15:29
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Copy Files to S3
# PushTo-S3 script
# Description:
# Copies the source files to an S3 bucket
# Usage:
# PushTo-S3 -SourcePath [Path] -AwsAccessKey [KEY] -AwsSecretKey [SECRET] -AwsRegion [REGION] -S3BucketName [BUCKET]
# Example:
# ./PushTo-S3 -SourcePath "./dist" -AwsAccessKey "KEY" -AwsSecretKey "SECRET" -AwsRegion "REGION" -S3BucketName "BUCKET"
function LoadAwsModule() {
try {
Write-Output "Attempting To Load AWSPowerShell Module ..."
Import-Module AWSPowerShell -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {}
try {
Write-Output "Trying To Load AWSPowerShell.NetCore Module ..."
Import-Module AWSPowerShell.NetCore -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {}
try {
$modulePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\PowerShell\AWSPowerShell\AWSPowerShell.psd1"
Write-Output "Trying to Load AWSPowerShell Module: $modulePath"
Import-Module $modulePath
Write-Output "Found AWSPowerShell Module: $modulePath"
} catch {}
throw "AWS PowerShell not found! Please make sure to install them from"
function PushToS3($path)
# Additional s3 params
$params = @{}
$params.add("CannedACLName", "public-read")
# Log info
Write-Output "Pushing to '$path' S3 -> '$s3bucketName'"
# Gets all files and child folders within the given directory
foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem $path) {
# Checks if the item is a folder
if ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
Write-Output $item.FullName
# Inserts all files within a folder to AWS
Write-S3Object -AccessKey $awsAccessKey -SecretKey $awsSecretKey -Region $awsRegion -BucketName $s3bucketName -KeyPrefix $item.Name -Folder $item.FullName -Recurse @params
} else {
# Inserts file to AWS
Write-S3Object -AccessKey $awsAccessKey -SecretKey $awsSecretKey -Region $awsRegion -BucketName $s3bucketName -Key $item.Name -File $item.FullName @params
# Load the AWS PowerShell module
# Push to S3
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