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Created May 17, 2012 20:58
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from peg import *
from collections import namedtuple
Select = namedtuple("Select",
["select_list", "from_clause", "where_clause", "offset_clause", "limit_clause"])
From = namedtuple("From", ["table", "joins"])
_Ref = namedtuple("Ref", ["parts"])
Join = namedtuple("Join", ["table", "condition"])
AllColumns = namedtuple("AllColumns", [])
UsingJoinCond = namedtuple("UsingJoinCond", ["columns"])
OnJoinCond = namedtuple("OnJoinCond", ["condition"])
Where = namedtuple("Where", ["condition"])
Offset = namedtuple("Offset", ["n"])
Limit = namedtuple("Limit", ["n"])
BinOp = namedtuple("BinOp", ["left", "op", "right"])
Null = namedtuple("Null", [])
class Ref(_Ref):
def __str__(self):
return "Ref(%s)" % ".".join(
__repr__ = __str__
ws = pat("\s+")
ows = pat("\s*")
gbracketed = lambda l, r: lambda p: seq(l, p, r) > (lambda (_l, r, _r): r)
bracketed = gbracketed(item('('), item(')'))
wspaced = gbracketed(ws, ws)
o = lambda p: opt(seq(ws, p)) > (lambda (_ws, p): p)
sep = lambda p, s: seq(
rep(seq(s, p)) > (lambda ls: [y for x, y in ls])
) > (lambda (l, ls): [l] + ls)
wsep = lambda p, s: seq(
rep(seq(ows, s, ows, p)) > (lambda ls: [y for _, x, _, y in ls])
) > (lambda (l, ls): [l] + ls)
comma = item(',')
dot = item('.')
star = item('*') > (lambda x: AllColumns())
id = pat("[a-zA-Z_]+")
num = pat("[0-9]+") > int
null = pat("null") > (lambda x: Null())
literal = num | null
idref = sep(id, dot) > Ref
id_list = wsep(id, comma) > (lambda ids: map(Ref, ids))
makebin_ = lambda l, ls: reduce(lambda a, (op, b): BinOp(a, op, b), ls, l)
makebin = lambda (l, ls): l if not ls else makebin_(l, ls)
gbinop = lambda arg, op: seq(arg, rep(seq(wspaced(op), arg))) > makebin
expr = ref()
expr0 = idref | literal | bracketed(expr)
expr1 = gbinop(expr0, oneof("*/%"))
expr2 = gbinop(expr1, oneof("+-"))
expr3 = gbinop(expr2, pat("is"))
expr4 = gbinop(expr3, pat("like") | pat("ilike"))
expr5 = gbinop(expr4, oneof("<>"))
expr6 = gbinop(expr5, item("="))
expr7 = gbinop(expr6, pat("and"))
expr8 = gbinop(expr7, pat("or"))
where_clause = seq(pat("where"), ws, expr) > (lambda (_kw, _ws, c): Where(c))
offset_clause = seq(pat("offset"), ws, num) > (lambda (_kw, _ws, n): Offset(n))
limit_clause = seq(pat("limit"), ws, num) > (lambda (_kw, _ws, n): Limit(n))
select_elem = star | idref
select_list = wsep(select_elem, comma)
join_cond_using = seq(pat("using"), ows, bracketed(id_list)) > (lambda (_kw, _ws, r): UsingJoinCond(r))
join_cond_on = seq(pat("on"), ws, expr) > (lambda (_kw, _ws, c): OnJoinCond(c))
join_cond = join_cond_using | join_cond_on
join_clause = seq(pat("join"), ws, idref, ws, join_cond) > (lambda (_kw, _ws, t, _ws2, cond):Join(t, cond))
join_list = sep(join_clause, ws)
from_list = sep(idref, comma)
from_clause = seq(pat("from"), ws, from_list, o(join_list)) > (lambda (_kw, _ws, t, j): From(t, j))
select_stmt = seq(
pat("select"), ws,
)) > (lambda (_kw, _ws, sl, fw): (
Select(sl, None, None, None, None) if not fw
else Select(sl, fw[0], fw[1], fw[2], fw[3])))
stmt = select_stmt
tests = [
'select a',
'select a',
'select a,v',
'select *',
'select *,a.b.c',
'select a from a',
'select a from a join b using(a, b) join c on d and c and (f or e)',
'select a from a join b on 1 > a and 2 = c',
'select a from a where a.c = 2',
'select a from a join b on a.c = b.d where a.c = 2',
'select a from a limit 10',
'select a from a offset 10',
'select a from a offset 10 limit 20',
for test in tests:
print test
print stmt.parse(test)
select a
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=None, where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select a
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=None, where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select a,v
Select(select_list=[Ref(a), Ref(v)], from_clause=None, where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select *
Select(select_list=[AllColumns()], from_clause=None, where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select *,a.b.c
Select(select_list=[AllColumns(), Ref(a.b.c)], from_clause=None, where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select a from a
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=From(table=[Ref(a)], joins=None), where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select a from a join b using(a, b) join c on d and c and (f or e)
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=From(table=[Ref(a)], joins=[Join(table=Ref(b), condition=UsingJoinCond(columns=[Ref(a), Ref(b)])), Join(table=Ref(c), condition=OnJoinCond(condition=BinOp(left=BinOp(left=Ref(d), op='and', right=Ref(c)), op='and', right=BinOp(left=Ref(f), op='or', right=Ref(e)))))]), where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select a from a join b on 1 > a and 2 = c
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=From(table=[Ref(a)], joins=[Join(table=Ref(b), condition=OnJoinCond(condition=BinOp(left=BinOp(left=1, op='>', right=Ref(a)), op='and', right=BinOp(left=2, op='=', right=Ref(c)))))]), where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select a from a where a.c = 2
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=From(table=[Ref(a)], joins=None), where_clause=Where(condition=BinOp(left=Ref(a.c), op='=', right=2)), offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select a from a join b on a.c = b.d where a.c = 2
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=From(table=[Ref(a)], joins=[Join(table=Ref(b), condition=OnJoinCond(condition=BinOp(left=Ref(a.c), op='=', right=Ref(b.d))))]), where_clause=Where(condition=BinOp(left=Ref(a.c), op='=', right=2)), offset_clause=None, limit_clause=None)
select a from a limit 10
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=From(table=[Ref(a)], joins=None), where_clause=None, offset_clause=None, limit_clause=Limit(n=10))
select a from a offset 10
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=From(table=[Ref(a)], joins=None), where_clause=None, offset_clause=Offset(n=10), limit_clause=None)
select a from a offset 10 limit 20
Select(select_list=[Ref(a)], from_clause=From(table=[Ref(a)], joins=None), where_clause=None, offset_clause=Offset(n=10), limit_clause=Limit(n=20))
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