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Andrey Skladchikov andrey-skl

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andrey-skl / overrides.json
Created October 5, 2018 10:48
Ring UI Darkula CSS values
"--ring-line-color": "#3e4d59",
"--ring-borders-color": "#7a8b99",
"--ring-pale-control-color": "var(--ring-borders-color)",
"--ring-popup-border-components": "150, 150, 150",
"--ring-link-color": "#70b1e6",
"--ring-error-color": "#db5860",
"--ring-text-color": "#ddd",
"--ring-heading-color": "#ddd",
"--ring-secondary-color": "#aaa",
(function setTheme() {
let properties = {
'--ring-line-color': '#263b4c',
'--ring-dark-line-color': '#263b4c',
'--ring-borders-color': '#b8d1e5',
'--ring-icon-color': 'var(--ring-borders-color)',
'--ring-border-disabled-color': '#dbdbdb',
'--ring-icon-disabled-color': 'var(--ring-border-disabled-color)',
'--ring-border-hover-color': '#80c6ff',
'--ring-icon-hover-color': 'var(--ring-border-hover-color)',
andrey-skl / request.kt
Created June 21, 2018 21:45
KotlinJS Fetch with coroutines
package app
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.await
import org.w3c.fetch.*
import kotlin.browser.window
import kotlin.js.json
class FetchError(message: String, status: Number, response: dynamic) : Error(message)
suspend fun makeError(res: Response): FetchError {
andrey-skl /
Last active September 14, 2017 08:55
GitHub User Widget for JetBrains Hub

This example uses ECMAScript 2016 features, so it will work in modern browsers only


  1. NodeJS and NPM are required
  2. Install http-server npm i http-server -g
  3. Run it in example folder http-server . --cors -c-1 -p 9033
  4. If you have Hub running over HTTPS, you need to host your widget over HTTPS as well. should help.
  5. Open widgets playground (/dashboard/widgets-playground) and enter your devserver address.
andrey-skl / clean-dashboards.js
Created March 20, 2017 09:17
JetBrains Hub dashboards cleaning snippet
Run this script in Chrome > 50. See guide here
Backup your dashboards before running it.
Script provided "as is", there is no warranty that it won't remove wrong dashboard.
(function() {
Leave empty if Hub is hosted on the same URL and does not have context. (e.q. standalone Hub)
Fill with '/hub/' if running on youtrack cloud instance.
andrey-skl / angular-arrows-to-fns.js
Last active December 14, 2016 18:30
Converts arrow functions, mistakely used for controllers, factories and services, to normal function expressions. Example usage
//Usage: jscodeshift -t angular-arrows-to-fns.js <pathes to files>
var THING_TO_REPLACE = 'controller';
module.exports = (file, api, options) => {
const j = api.jscodeshift;
const root = j(file.source);
return root
andrey-skl / Functional.js
Last active December 2, 2016 13:30
Alerts example
import Alert from 'alert';
{ => {
<Alert key={alert.key} onClose={() => ...remove alert from store}>{alert}</Alert>
andrey-skl / AppDelegate.m
Created November 16, 2016 14:36
How to enable logging in production build of React Native app
#import "RCTLog.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
andrey-skl /
Last active May 19, 2016 17:51
Setting of my atom editor
# Your init script
# Atom will evaluate this file each time a new window is opened. It is run
# after packages are loaded/activated and after the previous editor state
# has been restored.
# An example hack to make opened Markdown files always be soft wrapped:
# path = require 'path'
andrey-skl /
Last active October 9, 2019 13:42
How to compile and run react-native application from terminal

To run on ios:

  1. Install XCode (recommended) or XCode command line tools by xcode-select --install
  2. Into XCode settings, go to "Downloads" tab and download iOS 9.2 emulator
  3. Compile native app and run it on simulator via npm run ios

To run on Android:

  1. Set up Android environment
  2. Create emulator via npm run android-emulator-create
  3. Run emulator via npm run android-emulator
  4. Compile native code and run it on emulator via npm run android