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Created July 1, 2024 19:44
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Batch script to automate creation of Git release branch, merge features, and copy push command to clipboard.
@echo off
chcp 65001 > nul
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: Fetching latest changes from remote repository
git fetch --all
:: Finding the latest release branch number
set latestReleaseNumber=0
for /f "tokens=2 delims=-" %%j in ('git branch -r --list "origin/release-*"') do (
set releaseNumber=%%j
set releaseNumber=!releaseNumber:~0,1!
if !releaseNumber! gtr !latestReleaseNumber! (
set latestReleaseNumber=!releaseNumber!
set /a newReleaseNumber=latestReleaseNumber+1
set newReleaseBranch=release-%newReleaseNumber%
:: Checking existence of release branch
git rev-parse --verify --quiet origin/%newReleaseBranch%
if not errorlevel 1 (
echo Release branch %newReleaseBranch% already exists in the remote repository.
exit /b 1
:: Switching to master branch and pulling latest changes
git switch master
git pull origin master
:: Creating new release branch
git switch -c %newReleaseBranch%
:: Interactive part for merging feature branches into release branch
set "featureBranch="
set /p featureBranch="Enter the name of the feature branch to merge (leave empty to finish): "
if "%featureBranch%"=="" goto endMerge
:: Checking if the entered branch name is purely numeric
set "isNumeric=true"
for /f "delims=0123456789" %%i in ("%featureBranch%") do set "isNumeric=false"
if "%isNumeric%"=="true" (
set featureBranch=task-%featureBranch%
:: Checking if the branch exists in the remote repository
git rev-parse --verify --quiet origin/%featureBranch%
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Branch %featureBranch% does not exist in the remote repository. Please try again.
goto askBranch
:: Switching to feature branch, pulling latest changes and merging into release branch
git switch %featureBranch%
git pull origin %featureBranch%
git switch %newReleaseBranch%
git merge --no-ff %featureBranch%
:: Returning to prompt for input of next branches
goto askBranch
echo All specified branches have been merged into %newReleaseBranch%.
:: git push origin %newReleaseBranch%
:: Copying push command to clipboard
echo git push origin %newReleaseBranch% | clip
echo Release branch %newReleaseBranch% has been created, but not yet pushed. The push command has been copied to the clipboard.
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