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/r/computertechs automod config
# This is the AM config page for r/ComputerTechs. Please do not make any changes without mod approval. - /u/Deeperkyo
# Report a submission that has help in the title.
type: submission
title: ["help", "why", "isn't", "wrong", "assistance", "problem", "issue", "fixable"]
action: report
moderators_exempt: true
action_reason: Item was reported for having a common r/Techsupport word in the title.
modmail: |
The above item was reported for having a common r/Techsupport word in the title. Please look at this submission.
If you are an end user posting with a computer or technology related question, please submit your post to [r/Techsupport]( or [r/24hoursupport]( as [r/ComputerTechs]( is for tech-to-tech discussion.
Please feel free to post inside other submissions already made in [r/ComputerTechs](
# Remove any submission with 3 reports
reports: 3
action: remove
action_reason: The item was removed for having 3+ reports.
modmail: The item was removed for having 3+ reports.
# Remove post of any user whose account has less than 10 comment karma, or is less than 30 days old.
type: submission
comment_karma: < 20
account_age: < 30 days
satisfy_any_threshold: false
action: remove
action_reason: User did not satisfy submission requirements.
# modmail: User's submission was removed because they did not meet the posting requirements. User was sent r/Techsupport message.
message: |
Your submission has been removed because you have less than 20 comment karma, or your account is less than 30 days old. You will be able to post submissions once you satisfy one of these requirements.
If you are an end user posting with a computer or technology related question, please submit your post to [r/Techsupport]( or [r/24hoursupport]( as [r/ComputerTechs]( is for tech-to-tech discussion.
Please feel free to post inside other submissions already made in [r/ComputerTechs](
#Removes weekly End User Questions post.
type: submission
moderators_exempt: false
title: "Clear Weekly Post"
action: remove
# Remove any any posts with non-english titles. This allows greek letters
~title (regex, full-exact): >-
[a-zA-Z0-9 \µ\°\”\“\™\®\²\³\^\´\`\§\!\,\.\–\~\\\|\@\#\$\€\£\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\\+\-\=\{\}\;\'\:\"\/\<\>?\[\]αβψδεφγηιξκλμνοπρστθωςχυζΑΒΨΔΕΦΓΗΙΞΚΛΜΝΟΠΡΣΤΘΩΧΥΖ]+
action: spam
# no empty self posts
type: text submission
body_shorter_than: 1
action: remove
# no throwaway accounts
account_age: "< 1 days"
action: remove
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