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Last active December 29, 2015 00:38
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Clojure Learning Resources

Getting Started Guide

4clojure - resource to help fledgling clojurians learn the language through interactive problems

  • Follow some of the top peoples on 4clojure. You can then see their solution after you've solved it. This helps find new fns and more idiomatic ways of solving functional problems.

ClojureDocs - community-powered documentation and examples repository

Clojure Guides - documentation and examples from the Clojure Documentation Team

Clojure Koans - exercises meant to initiate you to the language

Clojure Cheatsheet

Himera - web-based REPL


  • Leiningen
  • Best way to install Clojure: brew install leiningen
  • it's like bundler for Clojure, but it's more than that
  • when it fetches a dependency for you generally it's downloading a jar file from somewhere
  • To play around with Clojure run lein repl or lein help.


  • EDN - Extensible Data Notation

    • JSON-like
  • labrepl - is an environment for exploring the Clojure language.

  • It includes:

  • a web application that presents a set of lab exercises with step-by-step instructions

  • an interactive repl for working with the lab exercises

  • solutions with passing tests

  • up-to-date versions of Clojure, contrib, incanter, compojure and a bunch of other libraries to explore

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